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Project Name : Employee Leave Management System (ELMS)

•Language Used : PHP

•Database : My SQL
•User Interface Design : HTML, CSS, AJAX, JQUERY, JAVASCRIPT
•Web Browser : Mozilla, Google Chrome, IE8,OPERA
•Software : XAMPP / Wamp / Mamp/ Lamp (any one)

Need of ELMS
Employee Leave Management System project is used to manage the data of the
employees such as personal details, education details, work exp etc. This project will
reduce the paper work of the company . Through this project company can manage all
data online.
Employee Leave Management System project (ELMS)

ELMS is divided into 2 Modules :

User Module

Admin Module
Features of User Module :

User login

User password recovery.

User can add / edit own work experience details.

User can add / edit own education details.

User can edit own profile.

User can update own password.

Features of Admin Module :

Admin Login

Admin can manage all employee records.

Admin can update / edit user personal details/ work exp. details.

Admin can manage type of leave.

Admin can manage/approve leave application.

Change password

What is PDO?

•PDO - PHP Data Object.

•A set of PHP extensions that provide a core PDO class and database specific drivers.

•Provides a vendor-neutral lightweight data-access abstraction layer.

•Focus on data access abstraction rather than database abstraction.

•PDO requires the new object oriented features in the core of PHP 5, therefore it will
not run with earlier versions of PHP.
Features of PDO:
PDO provides a data-access abstraction layer.

Regardless of which database we're using, we use the same functions to issue queries and
fetch data.

Much more secure than MySqli

It requires php version 5

Different databases like MySql, Oracle, MariaDB, PostgreSql can be access using the same
code of PDO with minor changes.
Submitted by CSE 7th Semester-

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