Approaches in Lang Test

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Teaching-testing Relationship

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Teaching-testing Relationship


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Teaching-testing Relationship

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Teaching-testing Relationship

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Teaching-testing Relationship

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Approaches to Language Testing
• Background
– Close relations between
– linguistic views & Teaching methods
– Psychological views & Teaching methods
– Teaching Approaches & Testing Approaches
• Historical Trends in Language Testing
 Intuitive/ pre-scientific / Traditional / Essay-Translation
 Psychometric / Structuralist / Scientific / Discrete-point Era
 Psycholinguistic / Pragmatic / Integrative Era
 Sociolinguistic / Functional / Communicative Era
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A. Background
1. It is also called pre-scientific / intuitive stage
 N o requirement for testing skills was required
 Te s t s relied on subjective/ intuitive judgment of teacher
 Teachers were untrained in testing

B. Characteristics of intuitive Tests

1. Tests were mainly subjective which required
 Labeling parts of a sentence
 Memorizing lists of language patterns
1. Tests demanded abundant writing
2. Tests relied on knowledge of grammar and analysis

1. Tests were heavily loaded with literary content

2. The test structure were mostly open-ended items of

• Reading comprehension
• Essay writing
• Dictation
• Precise
• Translation

A. Background
 It is also called discrete-point stage

 Application of psychometric principles is dominant

 Teachers are required to be trained in linguistics &

measurement principles

 Development of objective items is advocated

 The approach is rooted in structuralism & behaviorism

B. Characteristics of DP Tests
 Language abilities are tested through subtests

 Language skills are cut up into discrete points for testing

 E a c h item is to measure one language point each time
 Language is divided into (sub)skills & components

 DP Tests should be highly reliable & objective

 DP tests are mostly

 decontextualized
 in multiple-choice format
 appropriate for diagnostic purposes
 quantifiable in terms of results
Language Skills and Components

Language skills
Listening Speaking Reading Writing



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A. Background
 John W. Oller is the originator
 It integrates linguistic & extra-linguistic aspects
 It is rooted in cognitivism & generativism
 It regards
language ability indivisible
 It tends to test language skills integratively
B. Characteristics of IN Tests
 Integrative tests
 assess language in meaningful , contextualized contexts
 provide real-life situations in tests

 tend to integrate linguistic & extra-linguistic aspects
 Adopts a holistic / global view of language t and testing
 Measure several levels & components simultaneously
 Are concerned for communicative effect of discourse
Assess the ability to use 1 or 2 skills simultaneously
 Are in the forms of
 Cloze passages
 Oral interview
 Essay writing

III. Pragmatic Approach

 PR tests are
 rooted in Pragmatics & Psycholinguistics

 adopt a holistic pragmatic approach

 are concerned with pragmatic mapping

o Emphasize correspondence between linguistic & extra-linguistic
aspects of language

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o Characteristics of PR Tests
oPR tests tend to
o Test language in meaningful , natural context
o meet naturalness criteria by requiring learners
• To utilize normal contextual clues in the language
• To comprehend linguistic & extra-linguistic contexts
• To map pragmatically linguistic features with extra-
linguistic aspects
o Have learners employ their pragmatic expectancy

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IV. Communicative Approach
 Background
o Communicative tests
are rooted in Social constructivism & Functional view of
 Focus on social interaction & transaction
Emerged after functional-notional approach to TEFL
 Tend to assess communicative competence
• Grammatical Competence( linguistic aspects)
• Textual Competence( cohesion & coherence)
• Illocutionary Competence( functional use of language)
• Sociolinguistic Competence ( extra-linguistic aspects)

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 Characteristics of Communicative Tests
o Communicative tests tend to
Measure language ability in meaningful, communicative
Are concerned with real life ,communicative use of language
 Focus on tapping language use rather than language usage
o Adopt the Divisibility Hypothesis by
• obtaining Learner’s language proficiency profiles
• Matching and tailoring instruction with the learner’s needs
o be culturally loaded
o use authentic language in tests
o Show a Preference for qualitative (rather than quantitative)
modes of assessment
o To be in the forms of :
• Oral interview
• Essay writing
• Comprehension questions on an authentic passage
• Reading an article and reacting to it
• Listening to a lecture & reMa.cPatzihnoughetshoKihtayyamUniversity 21
 Characteristics of a communicative test
 It should be interactive.
 It should be direct in nature with tasks reflecting
realistic discourse processing activities.
 Texts and tasks should be relevant to the intended
 Ability should be sampled within meaningful and
developing contexts.
 The test should be based on an a priori specification, so
what is to be tested and how it is to be tested should be
laid down at the test design stage. [Adapted from Weir, 1993]
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