Dementia: Diagnosis Testing: CBC, Chemistry Profile, NM: Safe Environment, Watch For Sundowning, Risk For Falls, Promote

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Agnosia: Loss of ability to recognize objects

Agraphia: Difficulty writing + drawling

Apraxia: Inability to carry out motor function despite in tact motor

Dementia Mild Cogn. Impairment: Memory problems expected w/normal aging – no other dementia symptoms
Mixed dementia: Vascular + AD simultaneously
Prompts: Staff actions used to help dementia patient intitiate self care
Pseudodemntia: Depression in elderly – appears to be dementia
Two types: AD & Vascular (MI).
Vascular is pre-ex CV disease, pred. males, 50-70, irreversible, mood swings, motor deficits, seizures. Follows multiple stroke or transient ischemic
attack. Occurs in steps, more fluctuating in function. Impairment limited to affected brain area,. Evident of stroke- sudden onset of speech
impairment, deep tendon reflexes, neuro signs. Treatment of underlying hypertension/vascular disease my prevent further progression
AD: Genetic chromosomes. Behavioral, functional, & cognitive changes eventually destroy a persons ability to function.
Subtle onset  progress slowly

AD 5th leading cod, irreversible, gradual loss of cognitive functions & behavior disturbances. Uncommon before 65, (50% 85+), is NOT a normal part of aging.
Risk factors: genetics, environment, dietary, inflammation
Causes: Genetics, neurotransmitters, vascular abnormities, stress hormone, circadian changes, head trauma, seizure disorder, HIV, Parkinsons, Creutzfeild-Jakdo
Can be familial/early onset (rare) or sporadic/late onset. Cells that use acetylcholine are primarily affected
Early stages: Forgetfulness & subtle memory loss; impairs short/long term; personality changes
Progression: Can’t recognize people, unable to recognize consequences, impulsive, depressed, paranoid, hostile  speaking can deteriorate, assist. ADL

Rare in children- Could occur because of medical condition, AIDs, brain tumor, head injury.
Deterioration in school performance may be a sign

Diagnosis Testing: CBC, chemistry profile, Depression can mimic early NM: Safe environment, watch for sundowning, risk for falls, promote
Vit B12, thyroid hormones levels, stages of AD & may co-exist. self-care, reduce anxiety & agitation, + self image, prevent sensory
screening w/electroencephalography,PET Use GDS to assess overload, educate caregivers, never force or argue, use short words,
scan, CT, MRI, cerebral fluid exam, MMSE depression. B12 & thyroid brief visitor visits 1-2 at a time. Promote hobby walking, pet, plant,
screening for cognitive status . *Rule of can mimic AD if out of socializing, intimacy concerns/info, cut up food/one dish at a time
infections, physiologic problems ranges (warm not hot), Assess for neglect/abuse from family.

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