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Members: Darlene Stefany Ramos Estrada

Camila Loana Bravo Quintanilla

Jennifer Isabel Lopez Huayllani

Milagros Ascue Madrid

Joaquin Bernedo Patiño

Cusco - Perú
1. What is it?
This problema is about the polllution that in these days is increasing
at least here in Cusco but mainly in some streets where the pollution
involves sound pollution, land pollution and air pollution.
2. Where is it located?

Basically, we want to talk about one street that is located in the district
of Wanchaq, Cusco. This Street is called “Cascaparo Chico Street”
where the pollution in this years have been increasing and now is a
place that has a lot of pollution in Cusco.
3.What is its background?

This street is well known for a long time because it is a place where
you can buy many things such as food, clothes, objects, etc. Also
because nearby is a market that is known today as a wholesaler and
you can find many foods.
4. What are the causes and consequences?
• Street Dogs.
• The closer market.
• The lacking of education.
• The lacking of containers.
• The bad administration of
garbage collection.
• Healthy problems.
• Bad image of the city.
• Pollution in the city.
• Sound pollution.
• Bad smell.
5.Who are affected?

A lot of people can be damage because of this problem, like adults or

people that buy their aliments around there because that aliments
could be contaminate because of the pollution. Also childs could be
affected by this problema because they can contract some health
problrms, like a virus, stomachache, etc.
6.How long has it been a problem?

This problema has been excisting almost twenty years, since 2000
when people start to sell their stuff in the streets and the Cascaparp
market became more popular because to sell .
7.What are the responsable instances for solving it?

We think that the responsable instances for solving this problem must
to be: The Santiago municipality, Regional Government of Cusco and
market administrators.
8.Why is it important to give response to this problem?
We have a lot of reasons of why we should give a response to this
problem like this affects the public healthy, also this is one of most
polluted zones so this pollution can spread to other zones and near to
this zone we can find to big markets so the pollution can contaminate
the vegetables, fruits or food in these markets and people could have
stomach problems after consume this aliments.
9. Statics about this problem.

We can consider many factors that contribute with the developing of

this problema and how it has been growing, like:
• Average daily garbage collection.
• Pick up frequency.
• Sources that cause pollution.
• Final destination of garbage.
9. Possible solutions.

• Talk with the market administrators in order to create new policies

or rules to eliminate the pollution next to the market.
• The government should prohibit the floor right creating new
ordinances that involve money.
• Put containers in the street in order to reduce the pollution.

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