Copmilation of Quran

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Lecture Presentation :Sidra Rafique

 Fundamental of faith (Emaan)

 Quranis a divine Holy book of Allah revealed

on the Prophet(S.A) by the angel
Jibraeel(A.S) the First and most authentic
source of guidance for the Muslims.
 The first revelation in 610 about Education five
verses of Surah alaq also known as surah Iqra:
“Proclaim (or read) in the name of Lord and
Cherisher, who created Proclaim1 and thy Lord is the
Most beautiful, He who taught the use of the Pen.
Taught man that which he knew not.” (96: 1-5)
The experience was narrated by the Prophet(S.A) in
the following words:
“He(Jibraeel seized me and squeezed me to such
extent that I was exhausted.”(Bukhari)

The last revelation received by him was in the plain of

Arafat after He perform Hajj and delivered the
sermon:…. This day I have perfected your religion for
you, complete my favor upon you, and have chosen
for you Islam as your religion…..” (5:3)
 Importance of History of Quran:
 Compilation of Quran in Prophet time period
 Compilation of Quran in Hazrat Abu Bakr
(R.A) Era
 Compilation of Quran in Hazrat Usman (R.A)
 Preserved in writing
and the writing was on stone, skin of goat,
palms of dates
 Committing to the memory
Muslim Historians stated that whenever a
revelation was received, the Prophet
summoned one of his literate companion and
dictated the text to him. Immediately after
dictation he would ask the scribes to read
out what he had taken down then memorize
the texts, and repeat it daily during two
Imam bukhari recorded that in the last year
of is life a few months before his death the
prophet (PbUH) read out the complete text
of Quran twice during the month of
Ramadan. And he declared that the end of
his approaching and he had been directed by
the Jibrael(A.S) to recite the Quran twice
that people could correct the mistake of
writing, If any.
 Battle of Yamama
1- Apostates refused to pay Zakat
2- Musailma’s Claim of Prophet hood
3- Formation of a committee under the supervision of
Zaid Bin Sabit(R.A).
“ when a person presented his manuscript to the
commission, Umer would ask him to declare on oath
that the manuscript he was submitting was the same
as was corrected in the presence of the
The final manuscript remain it Abu Bakr(r.A) until his
death and after him remained with Hazrat Umer and
after the Death of Hazrat Umer (R.A)the manuscript
passed into the custody of Hazrat Hafsa (R.A).
 Quarrel in the army on the difference of dialect
and pronunciation.
 The Quran compiled in the uniform system of
pronunciation in which it was revealed and that was
Makkans pronunciation.
 Example, “ we came across a word in the Quran
“Tabut” it means “Box” in the dialect of Medina it
was pronounced “Tabuh”
 All other copies destroyed and he sent his army to
every house to check and if they found any copy then
they ordered to burn it.
 Seven copies were prepared and then ordered to
dispatched a copy to different provincial capital of
his vast empire with instructions, that in future, the
copies should made only from the official authentic
The End

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