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Staying Healthy and Active

 Personalwellness is achieving
an improved quality of life,
ensuring personal growth, and
maximizing one’s potentials.
 Social health – the ability to interact well
with other people;
 Mental health – the ability to learn, think,
and grow intellectually;
 Emotional health – the ability to
appropriately express and control
emotions; and
 Spiritual health – the ability to put into
action one’s faith, beliefs, and values.
 Fitness is the state of being
physically healthy and strong. It
also means a healthy body and
 The principles of fitness testing
are specificity, reliability, and
 Health-related components focus
on the general physical well-
being or overall health status of a
 Skill-related components are
needed in training potential
athletes and to help improve their
skills in different sports.
 Body Composition
 Cardiovascular Endurance
 Flexibility
 Muscular Endurance
 Muscular Strength
Itrefers to the
percentage of body fat
as compared to lean
body mass.
of the body to
produce and distribute
enough oxygen during
Itrefers to the range
of movements that the
joints are able to do.
Theability of a muscle
or group of muscles to
exert force to
overcome a resistance.
Theability of a muscle
or group of muscles to
work or contract
continuously over an
extended period.
 Agility
 Balance
 Coordination
 Power
 Reaction Time/Alertness
 Speed
Theability to change
directions and
positions quickly.
Keeps the body in
upright position while
stationary or while
Usingthe senses and
body parts together to
execute a movement.
Combination of the
strength and speed.
How fast the brain
reacts to stimulus and
initiates a response
from a part of the
Theability of the body
or parts of the body to
move quickly.

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