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 Affects approximately 2% of individuals, mostly in
young women. Linked to self-injury and suicide.

 According to National Institute of Mental Health

Borderline personality disorder is:
 “ a mental illness marked by an ongoing pattern of
varying moods, self-image, and behavior. These
symptoms often result in impulsive actions and
problems in relationships. People with borderline
personality disorder may experience intense episodes
of anger, depression, and anxiety that can last from a
few hours to days.”
Symptoms of (BPD)
Bipolar Personality
1.Experience a pervasive pattern
of unstable interpersonal
relationship and have difficulties
with moods and self image.

2.Ofen have intense episodes of

anxiety, depression and irritability
lasting from a few hours to several
3.May direct anger outward in the
form of physical aggression, but
may also engage in self
destructive behaviors such as
drug abuse, eating disorders or
suicidal gestures.

4. Usually have poor self identity

that leads to overly intense
relationship with others.
5.Tend to become angry and
frustrated when other people fail
to meet unrealistic expectations.
Histrionic Personality
 This disorder is characterized by shallow
emotions, attention seeking, and
manipulative behavior.

 Individuals with histrionic personality

disorder exhibit excessive emotionality a
tendency to regard things in an emotional
manner and are attention seekers. People
with this disorder are uncomfortable or feel
unappreciated when they are not the center
of attention.
Symptoms of Histrionic
Personality Disorder
1. Displays excessive but shallow emotions
and attention seeking behaviors.

2. Experience fleeting moods, opinions, and

beliefs. They are also very suggestible and
quick to respond to fads.

3. Generally need others to witness their

emotional displays in order to gain
validation or attention.
Other symptoms of HPD
 Shift emotions rapidly
 Act very dramatically, as though performing before an
audience, with exaggerated emotions and expressions,
yet appears to lack sincerity
 Be overly concerned with physical appearance
 Constantly seek reassurance or approval
 Be gullible and easily influenced by others
 Be excessively sensitive to criticism or disapproval
 Have a low tolerance for frustration and be easily bored
by routine, often beginning projects without finishing
them or skipping from one event to another
 Not think before acting
 Make rash decisions
 Be self-centered and rarely show concern for others
 Have difficulty maintaining relationships, often seeming
fake or shallow in their dealings with others

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