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Ethics in Conducting Research

Research in Education
The Department of Education has a goal of providing quality accessible
education for all, making learning its core mandate in accordance to its
vision, to wit:

“We dream of Filipinos who passionately love their country and

whose values and competencies enable them to realize their full
potential and contribute meaningfully to building the nation.

As a learner-centered public institution, the Department of

Education continuously improves itself to better serve its
Research in Education
In order to conduct research producing sound and valid results and
information, researchers should take into account ethical standards and

Integrity is one of the principles the Department of Education

adheres in the conduct of basic research.14
not exposed
to unusual
Accuracy risk Honesty

Absence Ethical
of harm Integrity Standards

about the
purpose Consent
of the study
Basic Principles in Ethics
Basic Principles in Ethics 16

Respect for Autonomy

• Respecting other people’s decisions concerning their own lives
• Also called the principle of human dignity
• Not interfering with the decisions of competent adults and
empowering those for whom we’re responsible


• Bringing about good in all our undertakings

• Promoting well-being
Basic Principles in Ethics 16


• Obligation of not doing harm

• Providing others with whatever they are owed or deserve
•Treating people equally, fairly and impartially
Code of Ethics in Research
Code of Ethics in Research 1
The Principle of Integrity and Honesty

A. Competence in the conduct of research

• Refrain from accepting or undertaking research assignments
requiring competencies that we do not have, unless
collaborating with or being supervised by a more
knowledgeable scholar

B. Accuracy of research data and reports

• Only the correct data, information and research results shall be
• Clarify misconceptions and report general findings to the
• Take reasonable steps to rectify significant errors
• Avoid misleading statements or declarations and vague
Code of Ethics in Research 1
The Principle of Integrity and Honesty

C. Acknowledgement of sources of data/information or

other contribution
• No to Plagiarism
• Cite clearly all sources of information
• Grant and limit authorship to those who made a significant
contribution to the research

D. Openness and responsibility in the conduct and presentation of

• Keep detailed and complete records
• Be transparent in the use and disbursement of resources
• Declare promptly any conflict of interest
• Ensuring that research results are accessible to the public
• Respect confidentiality
Code of Ethics in Research 1

The Principle of Justice and Fairness

A. Extension of due regard and collegiality towards fellow
• Render respect
• Provide assistance
• Respect confidentiality and proprietary rights
• Take diligent care of equipment, material resources and results

B. Credit of others’ contribution, resources and materials

utilized in research
C. Recognition of intellectual property rights
• Distribute fairly the legal ownership
Code of Ethics in Research 1

The Principles of Safety and Beneficence

A. Responsible dissemination of scientific knowledge to the public

• Informing the authorities and the public of any hazard that we
observe that threatens human and environmental safety
• Informing the community of scientific knowledge that presents
unequivocal and significant risk or benefit to human welfare
• Avoid misleading or exaggerated statements
B. Safe and responsible conduct of research
• Observe safety practices
• Avoid deliberate violation of regulations governing research
• Point out to our clients potential dangers or threats to their
Non-harmful Procedures11
• Research procedures should not harm the child either physically or
• Use the least stressful procedure whenever possible
Code of Ethics in Research 1

The Principles of Safety and Beneficence

C. Promotion of the interests of the community

• To the extent that is applicable or possible, conduct research
that serves the needs and promotes the best interests; and
seek the involvement of the community.
• Mindful of the social, political and human implications
Code of Ethics in Research 1
The Principle of Respect for Human Rights and Dignity

A. Extension of equal treatment and respect towards research

participants and consumers
• Respect cultural, individual and role differences among research
participants and consumers
• Eliminate any biases

B. Humane and respectful treatment of human participants in research

• Stop subjecting persons to any research procedure that is known
beforehand to cause harm or stress
• Use deception when only justified of its value and where effective
nondeceptive alternative procedures are not possible
• Alleviating any physical or psychological harm that may have
been inflicted on a participant
• Give participants the opportunity to obtain information about the
Code of Ethics in Research 1
The Principle of Respect for Human Rights and Dignity

C. Guarding participant’s confidentiality and autonomy rights

• Protecting their right to privacy and confidentiality
• Informed Consent
• Maintain the autonomy of participants by refraining from offering
inducements that may coerce them into participating.
• Safeguard the rights and welfare of persons whose status and
vulnerabilities may impair their autonomous decision-making.
Code of Ethics in Research 1
The Principle of Respect for Human Rights and Dignity

• Identity concealed in written and verbal reports of the results and informal
• If personal information is disclosed, we expect this information to be treated

• “Anonymity of the information should be preserved and no information used
other than that for which permission was obtained.”
Code of Ethics in Research 1
The Principle of Respect for Human Rights and Dignity

Three Components of Informed Consent11:

-Inform the child of all features of the research
-Answer the child’s questions in terms appropriate to the child’s comprehension
-Respect the child’s freedom to choose to participate

Parental & Additional Consent11:

• Parents or other responsible adults should be informed of all the features of
research; preferably in writing
• The informed consent of any persons persons whose interaction with the child is
the subject of the study should also be obtained.
Ethical Research Involving Children
Key Considerations in
Research Involving Children
Key Considerations in
Research Involving Children
The most important principle to remember when dealing with children
in research is to always put their best interests into primary
consideration in accordance with Article 3 of the United Nations
Convention on the Rights of Child.

We cannot always use the strategies to gather information from adults

to children research without additional safeguards. Extra precautions
are needed to protect children since they are vulnerable to
exploitation, abuse and other harmful outcomes.10
Key Considerations in
Research Involving Children 10
1. Basic Ethical Principles

• Strict observance of ethical principles is highly important in children

research because of the difference in power between the participant
and investigator.
o The difference in power make the child or adolescent vulnerable
to exploitation.
o Persons with diminished capacity needs additional protections.
o We should minimize harm and maximize possible benefits.
(Schenk & Williamson, 2005)
Key Considerations in
Research Involving Children 10
2. Children’s Participation
• Children should be given an opportunity to express their views and
opinions about activities that affect their welfare since these provide
valuable perspective that should be respected and addressed in an
age-appropriate way.
• They provide crucial information on their needs and experiences which
help improve methods in gathering information and enhancing the
validity of findings.
• It would be unethical to prevent children from participating in
decision-making about things that directly affect their lives.
Key Considerations in
Research Involving Children 10
3. Legal and Professional Requirements

• Ensuring that local, national and international legal regulations and

accepted ethical standards are met.

4. Culture and Gender Considerations

• Researchers should consult with experts or local advisors about the

cultural norms to ensure that the activities done is culturally acceptable.
• Gender-sensitive perspective should inform the planning,
implementation and analysis of activities.
• Role of gender inequality and power imbalance in the ability of boys
and girls to participate and the risks that they face should be well
Key Considerations in
Research Involving Children 10
5. Considerations for especially vulnerable children

• Children who are in vulnerable situations should have additional

safeguards to protect their welfare. (ex. orphaned, separated and
unaccompanied children)
Ethical Issues and
Challenges in Research8
• Informed/Participatory Consent
o How much information should be disclosed?
o How should it be communicated?
o How does one assure comprehension?
o How much does a reasonable person want to know?
o Who is the community? Who shall consent for the group?
• Consent for future research
o Can a research participant give consent for future use of data
when the purpose of the future research is not known?
• Risk/Benefit Assessment
o There is rarely an objective metric to make an assessment
• Compensation
o When conducting research with children, with decisionally
impaired adults, or with a community,who should be

(Kelty, n.d.)
It is highly important that we abide to ethical principles and standards.
Since research will be in aid of policymaking, decision-making,
implementing programs and projects, thus, directing our way towards
progress, we need to ensure that they are sound and valid by abiding
to the prescribed ethical principles. Ethical researchers should not
only keep in mind producing excellent research, but also taking into
account the basic principles of ethics to protect its participants and
stakeholders - beneficence, non-maleficence, justice, and respect for

1Ateneo De Manila University,. Code Of Ethics In Research. 1st ed. Quezon City:
N.p., 2007. Print.
2Cook-Sather, Alison. Authorizing Students' Perspectives: Toward Trust,
Dialogue, And Change In Education. 1st ed. Educational Researcher, 2002. Print.
3European Commission,. Ethics For Researchers. Luxembourg: European Union,
2013. Print.
4Harcourt, Deborah and Heather Conroy. "Informed Assent: Ethics And
Processes When Researching With Young Children". Early Child Development
and Care 175.6 (2005): n. pag. Print.
5Harcourt, Deborah and Heather Conroy. "Informed Agreement To Participate:
Beginning The Partnership With Children In Research". Early Childhood
Development and Care 179.2 (2009): n. pag. Print.
6Harcourt, Deborah and Heather Conroy. “Informed consent: Processes and
procedures seeking research partnerships with young children". (2011) In D.
Harcourt, B. Perry and T. Waller (eds.) Researching young children’s
perspectives: The ethics and dilemmas of educational research with children.
London: Routledge
7Harcourt, Deborah and Jonathon Sargeant. "The Challenges Of Conducting
Ethical Research With Children". Education Inquiry 2.3 (2011): n. pag. Print.

Images used:
Antedote,. 9 TIPS WHEN DOING RESEARCH WITH KIDS. 2015. Web. 21
Nov. 2016.
Entwellbeing,. Voice Theraphy For Children. 2016. Web. 21 Nov. 2016.
Rice University News & Media,. Ethics Of Research Not So Black And
White. 2016. Web. 21 Nov. 2016.

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