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Introduction to Exercises of

Sensorial Development
Introduction to Exercises of
Sensorial Development
Senses play a vital role in our lives. they are
like our connecting bridges to the
environment. They are the only channels
through which outside information passes
into the mind. To understand the role of
senses better, we first need to understand the
concepts of Sensation and Perception.
Sensation And Perception
 The word sensation refers to the signals that a
senses to the brain at the time of receiving a
stimulus from the environment,
 while the word perception refers to the mental
ability to comprehended these signals.
 The level of sensation, caused by a stimulus, is
almost the same in all healthy adults, but the
perception levels may differ from person to
 The ability of sensation and perception properly
develop over time, and is not develop at the time
of birth.
Principles of Montessori Material
 The following are key principles of
Montessori Material.
1) Esthetically Pleasing. Material well
polished, painted or varnished.
2) Corresponds to the child’s inner needs:
Material is designed according to child
interest and sensitive period and better for
mantel development.
3) Isolation: the material is designed to be used
by one child in isolation from the rest of the
children and the directress.
Principles of Montessori Material
4) Simple to Complex: Material progress
from simple to complex.
5) Prepare the Child for future learning:
the Material are designed to prepare the
child indirectly for future learning.
6) Concrete to Abstract: Nature wants the
child to have concrete Experiences First
then abstract.
Principles of Montessori Material
7) Auto Educational and Self Correcting:
Material is auto-educational. They also have
an inbuilt control of error. The child dose
not require the teacher to tell them that
he has made a mistake.
8) All of material is limited: To the fact that
there is only one of each material in the
environment. To the idea that not all the
information is given to the child. This child
is not given every color in the word, but
only a select few.
Exercises of Development of the
Visual Sense
 Visual exercises are an integral part of
Montessori sensorial training program.
They are further subdivided into the
following groups.
1) Exploring Dimensions
2) Exploring colors
3) Exploring Shapes
4) Exploring Patterns
Exploring Dimensions
 In this group of exercises the child learns
to develop his ability discriminate
between objects having similar shapes an
colors but varying in length, width height
or thickness.
 It is time now to move on to exercises.
Let’s being with cylinder
Exercise 1
The Cylinder Block
 Material: The material consist of four
finely lacquered wooden blocks; each
containing ten cylinders. The cylinder
vary in size in a regular way by 1/2cm,
either in height or diameter or both. Each
cylinder has a wooden/plastic knob to
hold it.
Exercise 1
The Cylinder Block
 Block No 1(Big, Small)
 The cylinders in this block vary both in
height and diameter by1/2cm. The largest
one is 5.5cm in both height and diameter,
whereas the smallest one is 1cm in height
and diameter. Both the height and
diameter decrease in succession. The
largest cylinder is the tallest and thickest.
Exercise 1
The Cylinder Block
 Block No 2 ( Deep, Shallow)
 In this block the cylinders vary in height
and diameter by1/2cm. The height of the
cylinders increases by0.5 cm (from 1cm to
5cm ),where as the diameter deceases in
succession by0.5cm (from 5.5cm to 1cm) .
The tallest cylinder is the thinnest and
shortest is the thickest.
Exercise 1
The Cylinder Block
 Block no 3( Thick and thin)
 In this block the cylinders are all the same
height i.e. 5.5cm. They decrease by 1/2
cm only in diameter in succession (from
5.5 cm to 1cm).
Exercise 1
The Cylinder Block
 Block no 4( tall and short)
 In this block the cylinders are all the same
diameter i.e. 2.5cm or 3cm. They decrease
by 1/2 cm only in height in succession(
from 5.5cm to 1cm).
Three Period Lesson
 All vocabulary is to be introduced by three
period lesson. Introduce Adjectives,
comparative and finally superlative
separately for each block as given bellow.
 Vocabulary Block No 1:
1. Big , small
2. Big- Bigger- Biggest
3. Small- smaller- Smallest
 Vocabulary Block No 2:
1. Deep- Shallow
2. Deep- Deeper – Deepest
3. Shallow – shallower - Shallowest
Vocabulary Block no 3:
1. Thick – Thin
2. Thick – Thicker – Thickest
3. Thin – Thinner – Thinnest
Vocabulary Block No 4:
1. Tall – Short
2. Tall- Taller- Tallest
3. Short – Shorter – Shortest
Exercise 1
The Cylinder Block
 Direct Aim:
 The Child learns to judge size by sight.
 Indirect Aim:
1) After the child has learn to discriminate between
dimensions, he begins to observe the
environment with interest and more intelligence.
2) The child develops coordination of movement.
3) Indirectly pencil holding practice with two
fingers and thumb.
4) Indirectly prepares the child for mathematics.
 Age: 2 ½ to 5 years.

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