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BRMS New Function IBM i6.1 and i7.

Plus Recently PTF’d Back Function

David Bhaskaran
© 2010 IBM Corporation
7.1 Enhancements

 GUI interface
– Support for the IBM Systems Web Browser environment
– Scheduling support for IBM Systems Director Navigator for I Web browser environment
– Enhanced the BRMS log filter to provide the option to filter on control groups
– Marking volumes for duplication
– Enhanced the electronic mail function to support multiple addresses
 Backup Enhancements
– Domino 8.5 DAOS (PTF’ed back)
– QIBMLINK Link list
 Recovery Enhancements
– STRRCYBRM override of specific report areas
– BRMS Restores with Outfile option
– Improved performance on recovery of objects
 Media Management Enhancements
– Volumes marked for Duplication protected from expiration
– Enhanced manageability of volumes in *ERR status
 Concurrent Maintenance Enhancements
 Network Enhancements
– Improved BRMS distribution of backup information
– High Availability support for I-ASPs in BRMS network

2 © 2010 IBM Corporation

6.1 Enhancements

 GUI interface Enhancements  Media Management Enhancements

– Support for Systems Director
– Expired column changed to status on WRKMEDBRM (*INZ
– Externalized Media polices!
(new), *ERR, *ACT, *EXP)
 Backup Enhancements – New command to balance media in a network (STRBALBRM)
– Software Data Encryption
– Multiple Job Common Synchronization Point (Save While Active) – Automated Duplication
• IFS and QSYS Support – New DUPMEDBRM message to indicate what the output
– Backup “Auditing/Performance” Report and Outfile volumes were
– Flashcopy support – Change of the append rules for volume selection.
– Support of which type of Parallel to use on control group entry • Will not pick a tape that is close to expiring unless nothing
– Journal Receiver Support else to select
– SAVOBJBRM and Object List support of Generic Libraries
– Move Media retention capability
– 300 Omit Limit on a save command removed
– *SYSDTA omit capability on the SAVSYSBRM command – Movement/Container enhancements
– Add the reference date/time parameters on SAVOBJBRM
– Device, Media class, and move policy override for STRBKUBRM  Network Enhancements
– Missing Objects support for IFS control group – Support to stop SNA attempt if TCP/IP fails
– IFS backups will put more messages into the BRMS log – Enable IPv6 support
– Private authority support – VIPA (Virtual IP Address) restricted state support

 Recovery Enhancements
 Device Enhancements
– Logical/Physical file restore order independence
– Private authority support – DVD/Optical library support
– Remote journal support – Tape Library 35xx enhancement
– Priority sequencing of saved items for STRRCYBRM – New media library status tool
– Location omit for STRRCYBRM
– STRRCYBRM Report Enhancements
• Optical
• Encryption
– Use of Date/Time on RSTxxxBRM commands

 Install Enhancement
– BRMS print files will keep attributes from previous release on

3 © 2010 IBM Corporation

Next slides are of the 6.1
enhancements with more detail.

4 © 2010 IBM Corporation

6.1 Slides…..

BRMS Client Highlights

• Web browser support via IBM Systems Director Navigator for i5/OS
• Externalize media polices
• DVD/Optical Libraries

5 © 2010 IBM Corporation

Web browser support via IBM Systems Director Navigator for i5/OS

6 © 2010 IBM Corporation

Externalize Media Policy

7 © 2010 IBM Corporation

Externalize Media Policy – Davedom Example

8 © 2010 IBM Corporation

DVD/Optical Library Support

9 © 2010 IBM Corporation

Backup Highlights
• Software Data Encryption
• Multiple Job Common Synchronization Point (Save While Active)
• IFS and QSYS Support
• Backup “Auditing/Performance” Report and Outfile
• Flashcopy support
• Support of which type of Parallel to use on control group entry
• Journal Receiver Support
• SAVOBJBRM and Object List support of Generic Libraries
• 300 Omit Limit on a save command removed (no slide)
• *SYSDTA omit capability on the SAVSYSBRM command
• Add the reference date/time parameters on SAVOBJBRM
• Device, Media class, and move policy override for STRBKUBRM command
• Missing Objects support for IFS control group (no slide)
• IFS backups will put more messages into the BRMS log
• Private authority support
NOTE: GUI Client supports these items also

10 © 2010 IBM Corporation

Data Encryption - How to set up
 Use the Cryptographic Services Key Management in GUI
 To create key store file Q1AKEYFILE in QUSRBRM with a unique file label

11 © 2010 IBM Corporation

Data Encryption - How to set up… Media policy changes

12 © 2010 IBM Corporation

Data Encryption - How to set up… Control Group changes

13 © 2010 IBM Corporation

Multiple Job Common Synchronization Point
Usage example: first, create a master control group that defines how entries are
sync’d together (MULTSWAID is the SYNCID parm in the screen below).

14 © 2010 IBM Corporation

Multiple Job Common Synchronization Point
Next, set up control group 1 and the libraries…

15 © 2010 IBM Corporation

Multiple Job Common Synchronization Point
Next, set up control group 2 and the ifs link list.
LIB01, LIB02, LIB03 and IFSLIST will all be sync’d together due to the sync id.

16 © 2010 IBM Corporation

Backup “Auditing/Performance” Report and Outfile


17 © 2010 IBM Corporation

Flashcopy Support (production backup)

18 © 2010 IBM Corporation

Flashcopy Support (production backup)

There is a sequence of setting up the production and also the backup

system using these 4 states of the *FLASHCOPY option (more info in the
BRMS manual -- look in network chapter).
19 © 2010 IBM Corporation
Support parallel save type selection for Control Group entry

20 © 2010 IBM Corporation

Journal Receiver Support

*ALLCHGRCV - Save all journal receivers in user libraries that do not start with the letter "Q" that have never been saved or that
have changed since they were last saved.
*ALLDTCRCV - Save all detached journal receivers in user libraries that do not start with the letter "Q" that have never been saved
or that have changed since they were last saved.

21 © 2010 IBM Corporation

SAVOBJBRM and Object List Support of Generic Libraries

22 © 2010 IBM Corporation


23 © 2010 IBM Corporation

Added the reference data/time parms on SAVOBJBRM
Note: Save type must be set.

24 © 2010 IBM Corporation

New overrides on STRBKUBRM

25 © 2010 IBM Corporation

Private Authorities Support
Note: Also supported on IFS lists and SAVxxx/RSTxxxBRM commands

26 © 2010 IBM Corporation

Better IFS messages in the BRMS Log

27 © 2010 IBM Corporation

Recovery Enhancements Highlights
• Logical/Physical file restore order independence
• Private authority support
• Remote journal support
• Priority sequencing of saved items for STRRCYBRM
• Location omit for STRRCYBRM

• STRRCYBRM Report Enhancements

• Optical
• Encryption
• Use of Date/Time on RSTxxxBRM commands

28 © 2010 IBM Corporation

Logical/Physical file restore order independence
BRMS will automatically handle this for you

29 © 2010 IBM Corporation

Private Authority Support

30 © 2010 IBM Corporation

Use of Priority Sequencing of Saved Items in STRRCYBRM

31 © 2010 IBM Corporation

Location omit for STRRCYBRM

32 © 2010 IBM Corporation

STRRCYBRM Enhancements - Optical

33 © 2010 IBM Corporation

STRRCYBRM Enhancements - Encryption

34 © 2010 IBM Corporation

Use of Date/Time on RSTxxxBRM commands
(Note: some had Date…Time added on all)

35 © 2010 IBM Corporation

Ragged SWA and Remote Journals (Backup and Recovery)


Target System Source System

Journal Journal Restore

Receiver Physical Apply journal

Backup Backup

BRMS save history

Journal receiver Journal receiver data: Source System
backup history Restore
Journal receiver detail Journal receiver data: Target System 1
Journal receiver data: Target system 2

36 © 2010 IBM Corporation

Media Management Highlights
• Expired column changed to status on WRKMEDBRM (*INZ (new), *ERR, *ACT, *EXP)
• New command to balance media in a network (STRBALBRM)
• Automated Duplication
• New DUPMEDBRM message to indicate what the output volumes were
• Change of the append rules for volume selection. (no slide)
• Will not pick a tape that is close to expiring unless nothing else to select
• Move Media retention capability
• Movement/Container enhancements

37 © 2010 IBM Corporation

Expired Column Changed to Status on WRKMEDBRM

38 © 2010 IBM Corporation

Media balancing (STRBALBRM)
Reports, balancing, setting and removing
System Priority | Media Class Media Location | Scratch media required


DEV01 3


Media Class

Media Location
Media Balancing
(Customer decides) Allocate media
Priority depends on
availability. If not
able to allocate
required media,
Number Required message will be

39 © 2010 IBM Corporation

Automatic Duplication in Media Policy

40 © 2010 IBM Corporation

New DUPMEDBRM message to indicate what output volumes were used.

41 © 2010 IBM Corporation

Move Media Retention Capability

42 © 2010 IBM Corporation

Movement/Container Enhancements – Auto Open/Close

43 © 2010 IBM Corporation

DVD/Optical Device Support - WRKDEVBRM

44 © 2010 IBM Corporation

DVD/Optical Device Support - WRKMEDBRM

45 © 2010 IBM Corporation

DVD/Optical Device Support - ADDMEDBRM

46 © 2010 IBM Corporation

DVD/Optical Device Support - WRKMLMBRM

47 © 2010 IBM Corporation

Advanced Feature: Tape Library 35xx Enhancement – Use new system-
device connection setup.

48 © 2010 IBM Corporation

Advanced Feature: Tape Library Status Tool – Who’s using my tape

49 © 2010 IBM Corporation

Support to Stop SNA Attempt If No TCP/IP or Vice Versa

50 © 2010 IBM Corporation

Support Virtual IP Addressing In Restricted State

51 © 2010 IBM Corporation

• q1aCrtCg Create Control Group
• q1aCrtCgBO Create Control Group Based On
• q1aDltCg Delete Control Group
• q1aAddCgE Add Control Group Entry
• q1aRmvCgE Remove Control Group Entry
• q1aAddCgEO Add Control Group Entry Object Omit
• q1aRmvCgEO Remove Control Group Entry Object Omit
• q1aCrtLst Create List
• q1aDltLst Delete List
• q1aAddLstE Add List Entry
• q1aRmvLstE Remove List Entry

52 © 2010 IBM Corporation

Next slides are of the 7.1
enhancements with more detail.

53 © 2010 IBM Corporation

BRMS and Domino 8.5 DAOS
 Before Domino 8.5.0 and DAOS
–Document attachments were part of .nsf file.
 With Domino 8.5.0 and DAOS
–Document attachments are pulled out of .nsf file as .nlo
 With Domino 8.5.1 and PTFs SI34916 (V5R4M0) or SI34918
(V6R1M0) or later
– BRMS will auto-detect the presence of the NLO objects for the Domino Online
backups. (NO BRMS Changes needed)
– A full save will also now include all the NLO objects.
– An incremental save will also now include only the new and changed NLO
objects since the last full save.

54 © 2010 IBM Corporation

BRMS and Domino 8.5 DAOS (cont)

 Careful with size of attachment that will be externalized!!!!!

–Otherwise there will be many .nlo objects
–Lots of extra IFS objects = SLOW backups.
 References :
–DAOS Quick Start Guide
–DAOS Best Practises
–DAOS Estimator
–BRMS Reference

55 © 2010 IBM Corporation

DAOS objects are saved at end of SAVDOMBRM
Work with Media Information BRMSSYS

Position to Date . . . . .

Type options, press Enter.

2=Change 4=Remove 5=Display 6=Work with media 7=Restore
9=Work with saved objects ...

Saved Save Save Save Parallel Volume File Expire

Opt Item Date Time Type Devices Serial Sequence Date
DOMINO04 3/01/10 3:23:30 *LTSONL 2 PT1015 1 3/21/10
DOMINO04 3/01/10 3:24:27 *LTSONL 2 PT1015 3 3/21/10
DOMINO04 3/01/10 3:24:59 *LTSONL 2 PT1015 5 3/21/10
DOMINO04 3/01/10 3:26:33 *FULL 2 PT1015 6 3/21/10

F3=Exit F5=Refresh F11=Object detail F12=Cancel
F23=More options

56 © 2010 IBM Corporation

DAOS objects are saved at end of SAVDOMBRM
Work with Media Information BRMSSYS

Position to Date . . . . .

Type options, press Enter.

2=Change 4=Remove 5=Display 6=Work with media 7=Restore
9=Work with saved objects ...

Saved Save Save Item ----- Objects ----- Control Obj

Opt Item Date Time Type Saved Not Saved Group Dtl
DOMINO04 3/01/10 3:23:30 *LNK 50 0 QLTSDOM04 *YES
DOMINO04 3/01/10 3:24:27 *LNK 50 0 QLTSDOM04 *YES
DOMINO04 3/01/10 3:24:59 *LNK 10 0 QLTSDOM04 *YES
DOMINO04 3/01/10 3:26:33 *LNK 1345 0 QLTSDOM02 *YES

57 © 2010 IBM Corporation

IBM Systems Director Navigator at V6R1M0

58 © 2010 IBM Corporation

Updated main BRMS panel at IBM i 7.1

59 © 2010 IBM Corporation

Why the changes to the System Director

 Quick access to essential BRMS function

 Serves as a guide

–Backup the entire system

–Get latest status of system save
 Access to advanced functions
 Experienced users can hide the startup panel

60 © 2010 IBM Corporation

Running on a Linux Partition

61 © 2010 IBM Corporation

Navigating to the IBM i system….and BRMS!!

62 © 2010 IBM Corporation

Then back to normal interface….

63 © 2010 IBM Corporation

System i Navigator vs. Systems Director Navigator

 Almost functionally and visually identical

 IBM Systems Director Navigator for i5/OS now has the scheduling function

–For backup, maintenance, printing reports, reclaim, etc.

64 © 2010 IBM Corporation

Can schedule the running of a control group

65 © 2010 IBM Corporation

Scheduling BRMS maintenance

66 © 2010 IBM Corporation

Scheduling BRMS maintenance (cont)

67 © 2010 IBM Corporation

Scheduling BRMS maintenance (cont)

68 © 2010 IBM Corporation

Scheduling BRMS maintenance (cont)

69 © 2010 IBM Corporation

Viewing BRMS scheduled jobs

 At V6R1M0, only active or completed tasks could be viewed or monitored

 Jobs scheduled via System I Navigator (GUI) will also be listed
 BRMS green screen will list BRMS Director (WEB) and Navigator (GUI) jobs

70 © 2010 IBM Corporation

View BRMS scheduled jobs

71 © 2010 IBM Corporation

View BRMS scheduled jobs

72 © 2010 IBM Corporation

Control Group Messages in BRMS log

 New Option in WEB/GUI that allows user to search messages in the BRMS log for a specific
control group

73 © 2010 IBM Corporation

Displaying BRMS log at V6R1M0

74 © 2010 IBM Corporation

Displaying BRMS log at IBM i 7.1

75 © 2010 IBM Corporation

Marking volumes for Duplication via WEB/GUI

 At IBM i 7.1, it is possible to mark and unmark volumes for duplication via System Director
(WEB) or System Navigator (GUI)
 Same function to WRKMEDBRM Option 18 and 19

76 © 2010 IBM Corporation

Marking a volume for Duplication

77 © 2010 IBM Corporation

Confirming marking of volumes for duplication

78 © 2010 IBM Corporation

Volume marked for duplication

79 © 2010 IBM Corporation

Unmarking a volume for duplication

80 © 2010 IBM Corporation

Multiple email address support

 Possible to specify multiple e-mail addresses to send BRMS alerts.

 Setup is still done via GUI or WEB under Global Policies>Network
 No options in 5250 emulation
 E-mails are separated with a comma and no spaces
 Requires SMTP server to be running (as per previous releases)

81 © 2010 IBM Corporation

Multiple email address support - WEB

82 © 2010 IBM Corporation

Link list for IBM IFS files added to *SYSGRP

 IBM link list QIBMLINK added to *SYSGRP control group

–Only added to control group on new installs – will not be

added when system is upgraded
–Recommended that users add it manually to *SYSGRP for
current installations

83 © 2010 IBM Corporation

Link list for IBM IFS files added to *SYSGRP
Display Backup Control Group Entries BRMSSYS

Group . . . . . . . . . . : *SYSGRP
Default activity . . . . : *BKUPCY
Text . . . . . . . . . . : Backs up all system data

Weekly Retain Save SWA

Backup List ASP Activity Object While Message Sync
Seq Items Type Device SMTWTFS Detail Active Queue ID
10 *EXIT *******
50 *EXIT *******

Press Enter to continue.

F3=Exit F11=Display exits F12=Cancel F14=Display client omit status

84 © 2010 IBM Corporation

New Link list for user IFS files

 A new link list called QALLUSRLNK created

–Used when only wanting to save user IFS directories and

–Used in conjunction with QIBMLINK list
–Will omit the following
• '/QDLS'
• '/QIBM/ProdData‘
• '/QOpenSys/QIBM/ProdData'

85 © 2010 IBM Corporation

Work with Lists BRMSSYS

Position to . . . . . . Starting characters

Type options, press Enter.

1=Add 2=Change 3=Copy 4=Remove 5=Display 6=Print

Opt List Name Use Type Text

QALLSPLF *BKU *SPL All printed output

QALLUSRLNK *BKU *LNK All user directories
QIBMLINK *BKU *LNK All IBM directories
QLNKOMT *BKU *LNK Associated user omit list for *LINK.


F3=Exit F5=Refresh F12=Cancel

86 © 2010 IBM Corporation

Support of more than 999,999 objects

 BRMS will now show more than 999,999 objects being saved on:

–In the BRMS Recovery Report, QP1ARCY

87 © 2010 IBM Corporation

Correct number of objects saved listed
Work with Media Information BRMSSYS

Position to Date . . . . .

Type options, press Enter.

2=Change 4=Remove 5=Display 6=Work with media 7=Restore
9=Work with saved objects ...

Saved Save Save Item ----- Objects ----- Control Obj

Opt Item Date Time Type Saved Not Saved Group Dtl
LIBA 2/26/10 8:11:38 *LIB 1 0 *NONE *NO
LIBB 2/26/10 8:13:26 *LNK 1 0 MJTEST *YES
*LINK 2/26/10 8:14:57 *LIB 1090926 0 MJTEST *NO
QUSRBRM 2/26/10 8:15:04 *OBJ 16 0 MJTEST *YES

F3=Exit F5=Refresh F11=Duplication status F12=Cancel
F23=More options

88 © 2010 IBM Corporation

Correct number of objects listed on QP1ARCY
__ STEP 017 : Recover Directories and Files
Start date/time __________________ Stop date/time __________________ Duration _________________
You should restore the current version of your objects in directories.
If you are performing a complete system restore, run the following
command to continue.
Otherwise, run the following command.
Type the command choice and press "Enter".
Select the saved item(s) listed below from the "Select Recovery Items"
display and press "Enter" to recover these saved items. Recovery of
these saved items will require the volumes listed on the report or
duplicate volumes.
--- Objects ---
Saved Save ----- ASP ------ Save Save Not Sequence Control Volume
Item Type Name Number Date Time Saved Saved Number Group Identifier Encrypt
---------- ------- ---------- ----- -------- -------- -------- ------ --------- ---------- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
__ *LINK *FULL *SYSBAS 00001 11/02/09 14:32:43 1090926 0 0 *SYSTEM BRM001

F3=Exit F12=Cancel F19=Left F20=Right F24=More keys

89 © 2010 IBM Corporation

Overrides for special values on STRRCYBRM

 Possible to override selective parts of recovery

 Ignored in Override recovery element (OVERRIDE) set to *NO
 Affects both *REPORT and *RESTORE
 Override warning is posted in the recovery report

90 © 2010 IBM Corporation

Overrides for special values on STRRCYBRM
Start Recovery using BRM (STRRCYBRM)

Type choices, press Enter.

Volume locations to include . . LOC *ALL

+ for more values
Volume locations to omit . . . . OMITLOC *NONE
+ for more values
Override recovery element . . . OVERRIDE *YES
Recovery element override: RCYELEM
Recovery element . . . . . . . *SAVSYS
Time period for recovery:
Start time and date:
Beginning time . . . . . . . . *AVAIL
Beginning date . . . . . . . . *BEGIN
End time and date:
Ending time . . . . . . . . . *AVAIL
Ending date . . . . . . . . . *END
+ for more values

F3=Exit F4=Prompt F5=Refresh F12=Cancel F13=How to use this display
F24=More keys

91 © 2010 IBM Corporation

Attention block in QP1ARCY when overrides exist
Display Spooled File
File . . . . . : QP1ARCY Page/Line 7/48
Control . . . . . Columns 1 - 130
Find . . . . . .
__ STEP 009 : Recover User Profiles
Start date/time __________________ Stop date/time __________________ Duration _________________
----- Attention ---------------------------------------------------
There is an override for recovery element *SECDTA.
You should restore a current version of your user profiles.
To do so, type the following command and press "Enter".

----- Attention ---------------------------------------------------

Press F9 on the Select Recovery Items display to go to the Restore
Command Defaults display.
__ Ensure the tape device name or media library device name is
correct for the Device prompt.
__ Ensure *SAVLIB is specified for the Restore to library prompt.
__ Ensure *SAVASP is specified for the Auxiliary storage pool prompt.
If you are recovering to a different system or a different logical
partition, you must specify the following:
F3=Exit F12=Cancel F19=Left F20=Right F24=More keys

92 © 2010 IBM Corporation

Recovery Report (QP1ARCY) enhancements

 In Verify System Information step added UPDSYSINF command

 In Recover User Profiles step, use *COMPATIBLE

93 © 2010 IBM Corporation

Verify System Information Step
File . . . . . : QP1ARCY Page/Line 22/42
Control . . . . . Columns 1 - 130
Find . . . . . . Verify
__ STEP 020 : Verify System Information
Start date/time __________________ Stop date/time __________________ Duration _________________
You should verify your system information.
If you use either of the following commands after the save, additional
reports are created which can be used to verify the system information.
If you recovered using distribution media or if your save of QUSRSYS is
more current than your system save, then it is recommended that you
update your system information by running the following command:
For more information about recreating your system information, refer
to the "Recovering your system" topic.

94 © 2010 IBM Corporation

Restoring User Profiles step
File . . . . . : QP1ARCY Page/Line 8/38
Control . . . . . Columns 1 - 130
Find . . . . . .
__ STEP 009 : Recover User Profiles
Start date/time __________________ Stop date/time __________________ Duration _________________
You should restore a current version of your user profiles.
To do so, type the following command and press "Enter".
----- Attention ---------------------------------------------------
Press F9 on the Select Recovery Items display to go to the Restore
Command Defaults display.
__ Ensure the tape device name or media library device name is
correct for the Device prompt.
__ Ensure *SAVLIB is specified for the Restore to library prompt.
__ Ensure *SAVASP is specified for the Auxiliary storage pool prompt.
If you are recovering to a different system or a different logical
partition, you must specify the following:
__ *ALL for the Data base member option prompt.
__ *COMPATIBLE for the Allow object differences prompt.
__ *NONE for the System resource management prompt.
Press "Enter" to return to the Select Recovery Items display.
Select the saved item(s) listed below from the "Select Recovery Items"
display and press "Enter" to recover these saved items. Recovery of
these saved items will require the volumes listed on the report or
duplicate volumes.
--- Objects ---
Saved Save ----- ASP ------ Save Save Not Sequence Control Volume
Item Type Name Number Date Time Saved Saved Number Group Identifier Encrypt
---------- ------- ---------- ----- -------- -------- -------- ------ --------- ---------- ---------------------------- -------
__ *SAVSECDTA *FULL *SYSBAS 00001 2/24/10 14:00:36 145 0 41 *NONE LN4603

95 © 2010 IBM Corporation

BRMS Restores with Outfile option
 It is now possible to specify an outfile when doing BRMS restores
 Options can be specified
–In the Recovery Policy – WRKPCYBRM TYPE(*RCY)
–In BRMS restore commands
–In the Recovery Defaults for

96 © 2010 IBM Corporation

OUTFILE option in BRMS Recovery Policy
Change Recovery Policy BRMSSYS

Type choices, press Enter.

Key store file . . . . . . . . . . *SAV Name, *SAV, *NONE

Key store library . . . . . . . *SAV Name, *SAV, *NONE
Restore private authorities. . . . *NO *NO, *YES

Output options for recoveries:

Output. . . . . . . . . . . . . . *NONE *NONE, *OUTFILE
File to receive output. . . . . . Name
Library. . . . . . . . . . . . . *LIBL Name, *LIBL, *CURLIB
Output member options:
Member to receive output . . . . *FIRST Name, *FIRST
Replace or add records . . . . . *REPLACE *REPLACE, *ADD

Output options for directory object recoveries:

Output. . . . . . . . . . . . . . *NONE

F3=Exit F4=Prompt F5=Refresh F9=System policy

97 © 2010 IBM Corporation

OUTFILE option for RSTLIBBRM command
Restore Library using BRM (RSTLIBBRM)

Type choices, press Enter.

Restore incremental . . . . . . *YES *YES, *NO

Allow object differences . . . . *NONE *NONE, *ALL, *COMPATIBLE...
+ for more values
Private authorities . . . . . . *NO *NO, *YES
Restore to library . . . . . . . *SAVLIB Name, *SAVLIB
Auxiliary storage pool . . . . . *SAVASP Name, 1-32, *SAVASP, *SYSTEM
From system . . . . . . . . . . *LCL

Additional Parameters

Output . . . . . . . . . . . . . *NONE *NONE, *OUTFILE

File to receive output . . . . . Name
Library . . . . . . . . . . . *LIBL Name, *LIBL, *CURLIB
Output member options:
Member to receive output . . . *FIRST Name, *FIRST
Replace or add records . . . . *REPLACE *REPLACE, *ADD
F3=Exit F4=Prompt F5=Refresh F12=Cancel F13=How to use this display
F24=More keys

98 © 2010 IBM Corporation

OUTFILE option for RSTBRM command
Restore Object using BRM (RSTBRM)

Type choices, press Enter.

Save level time reference:

Save date . . . . . . . . . . Date
Save time . . . . . . . . . . *LATEST Time, *LATEST
End of media option . . . . . . *REWIND *REWIND, *LEAVE, *UNLOAD
Option . . . . . . . . . . . . . *ALL *ALL, *NEW, *OLD
Allow object differences . . . . *NONE *NONE, *ALL, *AUTL, *OWNER...

Private authorities . . . . . . *NO *NO, *YES

Object ID . . . . . . . . . . . *SAVED *SAVED, *SYS
Create parent directories . . . *NO *NO, *YES
Parent directory owner . . . . . *PARENT Name, *PARENT
From system . . . . . . . . . . *LCL
Output . . . . . . . . . . . . . *NONE

F3=Exit F4=Prompt F5=Refresh F12=Cancel F13=How to use this display
F24=More keys

99 © 2010 IBM Corporation


Restore Command Defaults

Type information, press Enter.

Restore private authorities . . . . *NO *NO, *YES

Output options for recoveries:

Output . . . . . . . . . . . . . . *NONE *NONE, *OUTFILE
File to receive output . . . . . . Name
Library . . . . . . . . . . . . . *LIBL Name, *LIBL, *CURLIB
Output member options:
Member to receive output. . . . . *FIRST Name, *FIRST
Replace or add records. . . . . . *REPLACE *REPLACE, *ADD

Output options for directory object recoveries:

Output . . . . . . . . . . . . . . *NONE


100 © 2010 IBM Corporation


 User can specify the saved ASP when using the following BRMS commands

 Allows user more control to select restores by ASP

101 © 2010 IBM Corporation

ASP parameter on RSTLIBBRM command
Restore Library using BRM (RSTLIBBRM)

Type choices, press Enter.

Library . . . . . . . . . . . . Name, *MEDINF

+ for more values
Device . . . . . . . . . . . . . Name, *MEDCLS
+ for more values
Parallel device resources:
Minimum resources . . . . . . *SAV 1-32, *SAV, *NONE, *AVAIL
Maximum resources . . . . . . *MIN 1-32, *MIN, *AVAIL
Save level . . . . . . . . . . . *CURRENT 1-99, *CURRENT, *SAVDATE
Saved auxiliary storage pool . . *ANY Name, 2-32, *ANY, *SYSTEM
End of media option . . . . . . *REWIND *REWIND, *LEAVE, *UNLOAD
Option . . . . . . . . . . . . . *ALL *ALL, *NEW, *OLD, *FREE
Database member option . . . . . *MATCH *MATCH, *ALL, *NEW, *OLD
Spooled file data . . . . . . . *NEW *NEW, *NONE
Restore incremental . . . . . . *YES *YES, *NO
Allow object differences . . . . *NONE *NONE, *ALL, *COMPATIBLE...
+ for more values
F3=Exit F4=Prompt F5=Refresh F12=Cancel F13=How to use this display
F24=More keys

102 © 2010 IBM Corporation
BRMS Distributed Backup Support

 New options in BRMS networking to allow distribution of backup history

 Will be used for 2 things

–Which systems receive saved history

• Still require remote system to have *LIB set
–iASP support and synchronization control
• Decide to make synchronized system the owner
• Update reference date for incremental backups

103 © 2010 IBM Corporation

BRMS Distributed Backup Support

Notice Receive Media

Information no longer there.

It now is per system!

104 © 2010 IBM Corporation

I-ASP History Distributed (Gui/Web only)

105 © 2010 IBM Corporation

BRMS Distributed Backup Support – WEB/GUI Con’t

106 © 2010 IBM Corporation

BRMS Maintenance Enhancements

 Enhancements to BRMS Maintenance (STRMNTBRM) include:

–More concurrent maintenance allowed

–Warning when volumes are in use and cannot be moved
–Volume Move report (QPIAVMS) has warning
–Automatic hold BRMS jobs wanting to use files
maintenance is currently using.
 Messages

–BRM6714 - Current job being held by maintenance job

–BRM6715 – BRM restricted procedure started
–BRM6716 – BRM restricted procedure ended

107 © 2010 IBM Corporation

Message BRM6714 message being posted
Command Entry BRMSSYS
Request level: 1
Previous commands and messages:

(No previous commands or messages)

Type command, press Enter.

F3=Exit F4=Prompt F9=Retrieve F10=Include detailed messages

F11=Display full F12=Cancel F13=Information Assistant F24=More keys
Job QPADEV0001/BRMS/000101 is being held by job BRMSMAINT/BRMSOPR/000100.

108 © 2010 IBM Corporation

BRM6716 Message being posted
Command Entry BRMSSYS
Request level: 1
Previous commands and messages:

(No previous commands or messages)

Type command, press Enter.

F3=Exit F4=Prompt F9=Retrieve F10=Include detailed messages

F11=Display full F12=Cancel F13=Information Assistant F24=More keys
BRM restricted procedure ended.

109 © 2010 IBM Corporation

Planning Media Movement Report

 PRTMOVBRM TYPE(*NEXT) will now show future movement of media

 Need to select future date on the second value on SLTDATE parameter

110 © 2010 IBM Corporation

QP1APVMS Move Report
File . . . . . : QP1APVMS Page/Line 8/11
Control . . . . . Columns 1 - 130
Find . . . . . .
Next Scheduled Volume Movement
From location . . . : VAULT To location . . . . : TS7650
Volume To Creation Expire Move Move Container From Volume
Serial Slot Date Date Policy Date Container Slot Slot System Identifier
BRM001 2 3/04/10 3/30/10 DAILY 3/30/10 *NONE 2 BRMSSYS BRM001
BRM003 3 3/04/10 3/30/10 DAILY 3/30/10 *NONE 3 BRMSSYS BRM003
Total volumes . . . . . : 2
***** END OF LISTING *****

111 © 2010 IBM Corporation

Clearing volumes in *ERR Status

 Possible to clear volumes in *ERR status without removing from BRMS

 Available in WEB, GUI and 5250 Emulation
 New Option 9 on WRKMEDBRM
 Will change a volume in *ERR status to *INZ status
 Once in *INZ status, can be re-initialized

–WRKMEDBRM Option 10

112 © 2010 IBM Corporation

WRKMEDBRM – Volume in *ERR status
Work With Media System: BRMSSYS
Position to . . . . . Starting characters

Type options, press Enter.

1=Add 2=Change 4=Remove 5=Display 6=Work with serial set 7=Expire
8=Move 9=Remove volume error status 10=Reinitialize ...

Volume Creation Expiration Move Media Dup

Opt Serial Status Date Date Location Date Class Sts



Parameters or command:
F3=Exit F4=Prompt F5=Refresh F11=Volume system F12=Cancel F17=Top
F18=Bottom F23=More options

113 © 2010 IBM Corporation

Volume changed to *INZ status
Work With Media System: BRMSSYS
Position to . . . . . Starting characters

Type options, press Enter.

1=Add 2=Change 4=Remove 5=Display 6=Work with serial set 7=Expire
8=Move 9=Remove volume error status 10=Reinitialize ...

Volume Creation Expiration Move Media Dup

Opt Serial Status Date Date Location Date Class Sts



Parameters or command:
F3=Exit F4=Prompt F5=Refresh F11=Volume system F12=Cancel F17=Top
F18=Bottom F23=More options

114 © 2010 IBM Corporation

Protection Media marked for Duplication

 Media marked for duplication will not be expired

 Warning message displayed in Media Expiration Report (QP1AEP)

–Pending volume duplication, cannot expire

 Will protect physical and virtual media
 WRKMEDBRM option 7 will post a BRM0010 message

115 © 2010 IBM Corporation

Media Expiration Report
File . . . . . : QP1AEP Page/Line 1/2
Control . . . . . Columns 1 - 130
Find . . . . . .
5770BR1 IBM i 7.1 100416 Media Expiration Report BRMSSYS 3/06/10 3:48:40 Page
Volume Creation Media Files
Serial System Date Location User Use Count ACT EXP
CVT021 BRMSSYS 2/23/10 CVT2 BRMSOPR 3 13 0 Pending volume duplication, cannot expire.
LN4807 BRMSSYS 2/24/10 NET3590 BRMSOPR 18 0 394 Pending volume duplication, cannot expire.
(No volumes expired)
Volumes warned . . . . . . . : 0
Volumes expired . . . . . . . : 0
Previously expired . . . . . : 213
Total expired count . . . . . : 213
***** END OF LISTING *****

F3=Exit F12=Cancel F19=Left F20=Right F24=More keys

116 © 2010 IBM Corporation

Improving BRMS recovery times

 BRMS supports new POSITION parameter in RSTLIB, RSTOBJ and RST commands
 Done automatically by BRMS
 Requires object level detail be saved

–*YES, *OBJ or *MBR on save item

 Very significant performance improvements can result

–For example: Restoring last object from 1.1 million IFS

object save went from about 22 minutes to less than 3
 Not supported on WRKMEDIBRM Option 7,7 (Libraries)
 Not supported for WRKMEDIBRM 9,9,7,7 (IFS Directories)

117 © 2010 IBM Corporation

BRMS supports special value *COMPATIBLE for ALWOBJDIF

 *COMPATIBLE special value supported on ALWOBJDIF command

118 © 2010 IBM Corporation

More control when running non-BRMS saves

 When running non-BRMS saves using non-BRMS volumes on a system with BRMS, job will
not end if a BRMS volume is loaded.
 BRMS will post a BRM1730 message giving user option to load another non-BRMS volume

119 © 2010 IBM Corporation

BRMS Post IBM i7.1 plus items PTF’d back
Post 7.1 will have better interfaces.
(March and June 2013)

© 2010 IBM Corporation

New Function PTF’d

121 © 2010 IBM Corporation

Retention information in PRTRPTBRM report

122 © 2010 IBM Corporation

Detailed Completion information in PRTRPTBRM report

123 © 2010 IBM Corporation

Support RDB entries for all BRMS communication

124 © 2010 IBM Corporation

Support RDB entries for all BRMS communication (Enterprise also)

125 © 2010 IBM Corporation

Support Fully Qualified Domain Names (FQDN) via RDB support.

126 © 2010 IBM Corporation

BRMS Post IBM i7.1 plus items PTF’d back
Post 7.1 will have better interfaces.
(Sept and Dec 2012)

© 2010 IBM Corporation

New Function PTF’d

128 © 2010 IBM Corporation

Allow a 'Shared media' value of *YES for optical media classes.

129 © 2010 IBM Corporation

Removable Mass Storage Devices

NOTE: Memory Sticks coming in March!

(IBM Confidential until announced)

© 2010 IBM Corporation

RDX Cartridges are being positioned for the lower end of the performance requirements
(Faster than DAT tape). Capacity is 160 GB – 1 TB per removable cartridge. Will be
available native attached in TR5, either USB or SATA. SATA will be PTFed back to 6.1.1.
The RDX dock is available in either 5.25” internal (SATA or USB) or external USB. The
dock supports all cartridges which have 30+ years of reliability and rugged. They can be
shipped via a courier transport. Plus you never have to clean the drive!

This offering will show up as RMSxx devices, but will be classified as Optical (random
access spinning media) and associated commands.
BRMS support via Optical Support
• 32 byte volume ids
• Volume selection done upfront
131 © 2010 IBM Corporation
These are the optical restrictions on BRMS, which RDX is a part of:

132 © 2010 IBM Corporation

Allow SAVSYSBRM saves to save files when *SYSDTA is omitted.

133 © 2010 IBM Corporation

Support systems that are not in the BRMS network for the FROMSYS() parameter on the PRTRPTBRM
command(Note: a 61/71 system can go to a 54 system!)

134 © 2010 IBM Corporation

Support multiple batch jobs for the DUPMEDBRM command

135 © 2010 IBM Corporation

Support multiple batch jobs for the DUPMEDBRM command

 Use Cases
–You have multiple media sets produced from your backups
• You can now issue 1 dupmedbrm command to get them all duplicated and use
multiple tape resources
–You have a VTL (ie…ProtecTier/TS7650)
• You use lots of resources to do your backups in parallel, etc.
• You want them moved to physical tape with less tapes used
• You want less media sets produced

Note: Does not work for Auto-Duplication.

136 © 2010 IBM Corporation

Support Forcing objects to be saved in true parallel - QSRPARFMT

 Support was dropped by IBM i OS in V6R1 and BRMS has picked it up.
 Just create the data area below and check restriction doesn’t apply.
 More info:

137 © 2010 IBM Corporation

Support save files on IASPs 33-99 for media policies.

138 © 2010 IBM Corporation

Support multiple locations on the MOVMEDBRM command
Max is 10 locations.

139 © 2010 IBM Corporation

New BRMS Enterprise Function
(Shipped via i 7.1 PTF )
(Note: Requires Network and Advanced Features)

© 2010 IBM Corporation

BRMS Enterprise Function- Concept
The central “Enterprise System”(HUB) pulls
Central important information from systems(NODES)
“Enterprise System” defined in its “Enterprise” network. From this
information, specific notifications, verifications
and various other functions can be made and
help an administrator manage the health of their
BRMS backups/recoveries from one central
server. Very beneficial for those customer
environments where there are networks of

141 © 2010 IBM Corporation

Multiple BRMS networks One BIG BRMS network
OR Central
“Enterprise System” “Enterprise System”


BIG! BRMS Network

BRMS Network Collects

1 Media
e iSerie

e iSerie

BRMS Network 2

Media Media
Databas Databas
iSeries e e iSeries

BRMS Network 3


Media Media
Databas Databas
iSerie e e iSerie
sB sC

142 © 2010 IBM Corporation

BRMS Enterprise Function
No Green Screen – System i Navigator and
Navigator for i

Central - Easier to use.

“Enterprise System”
- Easier for BRMS to implement. 

143 © 2010 IBM Corporation

BRMS Enterprise Terminology
 HUB (aka…Centralized Enterprise System)
– The Enterprise Hub is a central site that monitors BRMS backups for other BRMS systems called Enterprise Nodes. The Nodes being monitored
by the Hub are called an Enterprise Network.
– The Enterprise Network may include BRMS stand-alone and BRMS Networked systems. Communication is configured through each of the
Nodes in the Enterprise Network and is completely independent of traditional BRMS Network configuration.
 Nodes
– Enterprise Nodes are BRMS systems that are being monitored by an Enterprise Hub. Enterprise Node properties are defined by and maintained
on the Hub. No Enterprise configuration is currently required on the Nodes!
• Node Policy
Each Node has an associated Node Policy. The Node Policy defines properties that can be shared between multiple
Nodes. Each Node can reference the Node Policy for any of its properties.
• Node Group
Node Groups allow an administrator to assign a name to a group of Nodes. The Node Groups can be based on attributes
the Nodes have in common, for example - owner, location, time zone, etc.
 Contact
– Contacts are users associated with the Hub and Nodes. The Contacts are used for a variety of notifications including reports or errors
encountered while generating reports.
 Report Definition
– Report Definitions define how and when a report will be generated for a Node. The Report Definition can be run manually or it can be scheduled
to run at defined intervals.
– The output created by running a Report Definition will be stored in a user designated output queue on the Hub. The output can also be stored in a
user designated output queue on the Node and/or emailed to the Contacts for the Node.
• Report Policy
Each Report Definition has an associated Report Policy. The Report Policy defines properties that can be shared between
multiple Report Definitions. Each Report Definition can reference the Report Policy for any of its properties.
• Report
When a Report Definition is run for a Node, a Report is generated. Each Report will identify when the Report Definition
was run, what Report Output was produced and where the Report Output was stored.
• Report Output
Report Output is produced when a Report is run for a Report Definition. The Report Output can be found through the
Report that identifies when the Report Definition was run. Report Output may include multiple files.

144 © 2010 IBM Corporation

How do I access the BRMS Enterprise function?

145 © 2010 IBM Corporation

How do I add a node to the BRMS Enterprise Network?
 When selected, Enterprise Services will display the Hub Center panel. The Hub Center displays the Nodes that are in the Enterprise Network. Initially the Enterprise Network will not

contain any Nodes. Use the Add button, to add Nodes to the Enterprise Network

146 © 2010 IBM Corporation

How do I quickly add all systems in a BRMS network?
Once a Node exists in the Enterprise Network, the systems that are currently in that Nodes current BRMS Network can be quickly added to the Enterprise
Network by selecting the Add all systems in the BRMS network option on the pop-up menu for the Node.

147 © 2010 IBM Corporation

What’s a Node look like?

148 © 2010 IBM Corporation

What’s a Node look like? (Continued )
Note: Report definitions, Backup status, and BRMS log will be shown later

149 © 2010 IBM Corporation

What’s a Node Group?
Used to group similar nodes to have similar behavior.

150 © 2010 IBM Corporation

What’s a Node Policy?
Each Node has an associated Node Policy. The Node Policy defines properties that can be shared between multiple Nodes. Each Node can reference
the Node Policy for any of its properties.

151 © 2010 IBM Corporation

What’s a Node Policy? (Continued)

152 © 2010 IBM Corporation

What’s a Report Definition?
Report Definitions define how and when a report will be generated for a Node. The Report Definition can be run manually or it can be scheduled to run
at defined intervals.

153 © 2010 IBM Corporation

What’s a Report Policy?
Each Report Definition has an associated Report Policy. The Report Policy defines properties that can be shared between multiple Report Definitions.
Each Report Definition can reference the Report Policy for any of its properties.

154 © 2010 IBM Corporation

What’s a Contact?
Contacts are users associated with the Hub and Nodes. The Contacts are used for a variety of notifications including reports or errors encountered
while generating reports.

155 © 2010 IBM Corporation

What is the Hub Center?
This is the main enterprise panel and can be used as the BRMS Dashboard to find out information about all the nodes.

156 © 2010 IBM Corporation

What is the Backup Status?
Control groups are now monitored and results are stored in a new file.

157 © 2010 IBM Corporation

What is the Backup Status? (Continued)
Results include if successful or not, amount of data, objects not saved, etc..

158 © 2010 IBM Corporation

What is the BRMS log?
BRMS logs can be viewed from the central system for any node!

159 © 2010 IBM Corporation

What is the BRMS Log? (Continued)
Results include joblog messages,etc. Filtering can also be used on messages,etc.

160 © 2010 IBM Corporation

What about the Reports?
Reports that are generated by BRMS using the STRRCYBRM and STRMNTBRM commands can be managed by Enterprise via Report Definitions.
They can be scheduled to run and/or can be run directly when needed (as shown below)

161 © 2010 IBM Corporation

How do I view the Reports?
Reports that were generated by Report Definitions can be viewed from the HUB Center as shown below.

162 © 2010 IBM Corporation

How do I view the Reports? (Continue)
Reports that generated by the Report Definitions can be viewed from the HUB Center as shown below.

163 © 2010 IBM Corporation

How do I use the Reports?
Reports that generated by the Report Definitions create Report Output…so you can view the output in detail..
They can be viewed/printed in html/pdf format. For pdf use the View Reports for html use the Save Item as a Report.

164 © 2010 IBM Corporation

How do I use the Report Outputs?
They can be viewed/printed in html/pdf format. For pdf use the View Reports for html use the Save Item as a Report.

165 © 2010 IBM Corporation


166 © 2010 IBM Corporation

BRMS Post IBM i7.1 plus items PTF’d back
Post 7.1 will have better interfaces.
(Sept, Dec 2011 and Mar,June 2012)

© 2010 IBM Corporation

High Level Overview

168 © 2010 IBM Corporation

169 © 2010 IBM Corporation
 LUG Member non formal request for Control Group Statistics
– PRTRPTBRM *CTLGRPSTAT new report type!!!!!
– June 2012 PTF has support, once loaded applies to all following control group backups.
• June PTFs (SI46335(54), SI46339(61), SI46340(71) have been approved!
– On BRMS website … in the enhancements section:

170 © 2010 IBM Corporation

 LUG Member non formal request for Control Group Statistics - Continue
– Special values (No help text in 61/71)…on web page.

171 © 2010 IBM Corporation

 LUG Member non formal request for Control Group Statistics - Continue
– Special values (No help text in 61/71)…on web page.

172 © 2010 IBM Corporation

 LUG Member non formal request for Control Group Statistics - Continue
– Output for Control Groups (*ALL).

173 © 2010 IBM Corporation

 LUG Member non formal request for Control Group Statistics - Continue
– Output for Control Groups (*NONE). (Picks up all SAVXXXBRM commands and sums them)

174 © 2010 IBM Corporation

 MR0706105943 - Add the option to initialize media when it is expired – 7.1 and below
– Helpful for returning space for virtual tape libraries like the TS7650.
– Will be run during STRMNTBRM
– Web page update(not there yet):
– Some restrictions, will not be synchronized to other systems in brms network till post IBM i7.1
– PTF’d back
• June 2012 PTFs (SI46335(54), SI46339(61), SI46340(71)) have been approved!
– Basic setup from web page:

In release V5R4 and above, support to allow initialization on expiration has been added to the BR1 product. This option can be used to free disk storage
for virtual media technologies. Initialization will occur during the STRMNTBRM process and will require the media to be mounted on a device.

To turn on this option to initialize on expiration during STRMNTBRM:

CALL QBRM/Q1AOLD PARM('INZONEXP ' '*SET ' 'media class' 'Y')

To turn off this option to initialize on expiration during STRMNTBRM:

CALL QBRM/Q1AOLD PARM('INZONEXP ' '*SET ' 'media class' 'N')

To display all media classes that have this option turned on:

To remove all media classes that have this option turned on:

175 © 2010 IBM Corporation

 IFS backup performance enhancement (ASYNCBRING parm)
– Added to the current Parm Override Infrastructure
– PTF’d back to IBM 6.1/7.1
– Try it! Some good gains for most customers.
– On BRMS website:

176 © 2010 IBM Corporation

 LUG AR0920 - BRMS flight recorder availability improvement
– Helps to improve solving problems faster with First Failure Data Capture.
– Has been PTF’d back

177 © 2010 IBM Corporation

Allow media in movement verification pending to be selected for backup or duplication

178 © 2010 IBM Corporation

 LUG Customers asking for >2038 support.
– Problems with versioning and normal expiration and year 2039.
– In IBM i7.1 and below have stopped >2038 dates will be *PERM.
– In IBM post i7.1 we have support!

179 © 2010 IBM Corporation

 Support for *HIGH/*MEDIUM/*LOW compression on Savefiles
– Internal request for European Customer
– Added to the current Parm Override Infrastructure
– PTF’d back – Same interface in future releases.
– On BRMS Website:

180 © 2010 IBM Corporation

MR070610114 - Allow movement of volumes mark for dup in releases 71 and below (TS7650 request)

 In releases IBM 7.1 and earlier, media movement is not allowed for volumes that are marked for duplication. The following interfaces can be used to
override this behavior and allow movement for volumes that are marked for duplication. This is useful for device TS7650 and other virtual tape
libraries which require virtual volumes to be moved during the duplication process.

 To override a move policy to allow movement when a volume is marked for duplication:
 CALL QBRM/Q1AOLD PARM('MOVMRKDUP ' '*SET ' 'move policy' 'Y')

 To remove the override for a move policy that allows movement when a volume is marked for duplication:
 CALL QBRM/Q1AOLD PARM('MOVMRKDUP ' '*SET ' 'move policy' 'N')

 To display all overrides for move policies that allow movement when a volume is marked for duplication:

 To remove all overrides for move policies that allow movement when a volume is marked for duplication:

 Restriction: In releases IBM i 7.1 and earlier, there will be no synchronization of this behavior to other systems in the BRMS network. Each system
wishing to use this new function will need to run the commands above. In releases following IBM i 7.1, this restriction will be removed.

 .

 Note: The move policy override to allow movement when a volume is marked for duplication will only be available in releases IBM i 7.1 and earlier. In
releases following IBM i 7.1, similar interfaces will be provided on BRMS commands.

181 © 2010 IBM Corporation

 FITS MR031611199 - Use all tapes evenly in BRMS
– Switched to pick the oldest Create Date, next look at Volume Uses.
– Was PTF’d back.
• IBM i7.1(SI43868), IBM i6.1(SI43869), and V5R4(SI43862)

 New Device: Support of D/T 3592 E07 (TS1140)

– ~4 TB and ~250 MB/S (max native MB/S)
– FMT3592A4 and FMT3592A4E
• Added to QP1ALA report at 4TB.
– Was PTF’d back to IBM i6.1 and above.
• IBM i7.1(SI43868), IBM i6.1(SI43869),

182 © 2010 IBM Corporation

BRMS Post IBM i7.1 plus items PTF’d back
Post 7.1 will have better interfaces.
(Before Sept 2011)

© 2010 IBM Corporation

BRMS Iteration 1 - Summary
 BRMS Volume Selection Enhancement
– Usage count will be used now - so we spread which volumes get used.
– Looking to change to Create Date to get evener spreading.
– PTF’d back to 6.1
 LUG AR0879 – BRMS Create Date Not Updating If Appending To Media
– PTF’d to all supported releases
– More slides coming up.
 BCRS request – STRRCYBRM - Support Disabling List Of Deleted Libraries
– PTF’d to all supported releases
– More slides coming up
 Support removing all TCP/IP restricted state interfaces in the BRMS DB
– PTF’d to all supported releases

184 © 2010 IBM Corporation

BRMS Creation Date and Media Movement
 Support for Creation Date being updated on any save
– Create the listed data area with the value ALL, and we’ll update the creation date of a
volume every time data is written to the volume:
– PTF’d to all supported releases

185 © 2010 IBM Corporation

STRRCYBRM – Deleted Libraries
 Supported via data area
– To stop the attention block of deleted libraries
• To re-enable delete data area
– PTF’d to all supported releases

186 © 2010 IBM Corporation

BRMS Iteration 2 - Summary
 Network – Secured DDM Enhancement
– Will help stop the maintenance nightmare of server authorization entries
– Will now only need 1 server authorization for BRMS
– PTF’d to 6.1 and above

 LUG AR0867 – Setting the time on the system

– WRKPCYBRM *SYS option 4 (network) – option 8 (set time)
– Caused serious problems in field with networks in multiple time zones.
– BRMS is disabling the function in all supported releases

 LUG AR0858 – Incremental Support for Spoolfile Lists

– Uses Create Date of spoolfile
– PTF’d to all supported releases

 More details ahead on each…

187 © 2010 IBM Corporation

Network – Secured DDM Enhancement
 INZBRM enhanced – 6.1 and beyond.
– Help text only for post 7.1
– New INZBRM Option *SECUREDDM Action: SET
– CL command so you can automate the password change for “the” server authorization entry
– Can use the QDDMSERVER entry throughout the BRMS network
– More info:

188 © 2010 IBM Corporation

Network – Secured DDM Enhancement (con’t)


– to see what is setup
 In 7.1 and 6.1, you will only see the USERID being used.
– NETWORK. ------ Userid
– Will remove the setup of the userid/password.

189 © 2010 IBM Corporation

Setting the time on the system - Removed
 WRKPCYBRM *SYS option 4 - Change Network Group – Option 8=Set Time

 In 7.1 and below – Will see Option 8, but will not do anything
– Can re-enable if you want it to work

 Assumption that most customers must already have this concept in place
– BRMS shouldn’t be the application that keeps all the systems at the same “time”.

190 © 2010 IBM Corporation

LUG AR0858 – Incremental Support for Spoolfile Lists
 PTF’d back to all releases
 Works only on the spoolfile lists and not SAVLIB SPLFDTA parm.

191 © 2010 IBM Corporation

BRMS Iteration 3 - Summary
Indirect LUG request – TS7650 Duplication Enhancement
– Support of new COMPACT Parameter on DUPMEDBRM
– More details ahead

192 © 2010 IBM Corporation

DUPMEDBRM – TS7650 Enhancement – COMPACT parm
 Added support for no compaction (TS7650) to compaction(3592)
– Added COMPACT parameter to DUPMEDBRM
– 6.1 and 7.1 supported (no help text)

193 © 2010 IBM Corporation

BRMS Iteration 4 - Summary
 Power HA request – Support of UPDHST Parameter on Saves.
– Will help HA software to not have as many updates after backup.
– More details ahead

 Support for Client omitting objects of a certain type for *ALLUSR, etc.
– More details ahead

 Support of LTO5 tape

– Library support coming…standalone out there now.

194 © 2010 IBM Corporation

Power HA request – Support of UPDHST Parameter on Saves
 Allows ability to disable update to save objects and thus less to mirror.

195 © 2010 IBM Corporation

Power HA request – Support of UPDHST Parameter on Saves Con’t
 Support for 7.1 and below…via QBRM/Q1AOLD call.
 Library Objects
–Add Parameter Override
–Remove Parameter Override
–Show what is setup

196 © 2010 IBM Corporation

Power HA request – Support of UPDHST Parameter on Saves Con’t
 Support for 7.1 and below…via QBRM/Q1AOLD call..
 Integrated File-System Objects
– Add Parameter Override
– Remove Parameter Override
– Show what is setup

 These will only work in 7.1 and below.

 More info

197 © 2010 IBM Corporation

BRMS Iteration 5 - Summary
 LUG AR0934 – Improve BRMS upgrading process
– Adding Logical Files can take a long time per file! (Seen over 7 hours per file)
– Even using SMP, etc.
– New Design

 Spoolfile restore when time zone changes.

 Domino DAOS separation support

– Changed to allow *DAOSF and *DAOSI (incremental and full) separated.
– More Details to follow

198 © 2010 IBM Corporation

Improve BRMS upgrading process (LUG AR0934)
 New Design
– Switched to using Alter Table on the detail files.
• Saves time not creating the logical files.
– Only rebuilds logical when physical file changes on the rest.
• If no physical file change, no processing done.

199 © 2010 IBM Corporation

Improve BRMS upgrading process – Option #1
 We have a customer who used this process and brought them down from 24 hrs to a
few minutes! Remember we can’t change the Install CD…so…

BRMS Fast Install from V5R4 to V6R1 Instructions
Alternative #1 – Unload/Reload
(Only need to do on 1st system, then use #2 or #3)
BRMS LPP Pre-Upgrade Steps (1st system)
On V5R4 right before the upgrade, need a good level of QUSRBRM saved to tape.
Steps 1-3 will help with any locks on BRMS objects and will make the DLTLIB
4. SAVLIBBRM of QUSRBRM (CPC3701 completion message, all saved)
• Can be to tape/optical/savefile, etc.
5. STRRCYBRM *REPORT (Find where QUSRBRM is on tape)
6. DLTLIB QUSRBRM (Very important Step!)
• Ignore any CPA7025 – Receiver QJRxxxxxxxxx in QUSRBRM never fully saved
messages on DLTLIB
• Need to delete QUSRBRM so the 61 BRMS install code doesn’t run with it.
Normal LPP 61 Upgrade
An install of BRMS will occur with an “empty” QUSRBRM created.
BRMS LPP 61 Upgrade – Fast Install
1. Load/Apply BRMS PTF SI41205 or later
- Fast install code – Have this ptf ready
2. SIGN OFF and SIGN ON (Clean up any loose ends)
- Steps 3-5 help with DLTLIB (step 6)
- From SAVLIBBRM on Step 4 on the Pre-Upgrade fill in the XXX parms
- BRM40A4 – BRMS product initialization successful completion message

200 © 2010 IBM Corporation

Improve BRMS upgrading process – Option #2

 BRMS Fast Install from V5R4 to V6R1 Instructions

Alternative #2 – SAVLICPGM BR1 (Recommended)

(Once you have a system at 61)


2. Load on BRMS PTF SI41205 or later
3. GO LICPGM option 40 - Create distribution media and create one
including BRMS
4. Normal upgrade using the DSLO media.

201 © 2010 IBM Corporation

Spoolfile restore when time zone changes
 In 7.1 and earlier – on the restore
– Need to set a data area with the correct time zone.
where xxxxxxxxxx is the time zone value that the original save was done with.

202 © 2010 IBM Corporation

Domino DAOS new separation support
 PTF’d to all supported releases (Will also need Domino 8.5.2)
 More info:
 Can now separate out the domino databases (nsf files) from the directory attach object
services(DAOS) objects (nlo files)
 Can now control incremental and full on each type of Domino
– Mixed mode!
 New activity type
– N for full of nsf files and incremental of nlo files (default)
– D for incremental of nsf files and full of nlo files (default)
– I and F remain the same…both nsf files and nlo files get either full or incremental

 Can override default control character types in supported releases up to 7.1:

– First is for the nsf files (Y) , 2nd is for the nlo files.

 To run in separated mode right now need a data area created:

– Only needed if using I and F only and want it, N and D assume separated.
203 © 2010 IBM Corporation
Domino DAOS new separation support (con’t)
 Here is a backup with the fulls separated

204 © 2010 IBM Corporation

Domino DAOS new separation support (con’t)
 Here is a backup with the incrementals separated

205 © 2010 IBM Corporation

BRMS Iteration 6 - Summary
 LUG AR0919 – More control on BRMS RMVMEDIBRM/STRMNTBRM command
– Allow better control of detail information
– More details to follow

 Virtual Optical Library Support (Lab Services)

– BRMS support in Sept 2010 PTF.
– New capabilities are available to provide virtual optical library support with the IBM i 7.1
image catalog, easing transitions from IBM 3995, IBM 3996 and Plasmon optical
libraries. These capabilities are available through an IBM Lab Services Offering and
PTFs beginning in i 7.1.
– More info
 FITS MR0630103626 - Support of * on control groups for ASPDEV
– More Info to follow.
 Dynamic Media Definition Support for Parallel Control Groups
– Order doesn’t matter anymore on backup item and sequence 1
– Will insure all media files start at sequence 1
 TS7530 – Multiple System to same VTL support
– Colliding on same volumes being selected from multiple systems.
206 © 2010 IBM Corporation
 Overriding the 'Detail retention days' parameter on the RMVMEDIBRM command for IFS objects

 In releases IBM i 7.1 and earlier, the 'Detail retention days' parameter on the
RMVMEDIBRM/STRMNTBRM command applies to detail history for library objects, spooled files, folders
and IFS objects. There is no way to change the retention days specifically for IFS objects using the
command. This override is being provided to change the detail history retention days for IFS objects.

 To override the detail history retention days for IFS objects, use the following command, where nnnn is
the number of days the IFS detail history will be retained after a save.

 To remove the override:

 To show the override:

207 © 2010 IBM Corporation

SAVLIBBRM enhancement and control group entries
 Added * support to save commands and control group for ASPDEV
– PTF’d to i6.1 and help text.

208 © 2010 IBM Corporation

* ASPDEV Support for Control Group Entries
 Help Text on new * support - If help text was support 

209 © 2010 IBM Corporation

BRMS Iteration 7 - Summary
 FITS MR052110565 - TSM Retry Support
– We will now do more retrying on errors.

 FITS MR0917106047 - Would like BRMS to IPL the system when full save is requested and
restricted state cannot be reached
– Need to create QUSRBRM/Q1AIPLSUB data area.
– If a CPF1099 is encountered an IPL will occur. (can’t start sbs as system is still ending
and needs to be re-ipl’d)

210 © 2010 IBM Corporation

BRMS Iteration 8 - Summary
 LUG AR0988 – Expiring of Tapes that have no LPAR owners (Orphans)
– Systems get removed and some media is not moved over to a system.
– In STRMNTBRM will change owner of expired media owned by a non-system in
• Assumes that data area QUSRBRM/Q1ACHGOWNX exists.
• Want to have only 1 system doing this.
• Assumes not in restricted state.

 STRMNTBRM’s RGZBRMDB(*YES) – Made faster!!!

– Will sbmjob to handle all the RGZPFMs…in slow burn with no locking of files.
– 61 and above.
– Need to create a data area
– Will run will BRMS is ACTIVE!!!

211 © 2010 IBM Corporation

BRMS Iteration 9 - Summary
In releases V6R1M0 and later, it's now possible for status of an individual BRMS control
group to be displayed:
 Where xxxxxxxxxx = control group name requesting.
 The format of the message is:
 Control Group Name
 Type (*BKU) backup
 Job Nbr
 Expiration Date: CYYMMDD

 These are separated by a blank.

 If you wish to see all the control groups:


212 © 2010 IBM Corporation

New BRMS Web Page/Wiki

IBM Confidential
© 2010 IBM Corporation
BRMS New Web page/Wiki!

214 © 2010 IBM Corporation

 System i Information Center
 System i Backup, Recovery, and Media Services for i5/OS (IBM i 7.1) SC41-5345-07
 BRMS Customer site
– Will redirect to new wiki website:
 BRMS GUI documentation

215 © 2010 IBM Corporation

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Revised September 26, 2006

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Revised December 2, 2010

218 © 2010 IBM Corporation


 System i Information Center

 System i Backup, Recovery, and Media Services for i5/OS (IBM i 7.1) SC41-5345-07
 BRMS Customer site
 BRMS GUI documentation

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Trademarks & Disclamers
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220 © 2010 IBM Corporation

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