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What is Trojans?

A Trojan or Trojan Horse, is a type of malicious code or

software that looks legitimate but can take control of your
computer. A Trojan is designed to damage, distrupt, steal,
or in general inflict some other harmful action on your data
or network.

A Trojan acts like a bona fide application or file to trick

you. It seeks to deceive you into loading and executing
the malware on your device. Once installed, a Trojan can
perform the action it was designed for.
A Trojan is sometimes called a Trojan Virus or a Trojan
Horse Virus, but that’s a misnomer. Viruses can execute
and replicate themselves. A Trojan cannot. A user has to
execute Trojans. Even so, Trojan malware and Trojan virus
are often used interchangeably.

Whether you prefer calling it Trojan malware or Trojan

virus, it’s smart to know how this infiltrator works and what
you can do to keep your devices safe.
Who created Trojan?

This terminology occurred for the first time in a US Air Force

report in 1974 on the analysis of vulnerability in computer
systems. It was made popular by Ken Thompson in his 1983
Turing Award acceptance lecture “Reflections on Trusting
How does multiply and spread?
A Trojan is another type of malware named after the wooden
horse that the Greeks used to infiltrate Troy. It is a harmful piece
of software that looks legitimate. Users are typically tricked into
loading and executing it on their systems. After it is activated, it
can achieve any number of attacks on the host, from irritating
the user (popping up windows or changing desktops) to
damaging the host (deleting files, stealing data, or activating
and spreading other malware, such as viruses). Trojans are also
known to create backdoors to give malicious users access to
the system. Unlike viruses and worms, Trojans do not reproduce
by infecting other files nor do they self-replicate. Trojans must
spread through user interaction such as opening an email
attachment or downloading and running a file from the Internet.
It gives malicious users remote access over the infected computer. They
can do whatever they want such as sending, receiving, launching, and
deleting files , displaying data and rebooting the end point.
It contains data or code that abuses a vulnerability within application
software that’s operating on your endpoint.
These are designed to hide certain objects or avtivities in your system. This
can effectively prevent malicious program being detected.
It’s purpose is to steal your account data for online banking systems, e-
payment systems and credit or debit cards.
This Trojan can start up Denial of Services (DoS) attacks. Not only it can
affect endpoints, but also websites.
Trojan-Downloader can download and install new versions of malicious
programs onto your computer-including Trojand and Adware.
Trojan-Fake AV programs copies the activity of antivirus software. They are
created to extort money from you. In return, they’ll remove the detection and
threat removal. Even though, the threats that they report are don’t actually
If you are into gaming, you know that online gaming can also gamer
loads of cash. Cyber criminals also crafted this Trojan virus which steals user
account information from online games.
This Trojan can change data on your endpoint. This can lead to endpoint
malfunction. The cyber criminal will demand a ransom. They’ll only replace
your computers performance or unblock your data, after you have paid to
This Trojan can change data on your endpoint. This can lead to endpoint
malfunction. The cyber criminal will demand a ransom. They’ll only replace
your computer’s performance or unblock your data, after you paid them.
Trojan-Spy programs can spy on how you’re using your computer-for
example, by tracking the data you enter via your keyboard, taking screen
shots or getting a list of running applications.
This robs email addresses from your endpoint.

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