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After leaving your hotel, we start to drive up north along the coast
and our first stop will be the ancient Roman town Caesarea. Here
we will explore the town that was built by King Herods as a port
name after Cesar, and walk through ruins from his time, the
Byzantines, The Arab and the Crusaders.

I know, it could be very confusing, but I will give you a special time
table of the periods in our region to simplify your understanding.

We continue to Haifa to an amazing view from the top of the

Carmel Mountain and right above the Baha’i Gardens and
continue further North to Akko, or Acre as the ti is written in ancient

Akko is a magnificent Full Crusader town with hidden rooms and

tunnels. I truly love this place .

When one travels in town, you can feel the full life of the people
who fought here one thousand years ago in the name of the holy
The mix of Crusaders building mixed with Ottoman building is
fascinating and the local Arab Market completes the special sensation
of sights and smell of fresh sea food.

Our day is not over yet, and we continue further north to the Northern
place on the Israeli map – Rosh Hanikra Grottos where we will see the
story of bridges and wars from the Independence time of Israel and
walk through the Grottos that were formed millions of years ago.

Well.. This was a long day. You are granted a permission to close your
eyes on our way back to Tel Aviv or watch the sunset on your right over
the Mediterranean Sea.

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