Power Point Miss Pitha Eko

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Lectured By Puspitasari, M.










 Good : baik
 Big : besar
 Fast : cepat
 Heavy : berat
 Clever : pandai
 Diligent : rajin
 Healthy : sehat
 Clean : bersih
Sebagai Subjek Sebagai Objek Possesive

Pronoun Adjective
I Me Mine My....
You You Yours Your....
They Them Theirs Their....
We Us Ours Our....
She Her Hers Her....
He Him His His....
It It Its Its....
Quickly, Well, Happily
Always, Usually, Seldom, Often,
Everywhere, Here, Somewhere,
Today, Yesterday, Soon, Then,
Since, Now
 AN
 Preposition:
 In/ at : di
 beside : disamping
 On : di atas
 in front of : di depan
 Under : dibawah
 between : diantara
 Simple sentence
there is s and v
kinds of tenses
 Compound sentence
there is conjunction, such as FANBOYS, although, however,
 Complex sentence
there are main clause and sub-clause in a sentence.
 Our manager left the office this morning.
 I and family went to grandma’s house for the
holidays (lia)
 he buys a book, and then he goes to your
house (eva)
 Caring mothers use soft skin powder for their
 Kyle refused to eat salad served, nor would
not touch any green vegetable put on his
 Bali is a beautiful island and it is visited by a
lot of tourists.
 The whether was very bad, so all classes
were canceled.
 Jack didn’t want help, nor did he ask for it
 Kyle refused to eat salad served, nor would
not touch any green vegetable put on his
 The farmers who want to sell their house
leave their village.
 I can understand why you did such a thing.
 The farmers leave their village when the day
is just dawning.
 Used to habitual action
 Used to show a fact
 Used to show di present time
 Uses V1
 Uses S/Es for the V
Pecking order theory states that the
Company with high level of profitability show a
low levels of debt. The reason is that the high
profitability company has a abundant sources of
internal funds (Breadley, Myers, & Marcus, 2007).
Companies that have a low level of debt will
attract investors to invest or increase investor
confidence due to high profitability demonstrate
the effectiveness and efficiency of corporate
management in running the operation. It can
increase investor confidence that can raise the
company's value in the stock market. Therefore,
if the profitability has increased, then the value
of firm will increase.
The size of the company is an important
factor in the formation of the company's
value. Larger companies can generate
earnings greater and getting a higher return
than smaller companies. This is supported by
research conducted Ganerse and Suarjaya
(2014). The result show that the size of the
company partially positive significant effect
on stock returns.
If the size of the company large then the
stock returns generated will be higher.
Therefore, If the firm size increases, then
the value of the firm will increase.
 Competitive
 To close office
 To expand into new market
 A good reputation
 To merge
 A multinational company
 The production industry
 A security pass
 An upcoming company
 Used to past event
 Used to something happened in the past and
not going on now
 Used V2
main clause
noun clause
adjective clause
adverbial clause
What is Noun Clause?
noun clause is a dependent clause that act
as a noun. Dengan kata lain, noun clause
merupakan suatu bentuk gabungan dari dua kata
atau lebih yang terdiri dari sebuah subject atau
verb namun membentuk sebuah kalimat yang
masih belum sempurna.
 That
 Weather
 If
 Who
 What
 When
 Which
 Where
 Why
 How
Sequence of tenses
 She knows her mother is always busy
 She know that her mother was always busy
As a statement
 The supervisors have checked
 He said that the supervisors had checked
1.Berfungsi sebagai sebuah subject
 what you have done is making me shock
 what you eat now is very delicious
2.Berfungsi Sebagai sebuah Object
 She is not responsible for what she has done
 Her employer suggested that she must came
on time.
This is your task.
Please identify these sentence
into simple, compound, or cemplex
sentence! Then, please analyse each
sentence correctly!
A psychological approach to the problem
seems more effective.
 The goverment should give more attention to
the poverty soceity, for there are still many
people lacking healthy food.
 We need more experts to assist us in the
development of science and technology.
 We haven’t decided when to hold the dance.
 These specially equipped planes can fly at a
speed of 1,500 miles an hour.
 Is a dependent clause which takes the place
of an adverb in another clause and answers
questions such as “when, where, why, etc”.
 It is used for:
time : when, while, after, until...
condition : if, unless...
contrast : although, even if...
cause : because, since...
place : where, wherever
purpose : so that, in order that
 When I have finished, I will feel much
 If I were you, I would not meet him
 I have not seen him since he returned to the
 We will meet again wherever we are
 Although I studied all night, I failed the test.
 I want you to keep working unless I tell you
to stop
 Because the cost of education is rising, many
students must work part-time
 Isdependent clause which modifies a noun or
 Usually uses relative pronoun to connect
 Using a relative pronoun or relative adverb
 Relative pronoun
 Relative adverb
 Restrictive clause
 Non-restrictive clause
Relative pronoun Relative adverb
restrictive non-restrictive
 I have a friend who always bring chocolate at
 She is the girl whom I told to you yesterday
 Indonesia Raya, which was sung first on August 17,
1945, was composed by WR Supratman
 A person who works part-time usually receives no
 The house which I showed you last week has just
been sold
 Mr. Ghani, who teaches our mathe matic class, will go
to Mecca this year
 Families whose income are below a certain level pay
no income tax
 My family, whose income is more than $50,000, pays
about 25 percent income tax
I don’t know why you leave me
 It is the reason why you leave me
 The boy who wears black hat is my uncle
 I see the boy whom you love
 I see the boy who loves you
 The car whose colour is red is very luxurious.
 The house whose yard is large has many
beautiful flowers.
 The child whose mother was died is my
 The man who is standing in front of me is
your father
 Rudy, who is my classmate, gets scholarship
 Underline the relative clause or clauses in
each sentence, and please write R for a
restrictive and NR for a non-restrictive
Don’t forget to put comma to the non-
restrictive clauses.
1. A medical computer is a mechine that analyzes the results of laboratory
2. The man who always tells the truth is known as an honest man.
3. Dr. Jim whom we met in the hospital yesterday is from North Carolina.
4. Muhammadiyah which was established by Ahmad Dahlan in 1912 is one of
the biggest mass organizations in Indonesia.
5. Kuwait which is small country in the middle East is the highest per capita
income in the world.
6. The money which you gave to me last week has been paid for my school
7. Students whose grade point averages fall below 2.0 will be place on
8. Carefour which gaves special discount every Sunday is a new supermarket
in Jogja.
9. The book that my father bought last month was writtent in German.
10. The woman whom I love the most is my mother.
 The house..............is very old
the tailors live in the house.
 The bank.........is very terrible
I have just borrowed some money from it.
 My father-in-law.......is lending me some money
for a new house.
I can always depend on him for help.
 The rocky mountains............are very beautiful.
We will soon be flying over them.
 The enemies........are poverty and injustice.
Every country fights againts these enemies.
 Change the subject of the second sentence to a relative
pronoun. Use whose, whom, or who as appropriate.
 Combine the two sentences, placing the adjective clause
 Add commas if necessary.
1. First National Bank tries to attract female customers. The
bank's president is a woman.
2. A manufacturer can offer lower prices. Its costs are lower
because of mass production.
3. Albert Einstein was a high school dropout. The world
recognizes him as a genious.
4. Einstein is best known for his general theory of relativity.
He began to develop his theory.
5. John Fish explained the complex structure of DNA. He is a
researcher of chemist.
 A cost
 To even out
 A financial forecast
 An investment
 A loan
 Market instability
 Overheads
 To rocket
 The economic climate
 Unprofitable
 To nose-dive
 Annual leave
 An appraisal
 An employer
 A job application
 A pension scheme
 Recruitment
 To retire
 A vacancy
 To be made redundant
 To give notice
 If s + v1 ....., s + will + v1
 If s + v2....., s + would + v1
 If s + had v3....., s + would have + v3
A consignment
 A discount
 Freight
 Insurance
 Transport cost
 A warehouse
 A unit price
 An appointment
 A graph/ a visual
 the minutes
 A videoconference
 A participants
 To pass round handouts
 A projector
 To voice an opinion
A call center
 An assistant
 A colleague
 An industrial estate
 Premises
 A subordinate
 A team leader
 To be based in
verb noun
To acquire ....
To..... agreement
To..... Consideration
To discuss ....
To..... Investment
To legislate ....
To..... Thought
To.... Utilization
To allocate ....
To complete ....
To cost ....
To employ ....
To inform ....
To produce ....
To profit ....
To sell ....
 Dividend
 Cash
 Plant
 Depreciation
 Debt

 Money that is owed

 Reduction in value
 Money paid out to shareholders
 Coins, bank notes, or something that can be
easily exchanged for these
 Building and equioment for manufacturing
 Partnership is an association of two or more persons to act as co-
owners of a business for profit.
 A general partner is one who assumes full or shared operational
responsibility of a business. Like sole proprietors, general
partners are responsible for operating the business. They also
assume unlimited liability for its debts, including debts that have
been incurred by any other general partner without their
knowledge or consent.
 A limited partner is a person who contributes capital to a
business but is not active in managing it; his or her liability is
limited to the amount that he or she has invested. In return for
their investment, limited partners share in the profits of the
 The Partnership Agreement Articles of partnership are a written
agreement listing and explaining the terms of the partnership.
The articles generally describe each partner's contribution to,
share of, and duties in the business. They may outline each
partner's responsibility, who will maintain the accounts, who will
manage sales, and so forth.
 Availability of Capital and Credit Partners can pool
their funds so that their business has more capital
than would be available to a sole proprietorship.
 Retention of Profits As in a sole proprietorship, all
profits belong to the owners of the partnership. The
partners share directly in the financial rewards. Thus
they are highly motivated to do their best to make
the firm succeed.
 Personal Interest General partners are very much
concerned with the operation of the firm perhaps
even more so than sole proprietors. After all, they
are responsible for the actions of all other general
partners, as well as for their own.

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