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Bahasa Indonesia

Daily Cultural Activity

Greetings 2

• Good Morning • Selamat Pagi
6 a.m – 12 p.m /S’lamat Paghee/

• Good Afternoon • Selamat Siang

12 p.m – 4 p.m /S’lamat Seeang/

• Good Afternoon • Selamat Sore

4 p.m – Sundown /S’lamat Sorray

• Good Evening • Selamat Malam

After Sundown /S’lamat Mallam
How to Bargain?
• Asking the Price
– How much is it? Or How much is the Price
 Berapa Harganya?
• Try to bargain the price as cheap as possible
Make it 50% - 70% of the price
Final Decision
• If you want to buy it:
OK, I will buy this one. OK, Saya Beli yang Ini.
• If you don’t want to buy it:
Sorry, it’s too expensice Maaf, terlalu mahal
May be next time Lain Kali Saja
Refusing Offering
• No, Thank you Tidak, Terima Kasih
• Sorry next time Maaf, lain waktu
• Not today Tidak Hari ini
• Maybe tomorrow Mungkin Besok

Compare the price to other seller

Example :
We usually say
• On that shop they sell Rp. 100,000.-
 Di tempat lain mereka menjual Rp. 100,000.-

Other commonly used words
• How are you? • Apa Kabar?
• I’m fine • Baik – baik saja
• Thank you • Terima Kasih
• You’re Welcome • Sama-sama / Kembali
• Yes • Ya
• No • Tidak
• Please • Silahkan
• Good • Bagus
• Cheap • Murah
• Expensive • Mahal
• Free • Gratis
• Enjoy your meal • Selamat Makan
• Sell • Jual
• Buy • Beli
Related Vocabulary
• 1 • Satu /saa two/
• 2 • Dua /do wa/
• 3 • Tiga /thee gha/
• 4 • Empat / em patt/
• 5 • Lima / lee maa/
• 6 • Enam / Ea namm/
• 7 • Tujuh /two juh /
• 8 • Delapan / the laa pann/
• 9 • Sembilan / sem bee laan/
• 10 • Sepuluh / se phu luh /
• 11 • Sebelas / se bhe las/
• 100 • Seratus / se ra twos/
• 1,000 • Seribu / se rhee bhu/
• 10,000 • Sepuluh ribu /se phuluh ree bu/
• 100,000 • Seratus ribu /se ra twos ree bu
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Our Culture Activity
“Bahasa Indonesia Lesson”

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