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Banking And Finance

Presented by
Maryam Ehsan Ullah
Syeda Attiqa Batool
Maryam Khansa
Getting start

 01:Name of bank
 Home town bank
 02:Slogan
 Your Life. Anything Possible. Be with HTB
Getting start

 We identify the need of people and problem and try to solve their problem
by giving them better place to invest that is more secure and reliable then
other .we know the need of our customer and try to assess their future
particularly well.
Getting start

 04: Mission statement

 To provide value-added services to our customer to provide innovative
solution to meet customers requirement.providing customer with the
premium set of innovative product and services and granting superior
value to our stakeholder,shareholders customer and emplyees.
 05:Vision statement
 To become dynamic and efficient bank providing integrated solution in
order to become the first choice of bank for all customers.
Core values
 Integrity
 We follow our moral or ethical convictions and doing the right thing in
all circumstances, even if no one is watching us. We are true to our self
and would do nothing that demeans or dishonors us.
Core values

 Excellence in service
 Employees are considered as strategic assets. we have the flexibility and
creativity to serve customers better. we Provide excellence services with
the help of technological support. High‐performance banks are shifting
from a focus on organization to a focus on process.
Core values

 Innovation in service.
 Mobile banking,internet banking and various expansions of facilities at the
ATM stations will improve the operational efficiency.
Hire the board directors

 We hire six board of directorers.we hire them in the basis of their

qualification,experience and their skills.
 Ms.Maryam Ehsan Ullah
 Ms.Syeda Attiqa Batool
 MS. Maryam Khansa
 Mr. Raza
 Ms. Memona Adnan
 Mr.Arsal khan
Role of board of directores.

 The board of directors will oversees the strategic plan of the bank, and will
makes sure employees at all levels comply with company policies and
federal regulations.
 The ' key purpose of directors is to ensure the company's prosperity by
collectively directing the company's affairs, whilst meeting the appropriate
interests of its shareholders and stakeholders.
 In addition to business and financial issues, boards of directors will deal with
challenges and issues relating to corporate governance,corporate social
responsibility and corporate ethics.
Starting capital.

 The amount we need to start a bank is about 09 to 12 million. This money

can come from various places one is board of directors.
 the board directors are willing to invest a money.Other sources include
capital , private equity funds, founders groups, a bank holding company,
supporting financial institutions, and special funding available for
community banks.
Hire legal team
 Opening a bank is a very difficult and confusing process with many legal
regulations that must be followed and applications that must be filed.
 We Hire someone who is familiar with this process can expedite our
preparations and help us cover all our bases. And help us in establishing
Established risk management infrastructure.

 We Hire the best people who know how to assess for risk and keep policy
and procedures in place that keep your employees aware of the next
scheme, fraud, or bad decision.
Apply for all charter

 We consider both federal and state legal charters.

 We find a list and instructions Of charter and follow them.
 we will be approved our bank for deposit insurance by the Federal
Deposit Insurance Corporation.
02 Making it happen

 01:Find a location
 We search for suitable plce for bank. We find a suitable place that is in
Kunjha Dingha Road.
 It was important to us to familiarize ourself with all potential customers and
competitors we find this place whish is with smooth traffic.
 Seek out a location with other competitive bank as little as possible.
Purchase a place

Since we have found an appropriate place, we need to establish a place for

bank our bank. We Make sure there is enough room to perform activities or
 At least three personal banker offices
 A seating area
 An inside teller area
 A drive-thru teller
 An internal and an external ATM
 A security guard station
Come up with an elevator speech
 An elevator speech is a less than 30-seconds pitch that just rolls off your
 When someone asks us what we do, we should be able to recite this from
memory, with feeling and gusto, and convince them they need this
product too.
 We have to spread the word about our bank.
Established the relationship
 We will try build strong relationship with dierectors,employees,shareholders
staff and customer.
 Work with money transportation specialty companies, such as car services
companies , as well as any governing bodies, such as regulators and also
build good relation with statebank and our competitors.
What bank will offer
 Through research we determine what services the bank should offer. Checking
 Savings
 Current
 Mortgage Loans
 Small Business Loans
 Investment and Planning
 CDs and other short/long-term savings methods
 Private wealth and investment management
 Commercial loans - small ,mid ,and large Targets
 Commercial DDAs
Minitor cash flow

 We reserve 10-20% of our overall money , as a protection for the worst meet the any kind of losses and shortage of money and this ratio
we will reserve in state bank so we can take from the bank at the time of
03 part
 Register the bank
 In Pakistan,private limited companies are incorporated and regulated by
the companies ordinance 1948.SECP is regulatory authority established for
regulation of stock market and the companies ordinance 1948
 Approvel of name
 According to te policy of SEPC we choose a name for our bank that is not
identical nor closely resembling with the name of an existing company And
also not exploiting the religious susceptibilities.
 so the name of our bank is “HOME TOWN BANK”.we get name availability
certificate from SEPC.SEPC issued a certificate to us regarding availability
and validity.

Submission of Documents
 Once the company name gets the approval, we submit the incorporation
documents to the Securities and Exchange Commission of Pakistan (SECP).
 Fees payment for registration
 We pay the fees for the registration of our bank that is 3,870,298 rupees .
 Copies of national identity cards
 Then we attach the CNIC of every memeber .for the printed copies of
memorandum of association and Articles of association.
Memorandum association
 It is e charter of the company that contain the basic conditions on which
the company is incorporated
 It includes
 Adress:dingha road kunjha district Gujrat
 Libility:in this we define the nature of libility of the members
Article of association

 It’s the second important document of our bank rule and regulations and
routine work is discussed in this.we submit it in the registrar office. We make
this document by following articles
 Capital that is 9 to 12 Million
 Six directors
Duties of directors
 Role of board of director
 Establish vision, mission and values
 Set strategy and structure
 Delegate to management
 Exercise accountability to shareholders and be responsible to relevant
Distribution of capital
 The total fee for incorporating the bank -2M.
 The budget for insurance policies /permits and license-80K.
 The amount needed to aquire a suitable office facility in the business district with six month
rent up –front (Re-construction of the facility inclusive) 4M.
 The cost foe equipping office(computers/printer,fax machine,furniture,telephone,filling
cabin,safety gadgets and electronic)80-90LAC
 The cost for launching for official website 60lac
 Budget paying at least 10 employees for 6 months and ulity bills 1M
 Additional expenditure (business cards,signage,adverts and promotion) 40k
 Capital based 12millions
 Miscellaneous-2M
 Meeting with directors to start up the plan or to take action in plan

 Digital signature and a company seal

 The signature is granted by National Institutional Facilitation Technologies
(NIFT) and can be obtained using E-services of SECP. After the certificate of
incorporation is issued. We were required to present a company seal,
depending on from which city we going to start our business .
 Register for income,sale and professional taxes
 the next step of company registration is the registration with the Federal
Board of Revenue (FBR) and issuance of a national tax number (NTN). A
sales tax registration number will registered if applicable.
Register with ESSI and EOBI
 According to our location of our business, we register with
 Punjab Employees Social Security Institutions (PESSI)
 the Employees Old Age Benefits Institution (EOBI), Under the Employees
Old Age Benefits Institution (EOBI),we insured employees are entitled to a
pension, upon retirement, invalidity in the case of disability, old-age grant
and survivor’s pension.
Incorporatin of company

 In this step we submit all the documents

 memorandom of association
 article of association
 nominal capital
 qualification of shares
commencement of company

 we received a certificate of commencement before we start our bank.we

submits the following documents for registration
 Prospectus
 Minimum subscription
 Directors share

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