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everyone !
Arrange the jumbled letters and
remove all letter y

Yehey !! Posbiry
The Answer is :

Arrange the jumbled
letters and remove all
letter a

Althe Osai Pare!

The Answer is :

Arrange the jumled
letters & Remove all
letter d

Date more hare

The Answer is :


Keep up the good

Earth’s Subsystems
• Lets take a look at
these four spheres of the
earth in bit more detail to
understand how they help
make up the earth.
• The hydrosphere includes all the gaseous,
liquid, and solid water of the planet earth.
• The hydrosphere stretches all the way
from the Earth’s surface downward
numerous miles into the lithosphere and
high above the crust into the
atmosphere. Most of the water in the
atmosphere is in gaseous form and as it
rises higher into the atmosphere it
condenses to form clouds which fall back
on earth as precipitation.
• The Earth consists mostly of water. This is the reason why Earth is called the
blue planet. Nearly 71% of its surface is covered by ocean.

• The four main ocean basins :

Pacific Ocean
Atlantic Ocean
Indian Ocean
Arctic Ocean

• An ocean I s a body of saltwater with almost no boundaries and limitless

• A sea is part of an ocean that is partially surrounding a landform

• Saltwater has an average 3.5% salinity, caused by several ions and dissolved
solids and gases

• Volcanic Outgassing – the process in which large quantities of water and

gases are emitted to Earth’s surface during volcanic eruptions
Distribution of water on Earth’s crust
saltwater – 97.5 %
freshwater – 2.5 %
68.9 % is locked in glaciers
30.8 % exists as groundwater
0.3 % is easily accessible in lakes and river system

Ocean zones
Coastal zone – the region in which the sea bottom is
exposed during low tide and is covered during high tide
Pelagic zone – located seaward of the coastal zone’s low
tide mark
Oceanic zone – lies above the continental shelf
Neritic zone – extends from the edge of the continental
shelf, over the continental shelf and over the ocean
BIOSPHERE - living things
•Includes all of the animals, plants, and microorganisms of
earth. Humans as well belong to this group.
•The entire ecological communities within the physical
surrounding of the earth are within the umbrella of living
things (biosphere).
•These ecological communities interact together with the
physical aspects of the earth including the hydrosphere,
lithosphere, and the atmosphere.
• Collectively, these ecological communities are
made reference to as biomes. Deserts, forests, grasslands,
aquatic, tundra, and chaparral are the six main biomes that
are present in the biosphere.
•The living things on earth interact with each other in various
ways, which is well elaborated under the trophic levels of
food chain – how energy is transferred in ecological systems.
• The lithosphere is made up of all the hard and
solid land mass on the earth’s surface, the
semi-solid rocks (molten materials)
underneath the earth crust, and the liquid
rocks in the inner core of the earth
• The surface of the lithosphere is uneven as it
is characterized by various landform
features. Some of the landforms include
mountains like the Siera Madre in the Phils,
Mount Vesuvius in Italy, deep valleys within
the mountain ranges, huge plains like the ones
in Texas and Brazil, extensive plateaus like
Bolivian plateau in South America and the
Colorado plateau of the United States, and
hills like the black hills.
• All the air in the atmosphere makes up the atmosphere.
• The atmosphere is a mixture of :
nitrogen - 78%
oxygen - 21%
carbon dioxide - 0.039%
argon - 0.93%
and the rest are trace gases (krypton, neon,
helium , and xenon

• The higher the atmosphere, the thinner it becomes and this trait gradually
moves towards space. The atmosphere extends all the way from the
earth’s crust to more than 6200 miles (10,000 kilometers) above the
earth’s surface into space. The atmosphere is divided into several layers
and amongst the layers is the stratosphere that contains the ozone layer
which protects the organisms in the biosphere from the sun’s harmful
• Layers of the atmosphere include the troposphere,
mesosphere, thermosphere, and the exosphere. These
atmospheric layers exhibit different chemical
compositions and temperatures, and the temperatures
and chemical compositions widely vary within the
different layers. The troposphere is where most of the
weather happens and it becomes colder with altitude.
The air is in constant motion around the planet and it is
normally responsible for some natural events in the
planet such as local breeze, winds, tornado, and
tropical cyclones. The atmosphere is always in constant
interaction with the hydrosphere, giving rise to the
planets weather conditions.
a. Lower core b. upper c0re
c. Lower mantle d. upper mantle
1. Consist of liquid nickel and iron
2. Is part of the lithosphere
3. Exhibits plasticity and viscousity
4. Consist

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