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Arus Bolak Balik

Tegangan Bolak-Balik Sinusoida,

Rangkaian Tapis RC (lolos rendah, lolos tinggi dan lolos pita)

Osmalina Nur Rahma, S.T.,M.Si

• Disebut juga tegangan bolak-balik
• Tegangan listrik yang berubah tanda secara berulang
• Pada umumnya gelombang tegangan bolak-balik adalah sinusoida
• Contoh : Listrik PLN
Current (AC)
• Menghilangkan sinyal pada frekuensi tertentu
• Rangkaian Tapis/Filter terdiri dari 2 jenis, Filter pasif dan filter
• Berdasarkan frekuensi rangenya, rangkaian tapis dibagi
Rangkaian • Rangkaian Tapis Lolos Rendah : Melewatkan frekuensi 0 Hz
hingga frekuensi dibawah cut off.
Tapis • RangkaianTapis lolos tinggi : Melewatkan frekuensi diatas
frekuensi cut off
• Rangkaan Tapis lolos pita : Melewatkan frekuensi di range
frekuensi tertentu

• Frekuensi cut off merupakan batas frekuensi antara sinyal yang

dapat diteruskan dan yang dapat diredam
Respon Ideal
Lolos Rendah
(Low Pass Filter)
A Low Pass Filter circuit consisting of a resistor of 4k7Ω in series with a
capacitor of 47nFis connected across a 10v sinusoidal supply. Calculate the
output voltage ( VOUT ) at a frequency of 100Hz and again at frequency of
10,000Hz or 10kHz.

Rangkaian Voltage Output at a Frequency of 100Hz.

Tapis Lolos
(Low Pass
A Low Pass Filter circuit consisting of a resistor of 4k7Ω in series with a
capacitor of 47nFis connected across a 10v sinusoidal supply. Calculate the
output voltage ( VOUT ) at a frequency of 100Hz and again at frequency of
10,000Hz or 10kHz.

Rangkaian Voltage Output at a Frequency of 10.000Hz.

Tapis Lolos
(Low Pass
Frequency Response of a 1st-order Low Pass Filter

Cut-off Frequency and Phase Shift

Tapis Lolos
(Low Pass
Lolos Tinggi
(High Pass Filter)
Calculate the cut-off or “breakpoint” frequency ( ƒc ) for a simple passive high
pass filter consisting of an 82pF capacitor connected in series with
a 240kΩ resistor.

Tapis Lolos
(High Pass Calculate the output voltage ( VOUT ) at a frequency of 100Hz and again at
Filter) frequency of 10,000Hz or 10kHz.
Lolos Pita
(Band Pass Filter)
Lolos Pita
(Band Pass Filter)

The High Pass Filter Stage The Low Pass Filter Stage
A second-order band pass filter is to be constructed using RC components
that will only allow a range of frequencies to pass above 1kHz (1,000Hz) and
below 30kHz (30,000Hz). Assuming that both the resistors have values
of 10kΩ, calculate the values of the two capacitors required.

RangkaianTapis The High Pass Filter Stage

The value of the capacitor C1 required to give a cut-off frequency ƒL of 1kHz
Lolos Pita with a resistor value of 10kΩ is calculated as:
(Band Pass Filter)
The Low Pass Filter Stage

The value of the capacitor C2 required to give a cut-off frequency ƒH of

30kHz with a resistor value of 10kΩ is calculated as:
A second-order band pass filter is to be constructed using RC components
that will only allow a range of frequencies to pass above 1kHz (1,000Hz) and
below 30kHz (30,000Hz). Assuming that both the resistors have values
of 10kΩ, calculate the values of the two capacitors required.

Lolos Pita
(Band Pass Filter)
Band Pass Filter Resonant Frequency or Centre Frequency” (ƒr)
point of the band pass filter were the output gain is at its maximum or peak
value. This peak value is not the arithmetic average of the upper and lower -
3dB cut-off points as you might expect but is in fact the “geometric” or mean
Lolos Pita
(Band Pass Filter)

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