A Fierce Dog-1

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DRS. H. A. Rasyid Ali, M. Pd

1. Alpin Mujaddid
2. Annisa Khumairah
3. Auliyaun Niswah
4. Siti Nur Ilmiah

• A farmer
• Fierce dog
• Small boy
• boy’s mother
• Young girl
• Girl’s father
• Stranger
• villagers/ people in the village


• Fierce : an animal is very aggressive or angry

• To growl : it makes a low noise in its throat, usually because
it is angry
• Barked : it makes a short noise, once or several times
• Stranger : is someone you have never met before
• Frightened : you are anxious or afraid, often because of

• Simple future tense
+ = S + will/shall + V1 + O
- = S + will/shall + not + V1 + O
? = will/shall + S + V1 + O

Example :
• I shall not to go to farm again
• I shall go away

• Past continuous tense
+ = S + was/were + Ving + O
- = S + was/were + not + Ving + O
? = was/were + S + Ving + O
Example :
• He was only going for a walk
• She was only getting her ball
• He wasn’t doing anything wrong
• She was playing in the road
• What was your daughter doing in my farm?
• What was your son doing on my farm?

• Simple past tense
+ = S + V2 + O
- = S + did + not + V1 + O
? = did + S + V1 + O?
Example :
• I didn’t ask your son to walk on my farm
• I didn’t ask your daughter to come into my field
• The people of the village did not go near the farmer after this
• They didn’t want the dog to bite them.
• He wanted to speak to the farmer
• He opened the gate and walked it
• No one wanted to go to the farm
• They gave it to the poor

• Simle present tense
+ = S + V1 + O
- = S + do/does + not + V1 + O
? = do/does + S + V1 + O?
Example :
• I don’t know your son
• My dog doesn’t know your son

• Conclusion from the story
A farmer had a very fierce dog. The dog always ran round the farm all day
and all night. It barked and growled at everyone. Sometimes the dog
always bites people it doesn’t know.
one day a stranger went to the farm. He wanted to meet with the farmer,
he have some money to the farm, so he opened the gate and walked it.
And the fierce dog ran up ad bit his leg. The stranger ran back to the
village. And he ask for help from the villagers, but no one in the village
spoke. No one wanted to go to the farm, everyone was frightened of the
dog. So the stranger gave the money to the villagers to give to the farmer
but nobody gave the money to the farmer because of the dog. They gave it
to the poor.

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