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Name# Khursheed Ali

Reg No# 17-ARID-6126

The Thyroid Gland

The thyroid gland is the endo crine gland respon
sible for producing thyroid hormone,a regulator of gro
wth ,development,base metabolic rate and calcitonin.
two hormones are released from thyroid gland
1.Triodothyonine T3
2.thyroxine T4
T4 is thought to act primarilady precursor of T3

The Thyroid Gland


Thyroid Hormone Syntheses

The syntheses of thyroid hormone occurs in

the follicles of the thyroid. The follicles are s
pherical groupings of specialized epithelial
cells specialized epithelial cells surrounding
a central lumen containing a protein rich coll
oid TG is produced in the cells of follicles an
d secreted into the lumen.
Regulation of thyroid Horm
one Release

The major regulation of the thyroid is TSH(gl

ycoprotein) TSH stimulates a number of pro
cess in thyroid leading to thyroid hormone s
election. It has four effects
1.Short term effect
3.Long term
4.Life time effect
Physiological Action of
The effect of thyroid hormone are relat
ively long lasting and take some time t
o manifest themselves thyroid hormon
e has wide range of physiological effe
cts this fall into three main classes
1.General thermogenesis
2.General metabolic effects
3.Growth Effects
Physiological Action of Th
yroid cond`t
1. General thermogenesis
thyroid hormone increases the ba
se nutabolic rate of most tissues(brain
2. General metabolic effects
it stimulates protein turnover ,lipi
d turnover and carbohydrate metaboli
Physiological Action of
Thyroid cond`t
3. Growth Effects
thyroid is required for normal dev
elopment especially for growth.
Hyper thyroid disorder

Hyperthyroidism is caused by elevatd l

evel of free T3 and T4 and characteriz
ed by nervousness, hyper activity, restl
essness, tachycardia and weight loss
2.congewtal goiter
4.grave diseas
Hyper thyroid disorder c

the thyroid is capable of massive i
ncrease in size resulting in a visually o
bvios bulge in the neck goiter formatio
n result from excessive stimulation of t
hyroid by TSH
Hyper thyroid disorder c
2.Grave disease
is an autonomous disorder in whic
h antibodies against the TSH receptor
act to stimulate the thyroid in the abse
nce of TSH. thus usually result in goite
r formation due to chornic and unconr
olled thyroid stimulation.
Role of Iron

Despite significant progress defici

encies of iron and iodine remain major
public health problem affecting > 30%
of the global population .these deficie
ncies often coexist in children. Recent
studies have demonstrated that high p
Role of Iron cond`t
Of iron deficiency among children In ar
eas of endemic goiter may reduce the
effectiveness of iodized salt program t
hese finding argue strongly for improvi
ng iron status In areas of overlapping
deficiency not only to combat anemia
but also to increase the efficacy of iodi
ne prophylaxis.
Role of Iron cond`t
The dual fortification of salt with iodine
and iron may prove to be an effective a
nd sustainable method to accomplish t
hese important goals.

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