Distance of The Moon

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Background of the author

Italo Calvino was born on October 15, 1923 at

Santiago de las Vegas, Cuba and died on
September 19, 1985 in Siena, Italy. He was an
Italian Journalist, short-story writer, and novelist
whose whimsical and imaginative fables made him
one of the most important Italian fiction writers in
the 20th century.
B. Major themes of the story
The unrequitted love.
The interplay between feminism and musculinism.
C. What are/is the other element/s that is/are
dominant in your fiction? How do/does these/this
affect the story? Discuss.

The element that is dominant in our fiction is

setting. In the story, the moon and the sea were
given more emphasis compared to the other
D. What is the social significance of the story?
Why is this important to study?

The social significance of the story is that it

makes us realize that we should be the captains of
our own boat, that we should row our boat (lives) as
long as we do not offend anyone, step into others
lives and hurt other people.
E. Compare this fiction to others you have read. Is it similar to any
of them? Did you like it more or less than other stories you've
read? What do you think will be your lasting impression of it?

This fiction is way different from other stories we have

read because this is a science fiction, and the setting of
this story is different from the others since its setting
revolves around the moon. We like the story of the
Distance of the Moon because it is different from the other
stories just like its setting. This story is interesting because
it is unique and new to us.
20-item Multiple Choice
1. Who is the author of the distance of the moon?

A. Italo Calvina
B. Italo Calvino
C. Italo Calvin
2. Who narrated the story?

A. Captain Vhd Vhd

B. Little Xlthlx
C. Old Qfwfq
3. Who has special talents for making leaps?

A. The deaf cousin

B. Little Xlthlx
C. Old Qfwfq
4. Why do they have to go to the moon?

A. To travel and play

B. To collect milk
C. To discover the moon
5. Who admires the deaf cousin?

A. Captain Vhd Vhd

B. Old Qfwfq
C. Mrs. Vhd Vhd
6. Who has a sexual attraction to Mrs. Vhd Vhd?

A. Captain Vhd Vhd

B. Old Qfwfq
C. Little Xlthlx
7. Which part of Mrs. Vhd Vhd's body does Old
Qfwfq touch?

A. breast
B. head
C. legs
8. What did they use to go up to the moon?

A. harp
B. ladder
C. boat
9. What does the moon-milk looked like?

A. thick, like a kind of melting cheese

B. very thin, like a kind of cream cheese
C. very thick, like a kind of cream cheese
10. Who was left on the moon with Mrs. Vhd Vhd?

A. Old Qfwfq
B. Captain Vhd Vhd
C. The deaf cousin
11. He was an Italian journalist. His best works
includes the Our Ancestors Trilogy, the Cosmicomics
collection of short stories and novels of Invisible

A. Italo Calvino
B. Gabriel Garcia Marquez
C. Leo Tolstoy
12. What is the most dominant element of the short
story “Distance of the Moon?”

A. setting
B. theme
C. characters
13. How was Mrs. Vhd Vhd described by Old Qfwfq?

A. she had long legs and silvery teeth

B. she had very long arms, silvery as eels, armpits as dark
and mysterious as sea urchins
C. she had long legs, silvery arms and armpits as white as
14. What was the deaf cousin obsessed about?

A. The moon
B. Mrs. Vhd Vhd
C. The leaping
15. Why did Mrs. Vhd Vhd decided to remain on the

A. Because she realized that the milk in the moon is

B. Because she wanted to become one with the moon, the
only object the deaf cousin cares about.
C. Because she realized that Captain Vhd Vhd did not love
16. When did the moon begin to separate from its
close orbit to the earth?

A. When Mrs. Vhd decided to go to the moon.

B. When Old Qfwfq defy his master.
C. When deaf cousin fell asleep.
17. What instrument did Mrs. Vhd Vhd love to play?

A. harp
B. violin
C. cello
18. Who makes the fastery leap from the earth to the

A. Deaf cousin
B. Little Xlthlx
C. Old Qfwfq
19. How did Old Qfwfq feel when he came back
down to the earth?

A. sweet, his home refound

B. sad, his love was left on the moon
C. both A and B
20. What did the Old Qfwfq realize when he was
finally alone with Mrs. Vhd Vhd on the moon?

A. instead of intimacy, it was exile

B. he felt joyous
C. he felt saddened

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