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Ideal Qualities of

An Antimicrobial
What is An Antimicrobial Agent?

 Antimicrobial Agent is also known as Antibiotic

 A chemical substance produced by microorganism which has the
capacity to inhibit the growth of bacteria, fungi, viruses, or protozoa.
It has a high chemotherapeutical index to reduce the active
process in organism in a diluted solution .
 Antibiotics = anti-microorganisms = anti-microbes
Classification of Antibiotics

 Based on
 Chemical structures
 The sources
 Mechanism of action
 Spectrum of action/ activity
 Modes of action
Based on Chemical Structures
 Groups of
1. Sulfonamides – sulfamethoxazole, sulfadiazine
2. Penicillin – amoxicillin, ampicillin
3. Cephalosporins – cephalotin, cefazolin
4. Aminoglycosides – streptomycin, neomycin
5. Chloramphenicol – chloramphenicol, tiamphenicol
6. Tetracyclines – chlortetracycline, oxytetracycline
7. Macrolides – erythromycin, spiramycin
8. Polyenes – nystatin, amphotericin B
9. Lincomycin – lincomycin, clindamycin
10. Polymixins – polymixin B, polymixin E
11. Sulfon – dafsone
12. Quinolones – nalidixic acid, norfloxacin
13. Other groups – vancomycin, metronidazole
Based on the Sources

 Antibiotics from
 Microbes
antibiotics from fungi – penicillin from P. notatum
‘ antibiotics from bacteria
from eubacteria – polymyxin from bacillus polymyxa
from micromonosporaceae – gentamyicin from micromonospora purpurea
 Algae – usnat acid
 Higher plants – garlisina from allium sativum
 Animals – eritrina from hemoglobin of cow
Based on Mechanism of Action

1. Inhibition of Cell Wall Synthesis

2. Inhibition of Synthesis of Cytoplasmic Membrane
3. Modification in Synthesis or Metabolism of Nucleic Acids
4. Inhibition of Protein Synthesis
5. Modification in Energy Metabolism
Based on Spectrum of Action

 Broad Spectrum: effective to gram +, gram – bacteria,

mycoplasmas, chlamydiae, rickettsiae, sometimes protozoa
 Narrow Spectrum: effective to gram + or gram negative only
Based on Modes of Action

 1938: N. gonorrhoeae are sensitive to sulfa

 1948: N. gonorrhoeae became resistant, sulfa was no longer used
 N. gonorrhoeae resistant to penicillin
 Staphylococcus resistant to penicillin beta- lactamase enzymes
Characteristics of an Ideal
Antimicrobial Agent
 Solubility in body fluids to be transported in the body and reach the
infectious organisms
 Selective toxicity
 Toxicity is not easily altered
 Nonallergenic
 Stability
 Resistance by microorganisms not easily acquired
 Long shelf-life
 Reasonable cost
Characteristics of an Ideal
Antimicrobial Agent
 Kill or inhibit the growth of pathogens
 Cause no damage to the host
 Remain in specific tissues in the body long enough to be effective
 Kill the pathogens before they mature and become resistant to it
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