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Hilma Syarifatunnada (3211419005)
Misdianto Wongsokrto (3211419033)
Structural landforms are formed due to endogenous or
tectonic processes, in the form of lifting, folding and
enlarging. This force (tectonic) is constructive, and in the
beginning almost all landforms of the earth were formed
by structural control.
This formation is produced from geological structures.
There are two main types of geological structures that
provide control over geomorphology, namely (1) active
structures that produce new formations, and (2) inactive
structures which are landforms produced by differences in
past erosion.

Dip and StrikeDip is the angle of rock layers measured against

the horizontal plane and perpendicular to one stance, while the
stike is the direction of the intersection line formed by the
intersection of the bedding plane with the horizontal plane.
Clear Key HorizonsIs a sign that is found on the former
surface of the area experiencing a fracture.
The existence of a Fault, Stump, Fractiona. Faulting

Folds occur by slow movements and continuous, opposite to

sudden movements on fault.
Folds, the rising part is called the anticline while what goes down
is called syncline.
Endogenous power faster causes a crusty layer of earth or crust
fragile cannot form folds, but rather discontinuous forming a

Fault is a fractureat the time that was changed shifting.

Occur displacement between parts facing each other, both

Landscape with horizontal structure ( horizontal layer)

Lowlands, are area which have an elevation between 0-500
feet above sea level
Plateau is an area that occupies elevation above 500 feet
above sea level, the slope is very gentle or flat slope higher
than the surrounding landscape.
Landscape with a sloping structure

1. Cuesta
The slope between the two sides of the slope is not
symmetrical with the angle of the slope in the direction of rock
layers os less than 300. (tija,1987)
The angle between the two sides is relatively the same, with the
angle of the slope in the direction of rock layers more than
300(yjia,1987). Hogback has a slope of scrap slope and dip
slope that are almost the same it is tooks symmetrical.

Block fault mountain

Fault block montain are composed of clastic rock, marked
by various forms of faluts, for example : graben, poking,
trianle facet, etc
Escort fault
Fault escrapment, is elongated fault cliff, occurs due to
Anticlinal mountains and hills anticlinal mountains
Are mountains composed of plastic rock, occuring on the
backs of the floded units. The valley that is on the anticline
peak after eroded is a combe. Anticlinal is a part of the
flod that has a higer position than the rest of the flod.
Anticlinal flods will make the earth become convex, for
example mountains or hills
Hills or sinklinal mountains synchronous
The part of fold that has a lower part than the other folds.
Synclinal folds will form the surface of the earta to be
convace, for example valleys. The synclinal mountains/hills
are composed of plastic rock, consisting of flod valleys.
Monoclinal mountains
Are floded mountains thst occur due to pressure at a
single point whose height is >500m called monoclinal,
<500 m are called monoclinal hills. Monoclinal with
more than 110 degree angle is called cuesta.
Dome mountains or hills
Are single mountains/hills whose sloping slopes occur because of
the updoming process. Dome that has an adult ststus at the top
thre is a triangular shaped valley system (triangle facet) called flat
iron. The hills of intrusion dome, arranged by intrusive igneous
rock material tha has a charateristic forming a centripetal flow
pattern, solitary( separate), usually formed in areas affected by
faults and scattered irregulary
Plato moutains or hills
Is a flat land with a height of >500m for the mountains
and <500 m for the hills. Generally surrounded by volcanic
clusters or mountain ranges.
Structural terrace
A terraced syrface that occurs by repeated lifting at a place,
for example step fault
Mesa hills
The hills are peaked with a horizontal structure as a resut
of the erosion process. Hills that look like mesa but have a
narrower peak called butte. Messa and bute come from
eroded plates
Graben ( slenk)
Faulty land that falls, so that the surface is lower than the
surrounding area. Ccues because the area has
Sembul (horst)
Broken lad that is higher than the surrounding area, occurs
due to lifting ( up lift). The dominant appearance in the
original landform is structural faults caused bu shifting
position of the rock layers ( dislocations) somewhere.

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