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There are two India's, one is urban and another one is rural area. Under bharat
nirman yojana is also called as bharat. For the development of our nation both
have to converge
In rural India majority of the people still live below poverty line.
Many issue need attention in rural areas like heath education and sanitation..
As it know nature of India that is agrarian economy even our productivity is
lowest amongst the world.
Agriculture growth is critical but India must go beyond the agriculture and it
has real impact on the people who living in the rural sector
These include land, water and climate . People like to live that
place where soil fertile, water is safe for drinking bathing, cooking
irrigation and climate is not extreme but normal

Include conditui9on of agriculture and cottage industry. It base on
rural sector majority where farmers must have ability to buy a
good quality of seeds and scientific implementation and good
breed of cattle

It consist of peace and security , co operation intelligence etc
Under which one oldest male take decision and family member
abide to follow

It characterize by closest relation. In rural community every one
pay attention to each other joy and sorrow

In rural sector they have unity and participation each other
According to the 2001 censes ,72.2% of the population is lived in
about 638000 villages and remaining 27.8% lived in more than
5100 towns and over 380 are urban agglomeration.
In 2015-16 budget government gave due attention to rural
development and coupled with allocation of farm sector.
Several new initiative launched significant resources have been
provide to rural development programs that required more money
Apart from this specific allocation of RS 79526 corer for rural
development have been provided and several initiative scheme
and allocation for in infrastructure railways and social schemes
for poor will be benefit rural folks as the investment re going to be
60 percent because 1.2 billion population are living in rural sector
1. Farm sector
It include activities like s agriculture ,crops production,
plantation, animal husbandry (milk ,meat egg etc) forestry
logging and fishing
2. Non Farm Sector
The activities which is non agriculture likes agro processing
industries, wholesale, and retail trading ,storage and
communication transport and education ,health etc
i.e Rural non farm sector (RNFS)
Strategic program to promote rural sector and generate
employment opportunity and reduced poverty
Many measures are adopted for development of agriculture

These measures can be categorized into two parts

1. Technical method
include multiple cropping expansion of irrigation , use of
fertilizer HYV seeds plant protection, scientific cultivation
mechanization, development of agriculture and improvement
in animal husbandry

2. Institutional method
Include land reforms improvement in agriculture marketing
and provide credit facility
1. Human factor
The factor which are related to training health and efficiency of
farmers and their social tradition .Factor responsible for
agriculture backwardness are
. Excessive increase in population
. Condition of Small farmers .
Regarding those who actual take decisions about the
Producing. The following are the factor are categorized

 Defective land reform which is implement in five year

plan and no concrete measure are taken sole that’s led
to failure in agriculture

 Lacked of co-ordination
 only benefited those prosperous famers the must which
investment are made
1. Dependency in rainfall
2. Use of old technology
3. Lack of knowledge
(HYV seeds)
4. Not easy to take loans and credit facilities
5. Manure
( use cow dung , fertilizer are find expensive)
6. Marketing system of India agriculture
(crops local villager traders who offers lower price)
 Consist of all those activities non agriculture and located in
rural towns and small towns. Play a great role to promote
supplementary employment
Sustainable development In rural area there is lack of
infrastructure like information, education. Necessary to
make rural self reliant and less dependency on govt subsidy
1. Access the urban area like NCP
2. Technology adoption
3. Financial inclusion
4. Education and Health
5. Skill development
 As majority of poor resident area, the prime goal of rural
development is to improve the quality of life the rural people
by alleviating poverty through instrument, like self
employment wage employment
 And providing infrastructure facility
 The following are the some govt initiation to development the
rural sector
1. Integrated rural development program (IRDP)
To support the small poor in the form of subsidy and bank
credit for productivity . And also promote employment
opportunities through successive plan subsequently,
TRYSEM,DWCRA,SITRA (supply of improve tool kits to rural
artisans),GKY are the sub- groups of IRDP
2. Wage employment program
Under which the amount paid per hour or part time .self

3. Food for work program

Anti poverty strategy for assistance of rural sector and reduce
poverty line
4. Employment assurance scheme
The EAS designed to provide employment in the form of
manual work in the lean agriculture season

5. Rural housing initiated in 1985-86 The IAY is

the core program providing housing to families areas.sub
groups are SAY, HUDCO (housing and urban development co
6. Social security scheme
To provide social benefit of the members of the community and
as whole as

7. Land reform
Involves the changes of laws regulation or customs regarding
land ownership

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