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Martin Carlos
5th Leading cause of death
Did you know that strokes are the 5th cause of
death here in the united states? With over
140,000 deaths per year.
What is a Stroke?
A stroke is a “Brain attack”, it can happen to anyone at
anytime. It occurs when the blood flow that goes to an area
of the brain cut off not letting blood go in.
What are the different types of strokes
The different types of strokes are Thrombotic strokes and
Ischemic strokes
● Thrombotic stroke, a thrombotic stroke occurs when a
blood clot (thrombus) forms in one of the arteries that
supply blood to your brain.

● Ischemic strokes, about 80 percent of strokes are

ischemic strokes. Ischemic strokes occur when the
arteries to your brain become narrowed or blocked
causing reduced blood flow.
When to see a doctor
● When you ask them to raise both of their
arms and one drops down.
● When you ask them to smile and one side
drops down.
● When you ask them to talk and they are
talking wrong.
More common among:

● Men
● women using birth control
● people with diabetes
● people with high blood pressure
● people with heart disease
● people who smoke
How to prevent a stroke before it occurs

● Don’t smoke
● Lose weight
● Do exercise
● Don’t drink
● Treat diabetes
● Lower blood pressure
If these 3 things
are happening
call 911 before it’s
too late

F.Face dropping

A.Arm weakness


T.Time to call
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to our presentation

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