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Community Capacity Building


Meeting Management
Meeting Management
• To identify the components of good meetings
• To debate the roles of directors and officers at
• To review the basic rules of parliamentary
• To explore two options for decision-making
Meeting Management

Justice and courtesy to all

One thing at a time
The rule of the majority and
The rights of the minority
Elements of Good Meetings

1. Planning and preparation

2. Efficient disposal of business
3. Open participation with adherence to the rules
4. Effective follow-up

In good meetings, people nod in agreement;

in poor meetings, people just nod.
Planning and Preparation Ensures

• Access to documents and materials

• Attention to the meeting environment
• Follow through on decisions
Items Needed for the Meeting

• Minutes of previous meeting

• Copies of reports
• Correspondence
Director Responsibility

• Awareness of topics, context, and stakeholder

• Review of documents prior to meeting
• Preparation for debate and decision-making
Meeting Environment

• Bright room with adequate lighting

• Comfortable heating level
• Good air circulation
• Good seating arrangement
• Early opening of the room
The Agenda
1. Call to order
2. Review and approval of agenda
3. Reading and adoption of minutes
4. Business arising from minutes
5. Treasurer’s report
6. Correspondence
7. Reports from committees
8. New business
9. Date and time for next meeting
10. Adjournment
New Business

• Add policy and strategic issues to the agenda

before circulation
• List motions to be debated
Role of the Chair

• Ensure orderly debate and opportunities for

• Remain impartial during the debate
• Vacate the chair when presenting personal
• Use a gavel to keep order
• If in doubt, consult the secretary’s notes
Role of the Secretary

• Keep records of procedures

• Produce minutes summarizing discussions
• Maintain copies of bylaws, policies, and previous
• Maintain correspondence
• Oversee use of the Corporation seal
• Notify participants of meetings
Minute -Taking
• Minutes are the official record of proceedings
• Minutes maintain the individual’s confidentiality
• Official opposition to the course of action must be
• Minutes are adopted and signed off at the
following meeting
Minute - Taking

• Minutes maintain the individual’s confidentiality

• Official opposition to the course of action must be
• Minutes are adopted and signed off at the following
• Minutes include: the time, date, place, and
names of attendees the exact wording of
motions, naming mover and seconder
Parliamentary Procedure

• Rules used by legislatures for hundreds of years

• Rules compiled by General Henry M. Robert
• Business introduced and discussion controlled by
motions or resolutions
Types of Motions

Privilege motions
Motions to:
1) Fix time of next meeting
2) Adjourn
3) Questions of privilege
Types of Motions

Incidental motions
1) Requests for information or answers to questions
2) Motions to:
 Appeal
 Withdraw
 Renew
 Call for vote to be conducted in a
particular way
3) Points of order
Types of Motions

Subsidiary motions
1) Apply only to main motion
2) Motions to:
 Amend
 Refer
 Postpone
 Close debate
 Table
Types of Motions

Main motion
1) Main question group will debate
2) One motion at a time
Majority Decision-Making

• Decisions made based upon a majority vote:

• 50% +1
• 2/3 majority
• 3/4 majority
• Efficient way to dispose of business
• Minority may feel left out
• Concern that issues rushed
• Small majorities result in implementation
Consensus Approach

• Less structured and more time-consuming

• Commitment to find common ground
• Fact-finding and face-to-face deliberations
• Creativity and innovation
• Responsibility of participants VS chair

While everyone may not be in agreement with the

decision, every participant in the process commits
to supporting that decision.
Consensus Principles

• Inclusiveness
• Voluntary participation
• Access to relevant information and opportunity
to participate
• Flexible and diverse process
Consensus Principles

• Differing points of view, traditions, and cultures

• Commitment and accountability
• Mutual respect and empathy
• Individual thought valued
Participants’ Input

Participants’ Input 9.4


Strategic Planning Community Organizational Governance Basics of a

Development Co-operative

Proposal Writing Public Participation Board Orientation Co-operatives and

the Community
Process I

Project Management Alternative Dispute Meeting Management Co-operative and

Resolution the Community
Process II
Opportunity Group Dynamics Leadership and Motivation

Opportunity Interpersonal
Management Communications

Legal Issues
Conclusion and Evaluation

• Review objectives
• Review any additional expectations
• Review Parking Lot
• Point out Certificates of Participation
• Complete evaluation
• Thank you!

Community Capacity Building Program

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