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The Classical theory of management

a) Scientific Management
b) Bureaucratic Management
c) Administrative Management
2. Neo-Classical Theory
a) Human Relations
b) Behavioral Science Approach
3. The Modern Management Theories
a) Quantitative Approach
b) System Approach
c) Contingency Approach
d) Operational Approach
Father of Scientific Management

1) Scientific task setting based on time, motion and

fatigue study.
2) Fitting the “right person for the right job” by
proper selection, training and placement of
3) Improvement in work by
i . Standardization of tools and equipment
ii. Improvement in work environment
4) Employers and employees should not feel that
they are exploiting each other(Mental revolution)
Father of Scientific Management

5) Differential piece rate wage system to

distinguish between efficient and
inefficient workers( Taylor’s Differential
Piece Rate Plan)
6) Intelligent investigation and analysis of the
different unit of the business.
7) Scientific study of each unit of the
8) Separation of the planning and execution
based on specialization.
It is an art of knowing what
exactly you want from your men
to do and then seeing that is
done in the best possible manner.
1.Replacement of old rule of thump
2.Scientific selection and training
3.Labor-Management co-operation(mental
4.Maximum output
5.Equal division of responsibility
1. Scientific task setting-fair day’s work
2. Work study-method, time, fatigue and
motion study
3. Planning the task
4. Standardization
5. Scientific selection and training
6. Differential piece-wage plan
7. Specialization

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