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* is the study of chemical

processes and
interactions of all
biological and non-
biological components of
*Food chemistry as a major
branch of food science
deals with the composition
and properties of foods and
the chemical changes they
*Food chemistry allows for
subjecting food materials to
chemical scrutiny. It employs
chemistry tools to analyze
food items so that they
transform to nutritious, safe
and materials of commercial
*Food chemists ensure
that food preparation,
processing, and storage is
done properly by
following good
manufacturing practices.
This in turn reduces the
incidences of food borne
diseases caused by food
poisoning and food
*Chemist study the properties of
proteins, fats, starches, and
carbohydrates, as well as micro
components such as additives and
flavorings, to determine how each
works in a food system.

* is the transformation of
cooked ingredients, by physical or
chemical means into food, or of food
into other forms. Food processing
combines raw food ingredients to
produce marketable food products that
can be easily prepared and served by
the consumer
*In the early days traditional food
processing the main aim was
preservation to maintain a supply of
wholesome, nutritious food during
the year and in particular to preserve
it for hungry periods.

*Extend edible time frame-
*Make better tasting foods
*Make more varieties of food
*Extraction of moisture by
sun, air , heat or vacuum
to inhibit the growth of
molds, bacteria and yeast

*The addition of salt to foods
decrease the activity of molds,
bacteria and yeast

*The addition of chemical
compound (sodium nitrate or
sodium nitrite) to food to slow
the growth of bacteria.

*The use of special bacteria, molds
or yeast to prevent spoilage by
converting the elements of food
that spoil easily to stable elements
that act as preservatives.

The freezing of food and subsequent
removal of water from the frozen
food through the use of heat and a

*The addition of and heat to
preserve food by the action of the
chemicals from the smoked wood
and the partial drying of food.

*The packing of food in a container,
sealing the container and heating it
to sterilize the food

*The heating of milk and other
liquids which reduces the
number disease-producing

*The lowering of the temperature
of food to inhibit the growth of
bacteria, molds and yeast.

*The lowering of the temperature
of food to temperatures below 28
degrees F to stop the growth of
bacteria, yeast and molds and to
kill parasites.

*Heating food until it boils and
removing the water or partially
freezing food and removing water
in the form of ice crytals.

*Passing energy
through food to
destroy insects, fungi
or bacteria that
cause human disease
* to
or cause food
*-Pathogenic microorganisms
*Bacteria, viruses
- fungi, Bacteria *
*40-140 °F= the temperature danger zone
*-rapid multiplication of microorganisms
*˂40°F very slow growth
*˂28°F- no growth-no death
*˃140°F-death of microorganisms

*Bacteria need high moisture content
*Fungi can grow in lower moisture
*-dry foods won’t make you sick
*Dry foods do spoil

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