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• Monocytopoiesis is the process which leads

to the production of monocytes (and,

subsequently, macrophages).
• It can be induced by macrophage colony-
stimulating factor.
Cells Size Nucleus Cytoplasm
Monoblast Diameter inti bulat hingga oval dengan struktur Tidak memiliki granula dan
12 -20 µm kromatin halus bersifat basophilic

Promonocyte Inti masih terlihat dengan kromatin Warna Sitoplasma mulai

halus bergeser ke arah tekstur biru-
abu-abu, granula halus

Monocyte Momonuklear dan kropos secara Granula azurofil, terdapat

metaforis berbentuk kacang atau vakuola
berbentuk ginjal
Fungsi - Phagocytosis : kemampuan fagosit terhadap mikroba dan sel inang yang
terinfeksi yang dimediasi oleh antibodi
- Phagocytosis yang diregulasi oleh chemokines seperti monocyte
chemotactic protein-1 (CCL2), monocyte chemotactic protein-3 (CCL7) dan
metabolit arachidonic acid seperti Leukotriene B4
- antigen presentation : bagian material mikroba sisa fagositosis merupakan
antigen yang akan dipresentasikan untuk aktivasi T lymphocytes
- cytokine production: jenis sitokin yang diproduksi TNF, IL-1, and IL-12

Macrophage Merupakan monosit yang berada di jaringan, memiliki fungsi Phagocytosis, Phagocytosis ,
cytokine production didalam jaringan. Penamaan Macrophage di beberapa jaringan :
Macrophages Jaringan
Adipose tissue macrophages Jaringan lemak

Monocytes Bone marrow/blood

Kupffer cells Liver
Sinus histiocytes Lymph nodes
Alveolar macrophages (dust cells) Paru-paru

Microglia sistem saraf pusat

Hofbauer cells Placenta
Intraglomerular mesangial cells ginjal

Osteoclasts Tulang
Epithelioid cells Granulomas
Red pulp macrophages (Sinusoidal) spleen

Peritoneal macrophages Peritoneal cavity

Monocytosis Monocytopenia
 chronic inflammation Monocytopenia is a form of
 stress response leukopenia associated with
 Cushing's syndrome a deficiency of monocytes.
(hyperadrenocorticism) A very low count of these
 immune-mediated disease cells is found after therapy
 granulomatous disease with immuno-suppressive
 necrosis glucocorticoids
 red blood cell regeneration
 viral fever
 sarcoidosis
• Santangelo S, Gamelli RL, Shankar R (January 2001). "Myeloid
commitment shifts toward monocytopoiesis after thermal injury and
sepsis". Ann. Surg. 233 (1): 97–106. PMC 1421160 .
PMID 11141231. doi:10.1097/00000658-200101000-00015.
• Nichols, BA; Bainton, DF; Farquhar, MG (1971). "Differentiation of
monocytes. Origin, nature, and fate of their azurophil granules". J.
Cell Biol. 50: 498–515. PMC 2108281 . PMID 4107019.
• Ziegler-Heitbrock, L; et al. (2010). "Nomenclature of monocytes and
dendritic cells in blood". Blood. 116 (16): e74–e80. PMID 20628149.
• Collison, Joanna L.; et al. (2015). "Heterogeneity in the Locomotory
Behavior of Human Monocyte Subsets over Human Vascular
Endothelium In Vitro". Journal of Immunology. 195 (3): 1162–1170.
PMID 26085686

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