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Presence of food

© Integral Education FOR ALL, BY ALL

Activity 1
Aim: To test the presence of starch in the given sample.

Materials required: Pens, notebooks, iodine solution,

and smashed potato or starch.

Activity 1
i) Take 5 ml of iodine solution in the test tube.

ii) Add a pinch of starch or potato into the above

test tube.

iii) Note down the colour change in the notebooks.

Activity 1
Observation: The colour of the solution in the test
tube changes to black blue colour.

Inference: The change in colour in the test-tube to

black blue helps the students to know that the
sample given is starch.

Activity 2
Aim: To test the presence of lipids in the given

Materials required: Fatty food sample (e.g. Vada,

chips) and white paper.

Activity 2
Take a small quantity of a fatty food item.
Wrap it in a piece of paper and crush it.
Carefully straighten the paper.

Observation: Oily patch appears on the paper.

Conclusion: It shows the presence of fats in the

food sample.

Activity 3
Aim: To show the presence of proteins in a given
food sample.
Materials required: Raw egg white or any other
protein sample, copper sulphate solution, caustic
soda and test tube.

Activity 3
Preparation of copper sulphate solution: Dissolve 2
grams of copper sulphate in 10ml of water.
Preparation of caustic soda solution:
Dissolve 10 grams of caustic soda in 100 ml water.
Take egg white in water in a test tube.
Add 2-3 drops of copper sulphate solution and 10-
12 drops of caustic soda solution.
Shake well.

Activity 3
A purple or violet colour indicates the presence of
proteins in the given sample.

Conclusion: This experiment proves that the given

sample contains protein.

Teacher could ask the students to conduct the above
said test for the following food samples.


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