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Sandeep Sir Anjali (0005)

(Assist Professor) Sukhvir(0037)
‘’Industry’’ refers to ‘’any productive
activity in which an individual or group
of individuals are engaged’’
By ‘’relations’’ we mean ‘’the
relationships that exist within the
industry between the employer and his
The term industrial relations explains the
relationship between employees and
management which directly or indirectly
from union employer relationship
Nature of Industrial Relation
• Employer-Employee Interaction
• Web of Rules
• Multidimensional
• Dynamic And Changing
• Spirit of Compromise and Accommodation
• Government’s Rule
• Wide Coverage
Labour Legislation Eliminate Unfair Practices
Reduce Wastage Economic Growth & Development

Reduction in Industrial Disputes

• Collective Bargaining
• Standing Orders
• Unfair Labour Practices
• Workers participation in Management
• Machinery for settlement of industrial dispute
• Unitary Approach:- It is based on
the motion that all the members of
the organization have a common set
of objectives, purposes and interests.
• Pluralistic Approach:- It is just the
opposite of unitary approach which
means there is divergent sub-groups
having different competing interest

• Marxist Approach:- It is based on

assumption that The conflict is regarded
as the product of a capital society

• Human Relation Approach:- According to

this approach, given human initiatives from
management, the employees positively
listens and responds properly to them and
There is no conflict arise
Labour Union

• Institutional Factors
• Economic Factors
• Technological Factors
• Psychological Factors
• Political and Legal Factors
• Global Factors
1. Nature of Work

2. Dissatisfactory Compensation

3. Dysfunctional Trade Union

4. Working Conditions and Working Hour

5. Modernization and Automation

• General Guidelines
• Sound Personal Policies
• Constructive Attitudes
• Collective Bargaining
• Participative Management
• Responsible Union
• Employee Welfare
• Effective Grievance Procedure

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