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Psy 16 I/OP

Research Defined
• systematic & refined technique of thinking,
employing specialized tools, instruments &
procedures in order to obtain a more
adequate solution to a problem than would
be possible.
• starts with a problem, collection of data,
analysis of facts, which are critical in
reaching decisions.
Nature of Research
• empirical
• systematic
• controlled
• valid & reliable
• has variety of forms
Research in I/OP
• covers the essentials, not in-depth study of
research, enough infos to understand
research used in I/OP
• one of the foundations of I/OP
• I/OP has extensive use of research and
Why Conduct Research?
• Answering Questions and Making
• Saves organization money
(e.g. employment interview as method for
selecting successful employees-
unstructured vs. structured)
• Research and Everyday Life
• Common sense is often wrong
Considerations in Conducting
• Ideas, Hypotheses, Theories
• Literature Reviews
• Location of the Study
• Research Method/Design to be used
• Subject Samples (Research Participants)
• Running the Study
• Statistical Analysis
Ideas, Hypotheses, Theories
Step 1-Decide what to research...question
needing for answer, problems needing
explanations and solutions...Idea
Step 2-Form a hypothesis (educated
prediction about the answer to a question)
Step 3-Determine the theory from which the
hypothesis was based
Example 1
• Does all the noise • Idea or Question
affect my Ees
• High levels of noise
will increase the • Hypothesis or
number of errors
made in assembling prediction (What will
electronic happen)
• Noise causes a
distraction, making it • Theory or explanation
difficult to concentrate (Why it will happen)
What Ee Recruitment Source is
• Hypothesis or • Theory or explanation
prediction 1. Realistic Job Preview
• Ee referrals will result 2. Differential
in Ees with the recruitment source
company who will theory
stay longer than Ees 3. Personality similarity
from other recruitment theory
methods. 4. Socialization theory
Literature Review
• Search the literature for similar research
If many acceptable researches have been
made already, is there a need to conduct a
new research?
If no, lit could provide useful ideas and
knowledge/infos on the topic
If yes,...
• Periodicals- Journals, Bridge Publications,
Trade Magazines, Magazines
• Sources-primary,secondary,general ref
• e-sourcing- ex. PsycINFO
• I/OP practices - benchmarking,
institutional studies
Research Method/Design to be
• Qualitative or Quantitative
• Experiments, Quasi-experiments, Archival,
Subject Samples
• Sampling Techniques
Running the Study
• Data Collection
• Research Ethics...debriefing
Statistical Analysis
• Statistical Inference
• Statistical Tests: Association, Correlation
• discipline dealing with what is good and
bad & with moral duty and obligation
• priniciples of conduct governing an
individual or a group of professionals
• ethical dilemmas in I/O P
• laws, legalities
• Code of Ethics
Ethical Dilemmas
• ambiguous situations that require a
personal judgment of what is right or
wrong because there are no rules,
policies, or laws guiding such decisions.
• Often rely on morals and personal values
which leads to different decisions by
different people in similar situations.

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