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 Bilateral descent- the tracing of kinship through both parents’ ancestral
 Endogamy- the custom of marrying only within the limits of a local
community, clan, or tribe
 Exogamy- the custom of marrying outside a community, clan, or tribe.
Compare with endogamy.
 Extended family- a family which extends beyond the nuclear family to
include grandparents and other relatives
 Family- a group of people related by blood or marriage
 Household- a house and its occupants regarded as a unit
 Kinship- a sharing of characteristics or origins
 Marriage- the legally or formally recognized union of a man and a woman
(or, in some jurisdictions, two people of the same sex) as partners in a
 Matrilineal descent- a system that traces descent through the women of
the clan
 Blended Family- a family unit that results from the union of two parents,
both with a child or children from previous relationships
 Monogamy- the practice of marrying or state of being married to one
person at a time
 Nuclear Family- a couple and their dependent children, regarded as a basic
social unit
 Patrilineal descent- in which an individual’s kin group, or clan membership,
is traced through men
 Polygamy- the practice or custom of having more than one wife or husband
at the same time
 Single parent family type- the single parent family consists of one parent
raising one or more children on his own
 Unilineal descent- a kinship system in which descent is traced through only
one gender. To really state it simply, it’s a family tree that is only tracked
through the men or women of the family, but not both
 In Anthropology, kinship is the web of social
relationships that form an important part of the lives
of most humans in most societies.
 Can be by blood, marriage and ritual
There are two kinds of kin:
 Consanguineal Kin- people who are biologically related to one another,
such as brothers and sisters or parents and their children
 Affinal Kin- people who are related to you by virtue of marriage bond, such
as husband and wife or parents in law
There are three types of Affiliation with kin:
 Unilineal descent
 Ambilineal descent
 Bilateral descent
 Unilineal and Ambilineal descent are based on the rules of descent which
are rules that connect individuals with particular set of kin because of
known or presumed common ancestry
 Unilineal descent describes that a person is affiliated with a group of kin
through descent links of one sex only (either males or females).
- either patrilineal or matrilineal
 Patrilineal descent- affiliates an individual with kin of both sexes related to
him or her through men only
 Matrilineal descent- affiliates an individual with kin of both sexes related
to him or her through women only
 There are 4 groups which refer themselves as belonging to a particular
unilineal group:
1. Lineages- is a set of kin whose members trace descents from a common
ancestor through known links.
-often designated by the name of the common male or female
2. Clans- is a set of kin whose members believe themselves to be
descended from a common ancestor but not that specified.
- Clans with patrilineal descent are called “particlans” while “matriclans”
for the matrilineal descent.
3. Phratries- it is unilineal descent group composed of supposedly related
4. Moieties- it is when a whole society is divided into two unilineal descent
groups. People in each moiety believe themselves to be descended from a
common ancestor.

 Ambilineal descent- is a system containing both unilineal descent groups,

example both patrilineal and matrilineal groups in which one belongs to
one’s father’s and or mother’s decent group.
 Bilateral descent – means two sided which refers to the fact that one’s
relatives on both mother’s and father’s sides are equal in importance.

 Marriage- means a socially approved sexual and economic union, usually

between a man and a woman.

 Rules governing types of marriages:

1. Monogamy- it is a form of marriage in which one man marries one
2. Polygamy- it is a form of marriage in which one is entitled to marry
many partners.
2 Types of Polygamy
 Polygyny- form of marriage in which one man marries more than one
woman at a given time.
Types of Polygyny:
 Sororal Polygyny- type of marriage in which the wives invariably the
 Non-sororal Polygyny- type of marriage in which the wives are not
related as sisters
 Polyandry- it is the marriage of one woman with more than one
Types of Polyandry:
 Fraternal Polyandry- when several brothers share the same wife and
the practice can be called alelphic or fraternal polyandry.
 Non-Fraternal Polyandry- in this type the husband need not have
any close relationship prior to the marriage. The wife goes to spend
some time with each husband.
3. Group Marriage- the marriage of two or more women with two or more
men . Here the husbands are common husbands and wives are common
 Endogamy and Exogamy- are the two main rules that condition marital
 Endogamy- it is a rule of marriage in which life-partners are to be selected
within the group. It is marriage within the group and the group may be
caste, class, tribe, race, village, religious group etc.
 Exogamy- it is a rule of marriage in which an individual has to marry
outside his own group. It prohibits marrying within the group. The so-
called blood relatives shall neither have marital connections nor sexual
contacts among themselves.
 Ritual Kinship- is a privileged social relationship established by rituals such
as that of godparents or fraternal orders.
 Compadrazo- a very famous ritual kinship use to refer to the institutional
relationship between compadres.
 Compadres- are relationship between the parents and godparents of a
child is an important bond that originates when a child is baptized in
Iberian and Latin American families.
-use for men
 Comadre- is the term being used for women

 Types of Family on the Basis of Marriage:

 Polygamous or Polygynous Family- it is a family with plural spouse marriage
 Polyandrous Family- it is a family where one woman has a number of husbands
 Monogamous Family- it is a family with one husband and one wife

 Types of Family on the Basis of the Nature of Residence:

 Family of Patrilocal Residence- the son stays and the daughter leaves, so that
the married couple lives with or near the husband’s parents
 Family of Matrilocal Residence- the daughter stays and the son leaves, so that
the married couple lives with or near the wife’s parents
 Family of Bilocal Residence- either the son or the daughter leaves, so that the
married couple lives with or near either the wife’s or the husband’s parents
 Types of Family on the Basis of Size or Structure:
 Nuclear Family- single couple/monogamous family
 Matrifocal Family- the parent in such families is usually the mother
 Extended Family- it may consist of two or more single parent,
monogamous, polygynous families linked with ties

 Types of Family on the Basis of the Nature of Relations:

 The conjugal family which consists of adult members among there exists
sex relationship.
 Consanguine family which consists of members among whom there exists
blood relationship brother and sister, father, and son, etc.

 The family could also be part of political affairs.
 Political dynasty is a very popular term to use if the family is in power

 Political Family/ Political Dynasty- is a family in which several members

are involved in politics and businesses. Members may be related by blood
or marriage; often several generations or multiple siblings may be involved.

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