Internal Genitalia

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Fibromuscular canal which is 10 cm long
Path for menstrual blood and fetus to leave
the body.
Receives male sex organ and sperms
Covers the opening of the vagina.
A thin piece of tissue that has one or more holes in it.
It may be stretched or torn when using tampon or
during a first sexual experience.
It does tear and may bleed a little bit.
It prepares sperms for fertilization.
Lower cylindrical part of the uterus.
Dilates several folds during child birth.
Flexible which allows a baby pass through
during child birth.
Internal and External OS
Also known as internal and external orifice
Internal OS is an opening into the uterus
External OS is an opening into the vagina
Fallopian Tube
Connect the ovaries to the uterus.
Also known as oviducts, uterine tubes, and
Allows the passage of egg from the ovary to the
It looks like a tiny fingers at the end of the
fallopian tube.
They are the one who sweep the ova into the
fallopian tube.
Also known as “womb”.
A pear-shaped muscular organ about the size of a small
Hosts the development of fetus.
It provides mechanical protection, nutritional support,
and waste removal for the developing embryo.
Produces vaginal and uterine secretions.
Produce the anatomically female egg cells.
Known as ovum producing part of the internal
female reproductive system.
Produce and secrete estrogen and
Located in the lateral wall of the pelvis in the
region called ovarian fossa.
Broad ligament
Wide fold of peritoneum that connects
the sides of the uterus to the walls and
floor of the pelvis.
It serves as mesentery for the uterus,
ovaries, and the uterine tubes. It helps in
maintaining the uterus in its position.
Innermost lining layer of the uterus
Its function is to prevent adhesions
between the opposed walls of the
myometrium, thereby maintaining the
patency of the uterine cavity.
Is the middle layer of the uterine wall.
Its function is to induce uterine

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