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Introduction to Holistic Medicine

Patil N. J. MD(Yoga & Rehab), MSc (Psy ), [PhD (Yoga)]

Asst. Prof. Dept. of Integrative Medicine
Sri DevaraJ Urs University, Kolar, Karnataka
 Holistic Medicine ?
 What is Health – WHO vs SUSHRUTA (Ayurveda)
 Different Systems of Medicine – In practice
 Yoga and Ayurveda as - Holistic Medicine
 Ayurveda : Two Goal
• Prevention
• Treating - diseased person
 Yoga : Way of Life
 Recent advancements in the filed of Holistic / Integrative
 Take Home message

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Holistic Medicine ?
 Also know as Holistic Healing, Holistic therapies
 Holistic medicine is the art and science of healing that addresses
the whole person - body, mind, and spirit.
(American Holistic Health Association )

 It is a form of healing that considers the whole person -- body,

mind, spirit, and emotions -- in the quest for optimal health
and wellness. (WebMD)
 An approach to medical care that emphasizes the study of all
aspects of a person's health, including psychological, social, and
economic influences on health status. (The American Heritage)
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 A philosophical approach to medicine in which all aspects
of a patient’s physical and mental condition are evaluated
which may be embraced by practitioners of both mainstream and
alternative medicine.

 Care that incorporates the whole of a person, that is,

physical, psychological, emotional, and spiritual

 It is a term used to describe therapies that attempt

to treat the patient as a whole person. That is, instead of treating
an illness, as in orthodox allopathy, holistic
medicine looks at an individual's overall physical, mental,
spiritual, and emotional wellbeing before recommending treatment.
(Ref: Medical Dictionary)

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Whole Person / All Aspects ?
 Physical / Body
 Mind /Mental /Emotional /Psychological
 Spiritual/ Spirit
 Economic influences?
 Treating person/root cause rather than disease

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 Holistic medicine encompasses all safe and appropriate
modalities of diagnosis and treatment. It includes analysis of
physical, nutritional, environmental, emotional,
spiritual and lifestyle elements.

 Holistic medicine focuses upon patient education and

participation in the healing process.

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Origin / Flash back

 Concept of holistic medicine is not new.

 4thcentury B.C., Socrates warned that treating one

part of the body only would not have good results.

 Hippocrates considered that many factors
contribute to the health (weather, nutrition,
emotional factors).
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 Holistic medicine existed even before ancient Greece, Viz.
Ayurveda and Chinese Medicine (over 5,000years)

 “Holistic" only became part of everyday language in the

1970s, when Westerners began seeking an alternative
to allopathic medicine.
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Common terminology
 Allopathic Medicine:
 A system of medicine that embraces all methods of proven
value in the treatment of disease. (EBM)
 Conventional medicine, Western Medicine

 Complementary and Alternative Medicine

 A group of diverse medical and health care systems, practices, and
products that are not presently considered to be part of conventional
(Ref: NCCAM, 2006)

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Alternative medicine::
 used in place of conventional medicine
 using Ayurveda to treat cancer instead of chemotherapy,
surgery, etc...
Complementary medicine:
 used together with conventional medicine
 using aroma therapy to relieve discomfort following
Integrative medicine:
 Combines mainstream and CAM therapies for which
there is some high-quality scientific evidence of safety and
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Holistic Medicine - Need of Hour

Yoga Therapy - An evidence based CAM 9/16/2019 6:19 PM

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National Center for Complimentary and
Integrative Medicine

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