Power Point PR B.inggris 10A Ed. 2019

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• Introducing Oneself

• Possessive Pronouns
• Using “Be” and “Hav
• Intoducing Other Peo
• Subjective and Objec
tive Pronouns

Back to
Daftar Isi
Introducing Oneself
Read the following texts aloud, in turns.
Text 1
Text 2
E-mails and Letters

There are similarities between e-mails and letters. In

composing either, we use:
• Salutation, such as: Hello Berliana, Dear Madam, Dear
Sir, Dear Aunt Siwi;
• The body of an e-mail/a letter;
• Signature/closing, such as: Kind regards, Best regards,
Love, Lots of love, Yours sincerely, Yours faithfully.

Back to Chapter I
Possessive Pronouns
Read the following sentences and see the words in bold.
1.I’d like to start my online fashion business, but mine targets
on men.
2.Surely, it’s different from yours.
3.We usually sell ours during car free days and on special
occasions, such as a night fair.

The words in bold are possessive pronouns. A possessive

pronoun shows ownership. Unlike possessive adjectives (my,
your, his, her, our, their, its) which are followed by nouns,
possessive pronouns stand on their own, without any nouns.
See the difference below.
Possessive Adjective Possessive Pronoun
(my, your, his, her, our, their, its) (mine, yours, his, hers, ours, theirs)
This is my house. This house is mine.
Is this your backpack? Is this backpack yours?
I borrow his hat. This hat is his.
We think her shoes are expensive. These branded shoes are hers.
This is our school. This big, clean school is ours.
Their thick books and magazines These thick books and magazines
are on the table. are theirs.
I have a cat. Its fur is soft. -

Back to Chapter I
Using “Be” and “Have”
Read the following sentences and see to the words in bold.
1. I am Alfa Pradana Sakti.
2. My mother, Mrs. Arumi, is a clerk and my father, Mr.
Effendi, is a teacher.
3. Mrs. Arumi and Mr. Effendi are Alfa’s parents.
4. I have a younger brother named Beta Pradana Utama.
5. I have an elder sister named Sekar Biru.
6. So, Sekar Biru has two brothers, Alfa Pradana Sakti and
Beta Pradana Utama.

• Am is for the subject I.

• Is is for the subjects he, she, it and singular subjects.
• Are is for the subjects you, we, they and plural subjects.

Do the activities in your PR Bahasa Inggris on pages 7–9.

Listen and repeat.
Mind your pronunciation and intonation.

Text 1
Good morning, everybody. I’m your English teacher. My name’s Riki
Ardian and please call me Riki. I live in Harmoni Housing Estate, Jalan
Kalibiru, Block C number 29. My house has a green wall and a mango
tree in the front yard. Please stop by.
I usually spend my spare time for cooking, reading, gardening and
looking after my little girl Ika. I occasionally play the guitar and sing
songs with my wife. I also like traveling. We can go somewhere together
one day, can’t we?
Well, my favorite colors are black and white. Talking about food, I love
rujak cingur, pempek and beef steak.
That’s my introduction. I’d like to hear yours; your names, addresses,
hobbies, etc. Now I’d like you to stand up and introduce yourselves in
turns. Who willl be the first? Please rise.
Text 2
Good morning, Mr. Riki and everybody. Allow me to introduce
myself, Sir. My name’s Dewi Putri Sadewo. You may call me
Dewi. I’m from Jambi. Here, I live with my grandparents at
Jalan Kartini number 9. The house is painted light brown and
there’s a rambutan tree in the front yard. It also has a large
backyard. My friends and I play there at weekends. Please
stop by when you pass my house. I’ll introduce you to them
and we can play together. It must be fun.
Talking about hobbies, I love listening to music, cycling,
swimming and cooking. My favorite colors are light green and
pink. I love chicken noodles, boiled sweet potatoes and sauted
kangkung. That’s about me. Thank you.
The following are expressions to introduce oneself and the responses.
Introducing Oneself Responding
Good morning. My name’s Bagus. What’s your Good morning, Bagus. My
name? name’s Sofia.
Hello, I’m Dini. May I know your name, please? Hello, Dini. I’m Rona.
Please allow me to introduce myself. My name’s Hello, Ernez. I’m Lestari. I’m
Ernez Hernandes. You can call me Ernez. I’m from from Yogyakarta. I stay with my
Kupang. uncle’s family.

Hi, I’m Figo. I’m a student of Class X Social Hi, Figo. I’m Gunawan. You may
Science 3. May I know you? call me Wawan. I’m from Class
X Language 2.
Introduce yourself.
You may use the following paragraph.

Viona /vi:/–/ai/–/ou/–/en/–/ei/ I am
Hello, my name’s __________________________.
________________ years old. I live at _______________________.
Jalan Penerbang number 99 I
like/My hobbies are __________________________________.
gardening, listening to music and reading My
favorite color is ________________
white and my favorite food is
chicken curry Thank you.

Do the activities in your PR Bahasa Inggris on page 11.

Practice the following dialogs with your friends.
Dialog 1
Mawar meets a new friend on her way to school.
Mawar : Hi. I’m Mawar from Class X Science 1. May I know your
name, please?
Inez : Hi, Mawar. I’m Inez from Class X Social Science 2.
Mawar : It’s a pleasure to meet you, Inez.
Inez : Pleased to meet you too, Mawar.

Dialog 2
Mawar and her classmate Bagus are on their way to the canteen. They
meet Inez. Then, Mawar introduces her to Bagus.
Mawar : Hi, Inez. How are you doing?
Inez : Hi, Mawar. I’m fine, thanks. You?
Mawar : Great, thanks. By the way, please meet my classmate Bagus.
Bagus, this is Inez from Class X Social Science 2.
Bagus : Hi, Inez. Nice to meet you.
Inez : Hi, Bagus. Nice to meet you too.

Back to Chapter I
Introducing Other People
Here are expressions to introduce other people.
Introducing Other People Responding
Vian, this is Darra. Darra, this is Vian. Hello, Darra./Hello, Vian.
Mom, please meet Mr. Rifki, my English teacher. Mr. How do you do?/How do you
Rifki, this is my mother Mrs. Harum. do?
Here’s Figo! Figo – Siti. Siti – Figo. Hi, Siti./Hi, Figo.

Back to Chapter I
Subjective and Objective Pronouns
A subjective pronoun is a pronoun which acts as the
subject of a sentence. An objective pronoun is a pronoun
which acts as the object of a sentence.
Study the following table.
Subjective Pronoun Objective Pronoun
He him
She her
It it
I Me
You You
We Us
They them

Do the activities in your PR Bahasa Inggris on pages 12–18.

Back to Chapter I

Congratulating Ot

Congratulations C

Complimenting O
Back to
Daftar Isi
Congratulating Others
Listen and repeat.
Then, practice the dialog with your friends.
Angga won a fashion designer competition.
Mawar : Angga, congratulations on your winning in a fashion
designer competition!
Angga : Thank you. I won it because of your suggestion and
support. Thank you very much.
Mawar : You’re welcome. I know that you are talented. I believe
you can achieve your dreams.
Angga : Thanks.
Gio : Angga, congratulations! You deserve it. Your
achievement really inspires me.
Angga : Thanks. I believe you can make a better design. Never
give up. You know, it was just a competition. The most important is
that our designs can compete in the market.
Gio : You are right. Thanks for your support.
Angga : No big deal.
Answer the following questions.
1. What is the purpose of saying, “Congratulations!”?
2. Why do Mawar and Gio say the sentences to Angga?
3 How does Angga respond to them?
4. When do you usually say such an expression? Mention
several suitable occasions for saying the sentence.
5. What is the suitable response to the expression?
The following are expressions to congratulate and
their responses.
Congratulating Responding

• Congratulations! You’re really great. • Thank you.

• Congratulations! I am proud of you. • Thank you.
• Congratulations on your success! • Thanks. I wish for your success too.
• Congratulations! Finally, your • You’re right. Thank you for your
dreams come true. support.
• I’d like to say congratulations on • Thank you. Actually I never
your achievement! imagined it.
• Please accept my congratulations. • Thank you. It really makes me
Your hard work has been paid off. grateful.
• Happy birthday! • Thank you.

Do the activities in your PR Bahasa Inggris on pages 23–26.

Back to Chapter II
Congratulations Card

Read the following congratulations card.

Answer the following questions.
1. What is the text about?
2. Why does Mawar send the card?
3. What is the congratulations expression written in the card?
4. What occasions do you usually send such a card?
5. What do you write in the card?
Read the following information.

• A congratulations card is made to congratulate a person on his/her

achievement or success.
• We should write:
- the name of the receiver,
- the name of the congratulations expressions, and
- the name of sender.

Do the activities in your PR Bahasa Inggris on pages 27–29.

Back to Chapter II
Complimenting Others
Listen and repeat.
Then, practice the dialog with your friends.
Mawar : Hi, Arya.
Arya : Hi, Mawar. Please come in and have a seat.
Mawar : Thanks. What are you doing?
Arya : I am making car miniatures from cans. Look at this one. I’ve
completed one.
Mawar : Wow! That’s cool.
Arya : Thanks.
Mawar : This is a really nice car miniature! How creative you are, Arya!
Arya : Thank you. Initially, I just want to recycle the cans to reduce
Mawar : Yeah! We should care for our environment. Anyway, will you
sell them?
Arya : Yes, I will. I will sell them via my social media.
Mawar : That’s great! I hope they will be sold out.
Arya : Thanks. I hope so.
Answer the following questions.
1. Which sentences show complimenting other?
2. Why does Mawar compliment Arya?
3. How does Arya respond to the compliment?
4. In what occasions, do people usually say such
expressions? Mention several possible occasions.
5. How do people feel when getting complimented?
Here are expressions we can say to compliment others
and the suitable responses.
Complimenting Responding

• What an excellent mark! • Thank you.

• Wow, it’s really wonderful! • Thanks.
• How lovely your garden is! • Do you think so?
• You are really talented at Thanks.
painting. • Thanks.
• Well, I’m speechless. I haven’t • Nor have I.
seen such a wonder before.
Work in pairs.
Create and perform dialogs based on the following situations.
1. Your friend has played the guitar beautifully on the stage. You
compliment him/her.
2. You are visiting your friend’s new house. You compliment
his/her house.

Do the activities in your PR Bahasa Inggris on pages 31–32.

Back to Chapter II

Asking about and
Stating Intention

Simple Future Fo

‘Would like to’ a
nd ‘Would rather’

Back to
Daftar Isi
Asking about and Stating Intentions
Practice the following dialog with your partner.
Pay attention to the sentences in bold.
Mawar : We will have a long weekend. What are you going to do?
Bagus : I am going to camp with my playmates.
Mawar : Wow, that’s interesting! Where are you going to camp?
Bagus : We are going to camp in Cikole. It is near my uncle’s house.
Would you like to join?
Mawar : No, thanks. I would rather join my friends.
Bagus : What is your plan?
Mawar : We are going to paint 3D pictures in the park of our housing
Bagus : Really? Sounds interesting. What pictures are you going to
Mawar : Initially, we are going to paint a river with a bridge. Later, we are
going to paint more interesting 3D pictures.
Bagus : Awesome! I am really curious to see them and I’d like to take
their pictures too.
Mawar : Yeah! You have to.
Answer the following questions.

1. What do the sentences in bold express?

2. When do people use those expressions?
3. What tense do the sentences use?
4. When did you use such an expression recently?
5. What did you say?
The following are expressions to ask about and
state intentions.
Asking about Intentions Stating Intentions

• I am going to attend a study

• What are you going to do after club.
• What’s your plan for this • I’m going to visit a museum.
• I saw you buying pipes. What’s • I intend to plant vegetables
your intention? based on the hydroponics
• Why do you collect the system.
coconut shells? • I intend to change them into
• Tomorrow is holiday. What are handicrafts.
your plans? • I am going to do rafting with
my playmates.

Back to Chapter III

Simple Future Form
We use simple future form to state intentions.
1.BE + GOING TO + VERB base
(+) Subject + be + going to + verb base + ....
(–) Subject + be + not + going to + verb base + ....
(?) Be + subject + going to + verb base + ... ?
Note: is, am, are
Example: We are going to attend an OSIS meeting after
2. WILL + VERB base
(+) Subject + will + verb base + ....
(–) Subject + will + not + verb base + ....
(?) Will + subject + verb base + ... ?
Example: We will leave this place right away.

Back to Chapter III

‘Would like to’ and ‘Would rather’

• “I would like to + verb base” to show an intention.

Example: Arya would like to visit a museum next Sunday.

• “I would rather + verb base” to show preference. (we prefer

doing what we have planned to what we are doing now, or
several other option(s) we are considering)
Example: I would rather stay at home.
Work in groups of three or four.
Create dialogs based on the following situations.
Then, practice the dialogs in class.
1. You read an advertisement about an English trial class in a course.
You ask your friends to join.
2. Flood occurs in several areas in your town. You plan to help the
victims by donating food and clothes. You ask your friends to

Do the activities in your PR Bahasa Inggris on pages 39–47.

Back to Chapter III

• Descriptive Texts

Noun Phrases for Desc
ribing an Object or a

Word Order of Adject

Back to
Daftar Isi
Descriptive Text
Read the following text.
Look at the picture of Padar Island on a previous slide. It’s very beautiful, isn’t it?
You know, it was once home to Komodo dragons.
Padar Island lies about 20 miles (30 km) from Labuan Bajo, a fishing town on the
westernmost part of Flores, East Nusa Tenggara. Padar Island is small, but is the third
largest island of Komodo National Park.
Padar is mostly savannah-covered, surreal landscape fringed by bright green-capped
mountains of fairy-tale shapes. It’s all surrounded by three turquoise bays, and curiously,
each one of the bays’ beaches has different colored sand: one is pearly white, another
charcoal black and a third is a very rare baby pink. It is a rare combination,
a quirk of this unique island.
The black-sanded beach has volcanic origin, composed of various dark minerals. The
pink, one of a few in the world, has pulverized red coral mixed with white sand.
The white one, in most any other setting would be a spectacular find. Here, it almost
plays third fiddle.
Padar is home to a remarkable array of wildlife, especially for its size. There are six
species of sharks, two of manta rays and many different reptiles. There once were three
kinds of Komodo dragons here. They are gone now, but still found on Komodo, Rinca, Gili
Montang, Gili Dasami and Flores. There are dolphins, the occasional whales, falcons,
kites, geckos and green turtles. There are also some plain old little mammals, to feed
their neighbor predators.
The most popular spot to enjoy the panoramic view of the island is Padar’s summit.
It takes around 30 minutes to hike to reach the summit. Besides, visitors can also go
trekking for around an hour, snorkel or just hit the pristine three-colored beaches.
Adopted from: https://www.atlasobscura.com/places/padar-island (October 18,
Answer the following questions.

1. What does the text tell you about?

2. In your opinion, why did the writer write the text?
3. What is the function of the first paragraph?
4. What do the rest paragraphs contain?
5. What tenses are used in the text?
6. Why does the text use the tense?
Read and understand the following information.
The purpose:
To describe a particular person, object, and place. It describes the
characteristics or features of a person, object, or place specifically.

The structure:
• Identification, which identifies the phenomenon to be described.
• Description, which describes parts, qualities or characteristics of
the person, object or place being described.

Now, discuss the language features of a descriptive text,

with your friend.
Then, identify the structure of the text about Padar Island.
Check your answers on the next slides.
See the identification of a descriptive text below.

1st Paragraph

Look at the picture of Padar Island on a

previous slide. It’s very beautiful, isn’t it? You Identification
know, it was once home to Komodo dragons.

A particular place
2nd and 3rd
Paragraphs simple present

Padar Island lies about 20 miles (30 km) from

Labuan Bajo, a fishing town on the westernmost
The location
part of Flores, East Nusa Tenggara. Padar Island is
small, but is the third largest island of Komodo
National Park.
Padar is mostly savannah-covered, surreal Description
landscape fringed by bright green-capped
mountains of fairy-tale shapes. It’s all surrounded The
by three turquoise bays, and curiously, each one of landscape
the bays’ beaches has different colored sand: one
is pearly white, another charcoal black and a third
is a very rare baby pink. It is a rare combination, a
quirk of this unique island. noun phrase
And paragraphs 4, 5, 6
Try to identify the main idea of each paragraph in the text of
Padar Island.
Read the text and complete the table that follows.
I have a question for you. Do you know where we can find popular murals? The
answer is Georgetown, the capital of Penang, a small island on the northwest of
Malaysia mainland. It’s quite close from Sumatra, especially North Sumatra.
Georgetown has everything you would expect from an old colonial city—a fort,
grand buildings, stately homes and assembly buildings and old waterways marking
a once vibrant port trading ground. However, there’s one thing that makes it stand out
from any other cities and that’s its magnificent collection of street art, like two above
The street art in Penang is the major draw. One of the main things you should do
is spend at least one day exploring over 30 artworks around the city. You don’t need
to worry how to find them. Hotels and hostels provide maps marking the exact spots
of the artworks, which you can use to start your artistic treasure hunt. Well, let me tell
you. Finding a new mural or wirework is just as exciting as the last and each one is
an expression of the city’s culture. Besides, it is also a great way of enjoying other
Georgetown’s attractions, like the authentic old buildings and delicious food.
Among the murals, the popular ones were painted by Lithuanian artist Ernest
Zacharevic who set to work to bring color to the city as part of a project called
‘Mirrors George Town’. The two above murals are his creation. Interesting, aren’t
So, if you have an opportunity to travel to Malaysia, don’t miss a chance to visit
Georgetown, Penang Island. It’s memorable.
Adopted from: https://www.bordersofadventure.com/street-art-in-penang-georgetowns-hidden-sights/
(October 19, 2018)
The table:
Part of
the Text Purpose Main Ideas Supporting Details


Do the activities in your PR Bahasa Inggris on pages 61–62.

Back to Chapter IV
Noun Phrases for Describing an
Object or a Place
A series of words where a noun as a head is preceded by an
adjective as a modifier.
The purpose of adjectives is to modify or describe the nouns, to
give more information about the nouns or noun phrases.
Many adjectives precede the nouns or noun phrases. See the
following examples.
• The beautiful beach is called Pink Beach.
adj. noun
• It truly offers panoramic views.
adj. noun
If you want to learn more about adjective phrases, you can log
onto http://learnenglish. britishcouncil.org/en/english-grammar/

Back to Chapter IV
Word Order of Adjectives
Observe the following examples and pay attention to
the order of the adjectives (modifiers). Remember the
common word order of adjectives before a noun.

Opinion Size Shape Age Color Origin Material Noun

beautiful small – new blue Balinese wooden state

best little slim young – African – girl

pretty – – – white – sandy beach
yummy small circular – – – fruit pudding

Do the activities in your PR Bahasa Inggris on pages 63–66.

Back to Chapter IV
• Identifying
Descriptive Texts
about Historical
• Passive Voice

Back to
Daftar Isi
Descriptive Text
Read the following text.
The Submarine Monument or Monumen Kapal Selam,
occasionally shorted to Monkasel, is located on the banks of Kali
Mas, next to the Plaza Surabaya at Jalan Pemuda no. 39 Surabaya.
There are several rooms inside the submarine. The front most
part of the submarine is the front torpedo room with four torpedo
launchers, followed by the periscope and also the combat
information room. After that, you will enter a living room for officers
and sailors’ rooms. The last three areas of the submarine are back
torpedo room, electric equipment room and diesel room.
Next to the Submarine are a few other attractions. You can watch
movies in the Video Rama which shows a history of submarines in
Indonesia, or listen to the musical performances at the outdoor
stage on Saturday and Sunday. On the bank of Kali Mas you can do
some workout on the jogging track or get some dinner at the
riverside food stalls.
Adopted from: https://utiket.com/en/things-to-see-and-
do/surabaya/81-submarine_monument.html (October 22, 2018)
Answer the questions based on the text you’ve read.
1. What is the text about?
2. What is the purpose of the text?
3. How does the text present its information?
4. What are the sentence types that is used in the text?
5. Where could you find this kind of text?
The previous text is called a descriptive text.
To describe a particular object, person or place.

• Identification: identifies the object, person or place to be described
• Description: describes parts, qualities or characteristics
• Conclusion (optional)
Read the following text.
Petra, the world wonder, is without a doubt Jordan’s most valuable
treasure and greatest tourist attraction. It is a vast, unique city, carved
into the sheer rock face by the Nabataeans, industrious Arab people
who settled here more than 2000 years ago, turning it into an
important junction for the silk, spice and other trade routes that
linked China, India and southern Arabia with Egypt, Syria, Greece and
Entrance to the city is through the Siq, a narrow gorge, over 1 km long,
which is flanked on either side by soaring 80m high cliffs. Just walking
through the Siq is an experience in itself. The colors and formations of
the rocks are dazzling. As you reach the end of the Siq, you will catch
your first glimpse of Al-Khazneh (Treasury).
This is an awe-inspiring experience. A massive façade, 30m wide and
43m high, carved out of the sheer, dusky pink rock-face and dwarfing
everything around it. It was carved in the early 1st century as the
tomb of an important Nabataean king and represents the engineering
genius of these ancient people.
The Treasury is merely the first of the many wonders that make up
Petra. You will need at least four or five days to really explore
everything here. As you enter the Petra valley, you will be
overwhelmed by the natural beauty of this place and its outstanding
architectural achievements. There are hundreds of elaborate rock-cut
tombs with intricate carvings—unlike the houses, which were
destroyed mostly by earthquakes, the tombs were carved to last
throughout the afterlife and 500 have survived, empty but bewitching
as you file past their dark openings. Here also is a massive Nabataean-
built, Roman-style theater, which could seat 3,000 people. There are
obelisks, temples, sacrificial altars and colonnaded streets, and high
above, overlooking the valley, is the impressive Ad-Deir Monastery—
a flight of 800 rock cut steps takes you there.
Within the site are also two excellent museums; the Petra
Archaeological Museum and Petra Nabataean Museum, both of which
represent finds from excavations in the Petra region and an insight into
Petra’s colorful past.
Adopted from: http://international.visitjordan.com/Wheretogo/Petra.aspx
(October 22, 2018)
Complete the table of identification based on the previous text.

Paragraph Purpose Details Purpose

Introductory paragraph To introduce the topic

Petra is a vast, unique city,
or place that is going to To introduce the topic or
carved into the sheer rock place that is going to be
be described in the
face. described in the text.
Supporting paragraph 1 To describe the entrance
to the city.

Supporting paragraph 2

Supporting paragraph 3

Supporting paragraph 4

Do the activities in your PR Bahasa Inggris on pages 74–77.

Back to Chapter V
Passive Voice
Read the following sentences.
Pay attention to the words in bold.

• Petra is a vast, unique city carved into the sheer rock face.
• It was carved in the early 1st century as the tomb of an
important Nabataean king.
• You will be overwhelmed by the natural beauty of this
place and its outstanding architectural achievements.
• The tombs were carved to last throughout the afterlife
Answer the following questions based on the sentences
that you’ve read.

1. What is the type of the sentences?

2. What is the pattern?
3. What is the purpose of the sentences?
Complete the sentences with the correct passive form.
Mind the tenses and singular/plural subjects.
1. The fence _____________________
was painted [paint] by Tika yesterday.

2. Delicious cookies _____________________

are made [make] by the baker
every morning.

3. The lamp _____________________

wasn’t switched off [not switch off] since last night.

4. _____________________
was the store _____________________
[renovate] last week?

5. Borobudur Temple _____________________

was visited [visit] by the students
last week.

Do the activities in your PR Bahasa Inggris on pages 78–81.

Back to Chapter V
• Spoken
• Written
• Forming Nouns
from Verbs
(Verb + Suffix)

Back to
Daftar Isi
Spoken Announcements
Read the following texts aloud.
Text 1
Attention, please.
Frankly speaking, it’s not easy to speak before public. Many students
have no courage to speak before other people. Meanwhile,
public speaking is very needed nowadays. Through excellent
public speaking, we can give information and even influence
To improve the students’ ability at speaking, the OSIS committee will hold
public speaking training. It is free for students, but we limit the
number of participants for sixty students only. That’s why,
enroll yourselves with the OSIS chairperson as soon as
possible. Thank you.

Text 2
Good afternoon, all of the tenth grade students.
One of the vocational school programs is raising entrepreneurship among
students. Introducing students to the real world of business is
very important. That’s why, to prepare you for your future, we
plan to visit a fish farming and manufacturing factory. It is a
must for tenth grade students, so prepare for it well. Please
ask much information you need to know as you should write a
report about your visit. Thank you.
Answer the following questions based on the
previous texts.

1. What is each text about?

2. Where do you possibly hear each text?
3. Who do you think delivers each text?
4. What are the texts called?
5. What is the purpose of each text?
6. What tense is mostly used in the texts?
Read the following information.
The previous texts are spoken announcements.
to inform listeners about what has happened or what is
going to happen.
Generic Structure:
• Opening: is used to attract listeners’ attention or greet
them, such as “Attention, please.”, “Good afternoon,
students.” and “Ladies and gentlemen.”;
• Contents: are used to explain the event/occasion in
• Closing: is used to close the announcement, such as
“Thank you.”
An announcement should be delivered loudly and clearly,
so the listeners can catch the message very well.

Back to Chapter VI
Written Announcements
Read the following text aloud.


Scholarship Opportunities for Students (SOS) will award scholarships

to selected students.
SOS is a non-profit organization, founded in 2000, to raise
educational funds awarded to students whose families are
in poverty.

1. Awards will vary.
2. Funds may be used for payment of educational tuition or
select education-related expenses such as books,
equipment (such as a computer), supplies or other
expenses such as transportation.
3. Funds may not be used for rent, groceries, car repairs, bill
payments or other living expenses.
4. Proof of enrollment must Continue
be shownreading
the payment
next slide.is
Application Process:
1. Complete the SOS application form. All information must
be provided as requested.
2. Submit a reference letter from a government institution
that knows you and supports this application.
3. Provide a type-written description of your education goals
and current challenges or obstacles that you must
overcome to obtain your educational goals for which this
financial aid is requested.

Application must be postmarked on or before September 1, 2019.

Scholarship recipients will be notified by December 1, 2019.
Adapted from:
=auto,-99,6596 (October 13, 20018)
Answer the following questions based on the
previous text.

1. What is the text about?

2. Where do you possibly read the text?
3. Who do you think writes the text?
4. Who is the text addressed to?
5. What is the text called?
6. What is the purpose of the text?
7. What tense is mostly used in the text?
Read the following information.
The previous text is a written announcement.
To inform readers about what has happened or what is
going to happen.

Generic Structure:
• Opening: states the name of the event or occasion and
its purpose.
• Contents: explains the event or occasion in detail.
• Closing: states the contact person or sender/writer of
the announcement.

Back to Chapter VI
Forming Nouns from Verbs
(Verb + Suffix)
Verb + suffix
The following are several formations of nouns from verbs + suffixes:
Verb Meaning Noun Meaning
environ mengepung environment lingkungan
inform memberi tahu information informasi/pemberitahuan
manage mengatur management pengaturan
participate ikut serta participation keikutsertaan

1. Mawar likes to participate in a school
2. Your grandmother really misses your family’s
3. Never be afraid of failure. It may be the beginning
of your success.
Complete the following sentences with correct
proposal and show it to the
1. We should make a good ____________
principal before doing the school project.
2. It’s not an easy choice. You should think wisely before taking a
3. The government should promote youth and women
____________ in every aspect of life.
4. To avoid danger, the tiger is being kept in a high walled
enclosure in the zoo.
5. Ina and Ani are twin sisters. Do you know the ____________
between them?
disturbance to the sleeping baby.
6. The loud voice can cause a ____________
introduction we know that Edo is from Papua.
7. From his self ____________,
8. Before joining the outbound activity, students should ask for their
parents’ ____________.
9. This tourist resort offers a uniqueness. It will be a new
____________ of this town.
10. The store gives customers special offers this month. They will
receive discounts for cash ____________.
Rewrite the jumbled paragraphs into a proper announcement.
Read the announcement aloud in turns.
Please contact Satria (08543445678788990) to collect the registration form.
To provide you journalistic knowledge, please attend a seminar about
journalism, with Mr. Jarwadi as the keynote speaker. As a senior journalist, he
has had many experiences related to journalism. He will share about how to
express ideas or information into good news.
Rista Anggraini
Journalistic Club Leader
Our club has just been established. Certainly, we need to have knowledge
about journalism, to make our writings readable and interesting. As you know,
it’s not easy to compose news.
The seminar will be held at the town hall, on Sunday, December 15, 2019 at
9 a.m. It is open for public and hopefully all of us can join. You only need to pay
for Rp25,000.
For: All members of the school journalistic club

Do the activities in your PR Bahasa Inggris on pages 97–100.

Back to Chapter VI
See You

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