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XCo-Creation + Fun = Awesome Learning

Practicality & Usefulness
Despite the global emphasis on the relevance and
potential impacts of entrepreneurship has
dramatically increased as potent economic force, • Creating entrepreneurship intention and provide ladder for student
entrepreneurship education has not significantly to climb to entrepreneurship behavior
changed in two decades. Existing approaches to
• The power of XFCC approach in teaching entrepreneurship is to
entrepreneurship education are focus is on teaching
makes student want to do things
‘about’ entrepreneur and what they do rather than
teaching ‘for’ entrepreneurship. Drawing on the • They create their own blog or website ans start grow
synthesis based on theory of planned behavior entrepreneurship from there
(TPB), Experience Co-creation and Fun theory, this • By using their blog and Whatsapp Group student are able to
study develops a longitudinal framework of approach their classmate to follow, like or subscribe to their digital
student’s intention after 3 months of the infusion of platform, and finally monetize their business ideas
experiential learning. The result indicate that
student’s intention are greater after the program • Expand to wider market for crowd funding in Malaysia
than before the class started. ( for student interested in art and music project

Objectives Impact
This teaching initiative has three objectives:
1. To promote creativity to spark interest and • Entrepreneurial intention, perceived behavioral control towards
passion about business idea. entrepreneurial intention has been increased in three months
2. To create an experience together with class mate • Entrepreneurial attitude only increase a bit, however subjective
and lecturer to engage them in a process of norms of their friends grows higher which can be used as a
entrepreneurship in a fun environment to
overcome fear of failure that has always been business network
one of the factors that could deter the drive to • Benefit university in number of student with higher number of
start a business. business player on-line
3. To bring a different learning experience for
Commercialization Potential
Novelty & Innovativeness
• Promotion to Education 4.0 committee
• Designed for student to know their passion, and
combine with theory they learn how to identify • Application for XFCC in Appstore or Google Play
opportunity might emerge in real world, marketing • Youtube, education channel, conference, book, etc
their blog digitally using social media like Facebook, • Ministry of Higher Education to adopt it as one of entrepreneurial
Instagram, Twitter and LinkedIn. teaching method
• The innovation offers student engagement in a fun
learning environment
• Fun theory proved that fun is the easiest way of
changing behavior for the better. It tells us that
novelty makes things interesting, and making
something fun makes it feel good.
• The approach for the program was synthesized and
adapted from two stream of concepts:
1) Experience co-creation (XCC) theory in tourism
discipline. In strategic literature the term co-
creation also refer to Innovation 4.0.
2) Fun theory initiated by Volkswagen in 2010.

The synthesize of both theory I named it as

Xperience Fun Co-Creation (XFCC)

• The power of XFC approach in teaching

entrepreneurship is to makes student want to do
things, as expressed in equation:
Novelty + Fun = Engagement.

When the student engage they feel encourage and it

will grow entrepreneurial intention and behavior.

Student Group Presentation on initiatives

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