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Lesson 2
Three Theories on the
Origin of Man

This theory holds that man is the

accidental and random product of
a blind and nonpersonal series of
chemical and biological events.
Simply defined, evolution is that
process by which all living organisms
have developed from the simple to
the more complex forms.
This teaches that there is one God,
the Creator of matter, who chose the
method of evolution to bring all
things including man into their
present state of existence.
Some arguments against this view:
1. Genesis teaches that life began on dry land,
while evolution says it began on some remote
sea bottom.
2. Genesis declares that birds existed before
insects, while evolution reverses this order.
3. Genesis states that birds and fishes were
created at the same time, but evolution
says fishes evolved hundreds of millions
of years before birds developed.
4.Genesis says that Adam was made from
the dust of the ground into the image of
God, while evolution claims Adam
descended from a sub-ape creature.
5. Genesis records woman’s coming from
man’s side, while evolution teaches both
man and woman developed
• Three Hebrew words are used in Genesis chapters one and two to
describe Man’s creation:
1. bara – defined as meaning “the production or effectuation of something
new, rare, and wonderful,”

2. asah - meaning “to form, to construct, to prepare, to build,” and

3. yatzar - meaning “to form or shape” (as a potter forming vessels).
In Genesis 1:26, the Triune God says, “Let us
MAKE man” (asah);
In Genesis 1:27, we read, “So God CREATED
man” (bara);
Genesis 2:7, states, “And the Lord God FORMED
man” (Yatzar).
The idea in 1:26 (asah) is that God constructed
Man in conformity with His own image; in 1:27
(bara), He created Man as something new and
wonderful in His purpose; and in 2:7 (Yatzar),
He formed and shaped Man from the earth as a
potter forms a vessel of clay.
The “dust of the ground” (2:7) identifies Man
with the scene of his fall and his redemption;
the breath of God identifies his origin with
his Maker and his intended heavenly destiny,
Man is of the earth, but he is intended for
fellowship with God.

Read: Genesis 1:26-31, and answer

intelligently the question: What do you think
is the image of God in man? AND be
prepared to answer some related questions
from the instructor.

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