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Members :
Aditya Putra N.
Haris Putra R.
Megi Fitriyanto
M. Fachri Saragih
Qory Amanah P.
Independent Clauses

 Clauses ALWAYS have subjects and verbs

 Clauses are categorized into 2 groups:
 Independent
 Dependent
 The independent clause can stand alone as a c
omplete sentence or thought (not a fragment)
 The dependent clause CANNOT stand alone; it
has a subject and verb, but is a fragment and D
EPENDS on a main clause to make sense
Or if that didn’t make sense to you, try this
 The independent clause can be thought of
as a parent.
 Whereas the dependent (subordinate) clau
ses can be thought of as the children.
 Hence, the children depend on the parents’
approval to do
A related group of words with a subjec
t and predicate is called a clause.
A complex sentence contains an indep
endent and dependent clause.
Independent clause

Native Americans lived on the island unt

il they were attacked.

Dependent clause
Here’s a trick!

 You can check to see if a clauses is indepen

dent or dependent by using this following tric
 At the beginning of the clause in question, a
dd “It is possible that”

 How do I punctuate two independent claus

es that are closely related?

 USE A SEMICOLON! Or a period

Independent Clause:

 I need new school clothes. I will go to the m

 Because these sentences (independent cla
uses) are closely related, they can be joine
d with a semi-colon:
Sub verb sub verb verb

 I need new clothes ; I will go to the mall.

independent clause independent clause
If you start a sentence with a dependent cla
use, use a comma before the independent c
Because I don’t have a car, I can’t go
off campus for lunch today.
 ***If the dependent clause appears after t
he independent clause, you don’t need an
y punctuation! Whoo hoo!
I can’t go off campus today for lunch
because I don’t have a car.
 Whenever you begin a sentence with a subordin
ating conjunction, use a comma.
sub verb sub verb
 My cell phone rang in class. I answered it.
independent clause independent clause

 Because my cell phone rang in class , I answered it.

dependent clause independent clause

 Last week’s sentence structure works here as well: My cell phone ra

ng in class; I answered it.
 Either way, rather than write two boring sentences punctuated with a
period, you can now choose two different ways to write this sentenc
e more effectively by using a more complex structure.
Tools you need to remember:
It’s possible that…
 Example:
 Grew up in Palm Desert
 I am your 10th grade student this year at L
 Also to see what your personality was
 For example running, playing, jumping.

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