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Third stage of labor: events &

Prophylaxis of PPH
Dr. Renu Singh
• Physiological process
• The products of conception passed form uterus to
outside world
• Normal labour: spontaneous in onset, at term, vertex
presentation, natural termination without any
complications affecting health of mother &/or
• Three stages of labor
Stages of labour
• First stage : onset of true labour pains to full
dilatation of cervix
• Second stage: full dilatation of cervix to
expulsion of fetus from birth canal
• Third stage: after expulsion of fetus to
expulsion of placenta & membranes
Third stage: events
• After expulsion of fetus to expulsion of
placenta & membranes (afterbirths)
• Duration :15 min.(primigravida multigravida)
• AMTSL:5 minutes

• Placental separation
• Placental expulsion
Placental separation
• Sudden diminution in uterine size following
delivery of fetus
• Limited placental elasticity
• Creates disproportion between two
• Placenta buckles : placental separation
• Spongy layer of decidua basalis
• 2 ways : central, marginal separation
Methods of placental separation

Central ( Schultze) separation

Marginal (Mathews Duncan) separation

Expulsion of placenta
• Contraction & retraction of Upper Uterine
• Placenta forced to lie in LUS/upper vagina
• Voluntary contraction of abdominal muscles
• Expulsion of placenta
Mechanisms to control bleeding

1. Effective retraction of
uterine muscles :
Living ligatures

2. Thrombosis of torn

3. Myotamponade:
apposition of walls of
the uterus
Management of third stage
• Most crucial stage
• Strict vigilance
• Follow protocols

• Expectant management
• Active management
Expectant management
• Look for 3 classic signs of placental separation
– Lengthening of U. cord
– A gush of blood from vagina signifying separation
of placenta from uterine wall
– Change in shape of uterine fundus from discoid to
globular with elevation of fundal height
• Spontaneous/Controlled cord traction (CCT)
• Expulsion of placenta :20 minutes
Expectant management
• Massage the uterus
• Intramuscular Oxytocin : 10 IU
• Examination of placenta ,membranes, cord
• Inspect vulva, vagina & perineum

• Modified Brandt Andrews method

• Left hand: palmar surface of fingers placed above
pubic symphysis. Body of uterus pushed upwards
& backwards
• Right hand: cord traction in downward &
backward direction
• Uterus feels hard, contracted
Examination of placenta ,membranes
Examination of membranes, cord
Active management
• AMTSL: Active Management of Third Stage of Labour
– Prophylactic uterotonic after delivery of baby
( Oxytocin 10 IU ,IM)
– cord clamping, cutting & Controlled cord traction
of U cord
– Uterine massage
• Excites powerful uterine contractions ,aid in early
placental separation, minimises blood loss &
duration of third stage (5 min.)
Third stage
• Most crucial
• Life threatening complications

• PPH(postpartum haemorrhage)
• Retained placenta
• Inversion of uterus
• Pulmonary embolism
Prophylaxis of PPH
PPH: hard facts
• Globally in 10-11% women having live births
• Duration between onset of massive bleeding
& death: 2 hours
• 14 million women worldwide
• 1.4 million women die annually

• India : 15-25% of maternal deaths due to PPH

stage Approximate Volume Signs & symptoms
blood loss(%)
0 <500 <10 none
1 500-1000 15 None/minimal
2 1000-1500 20-25 ↓ urine output,↑ PR,↑ RR,
postural hypotension,
narrow pulse pressure
3 1500-2000 30-35 Hypotension, tachycardia,
cold clammy extremities
4 >2000 >40 Profound shock
• Primary PPH
– Haemorrhage <24 hrs of birth
• Secondary PPH
– Haemorrhage >24 hrs till 6 weeks of birth
• Primary PPH: 4T’s
– Tone
– Trauma
– Tissue
– Thrombosis
Primary PPH:causes
PPH : risk factors
Prophylaxis of PPH
• Improvement of health status of mother(Hb>11gm%)
• Identify high risk women
• Plan for institutional delivery /SBA
• Strict vigilance of all women in 3rd stage labor
• Practice AMTSL in all
• Examination of afterbirths ,should be a routine
• Explore Uterovaginal canal following difficult/
instrumental, destructive delivery
WHO guidelines
WHO guidelines
WHO guidelines
WHO guidelines
• Give uterotonics routinely during 3rd stage labor, in
all births
• Oxytocin 10 IU IM is drug of choice
• Use other uterotonics only when Oxytocin is not
• Late cord clamping( 1-3 min after birth) is
• Early cord clamping (<1min of birth): not
recommended until the neonate is asphyxiated &
needs immediate resuscitation
• Labor is said to be normal if all are present
1. At term
2. Breech presentation
3. Spontaneous in onset
4. Healthy mother & neonate after delivery
• Labor is said to be normal if all are present
1. At term
2. Breech presentation
3. Spontaneous in onset
4. Healthy mother & neonate after delivery
• Regarding the third stage of labor, following is
not true:
1. Most crucial stage of labor
2. Duration is 15 minutes
3. Uterine inversion is most common
4. AMTSL is routine in all
• Regarding the third stage of labor, following is
not true:
1. Most crucial stage of labor
2. Duration is 15 minutes
3. Uterine inversion is most common
4. AMTSL is routine in all
• The uterotonic of choice for prophylaxis of
PPH in third stage of labor is
1. Syntometrine
2. Oxytocin
3. Misoprostol
4. carboprost
• The uterotonic of choice for prophylaxis of
PPH in third stage of labor is
1. Syntometrine
2. Oxytocin
3. Misoprostol
4. carboprost
• All are true in relation to AMTSL except:
• 10 IU of Oxytocin , IM
• Uterine massage
• Reduces the duration of third stage
• Perform in only high risk cases
• All are true in relation to AMTSL except:
1. 10 IU of Oxytocin , IM
2. Uterine massage
3. Reduces the duration of third stage
4. Perform in only high risk cases
• Complications during third stage of labor are
all except
1. PPH
2. Chronic Uterine inversion
3. Retained placenta
4. Amniotic fluid embolism
• Complications during third stage of labor are
all except
1. PPH
2. Chronic Uterine inversion
3. Retained placenta
4. Amniotic fluid embolism
• The most frequently observed method of
placental separation :
1. Marginal separation
2. Central separation
3. None
4. both
• The most frequently observed method of
placental separation :
1. Marginal separation
2. Central separation
3. None
4. both
• The most important method to control
uterine bleeding following delivery
1. Myotamponade
2. Thrombosis
3. Contraction& retraction of uterine muscle
4. none
• The most important method to control
uterine bleeding following delivery
1. Myotamponade
2. Thrombosis
3. Contraction& retraction of uterine muscle
4. none
• Following are true regarding misoprostol,
1. Low cost
2. Easy storage
3. Administered rectally
4. Drug of choice for AMTSL
• Following are true regarding misoprostol,
1. Low cost
2. Easy storage
3. Administered rectally
4. Drug of choice for AMTSL
• Following is true regarding Oxytocin
1. Given as IV bolus dose
2. Thermolabile
3. Contraindicated in cardiac patient
4. Causes hypertension
• Following is true regarding Oxytocin
1. Given as IV bolus dose
2. Thermolabile
3. Contraindicated in cardiac patient
4. Causes hypertension
• Prevention of PPH, all are true except
1. Treatment of anemia in antenatal period
2. Practice AMTSL in all
3. Home delivery in high risk cases
4. In forceps delivery, explore uterovaginal canal
• Prevention of PPH, all are true except
1. Treatment of anaemia in antenatal period
2. Practice AMTSL in all
3. Home delivery in high risk cases
4. In forceps delivery, explore uterovaginal canal

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