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Presented by

Judi Ann Reyes

Judy Ann Reyes
What is research?
 “ A studious inquiry or examination, especially a
critical investigation or experimentation having for its
aim the discovery of new facts and their correct
interpretation, the revision of accepted conclutions,
theories, or laws in the light of new discovered facts or
the practical application of such conclusions, theories
or laws.”
What is paradigm?
 A broad framework of perception, understanding,
beliefs within which theories and practices operate. A
network of coherent ideas about the nature of the
world and the functions of researchers which, adhered
to by a group of researchers, conditions their thinking
and underpins their research actions.
Paradigms types
Positivism is something referred to as ‘scientific method’, or
science research is based on the rationalistic empiricist ,
philosophy and reflects a deterministic philosophy in which causes
probably determine effects or outcomes.

Example: Walking helps decrease sugar levels in diabetic

Cause: walking
Effect: Decrease in sugar level in diabetic patients.
Constructivist or Interpretivists

Interpretivists/constructivist approaches to research

have the intention of understanding “ the world of
human experience”

Importance of social interaction in infants.

Pragmatism is not committed to any one system of

philosophy or reality. Pragmatist researchers focus on
the ‘what’ and ‘how’ of the research problem.

Main Components of a

( Ontology, Epistemology,
Epistemology - The branch of philosophy
concerned with the origin, nature, methods
& limits of knowledge’.
 Ontology - ‘concerned with being’ or
Methodology – refers to general principles
which underline how we investigate the
social world and how we demonstrate that
the knowledge generated is valid.

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