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See what happens when things go

 Where humans and machines interact with
each other.
This time the industries are facing these problems
1) You have to get the meter reading and made
all the maintenance by the humans so the error
chances increases.
2) Maintenance is corrective or preventive

3) Short life of machine due to poor maintenance.

 A smart meter is a new kind of electricity meter
that can digitally send meter readings to your
energy supplier for more accurate energy bills.
Smart meters come with in-home displays so
you can better understand your energy usage.
There are basically 4 things on header
1) Search bar

2) Wallet

3) Notification

4) Greens point
 Electricity Bill
 Carbon emission
 Current load(Kw/H)
 Electricity consumption
 Current meter reading( KwH)
 Trigger
 Basically we calculate the electricity bill by
multiplying it with standard rate of bill that is
Rs. 8.
 We show the electricity bill by calculating
meter readings with rate per units
 The current load show as the instantaneous
load on the machine at that particular time.
 It shows the consumed electricity in the
current month upto the date and time when we
are checking.
 It shows the exact readings showing the meter
so you don’t have to out to check the readings
on the meter.
 Trigger is our advance feature on which we are
working as by this option we trigger of the
meter through our console.
 The CO2 traps the heat and causes global
warming So we have to monitor the emission
and CO2 by the system.
 In 2017 the green house gas emission by
industries was 22.7%.
 So we have to control that also.
Basically there are three main selection bar in the
parameters graph.
1) Parameter types

2) Shown by

3) Set date and time

 Parameters type give you a choice how you
want to see your graph. It gives a choice of
1) Minutely
2) Hourly
3) Daily
4) Weekly
5) Monthly
Shown by gives you a choice in between which
you want to see your graph. The shown by
gives you following options:-
1) Line Voltage between L1-L2

2) Line Voltage between L2-L3

3) Line Voltage between L3-L1

4) Phase voltage L1

5) Phase voltage L2

6) Phase voltage L3

7) Current in phase L1
8) Current in phase L2
9) Current in phase L3
10) Electricity consumption
11) Current billing
 It provides us the selection of time period for
which particular time period we want to see
the graph.
 The voltage is measured in volts.
 The current is measured in ampere.
 The electricity consumption is measured in wh
 The current billing in rupees.
 It compares all the given 11 parameters for the
two different months by help of which you can
compare the machines load and efficiency of
the machines.
 The monthly comparison graph provides
choices of Parameters , from which month you
want to compare and To the month with which
you want to compare.
 We measure the line to line voltages as well as
each phase voltage separately in volts.
1) VRY
2) VYB
3) VBY
4) VR
5) VY
6) VB
Thank You

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