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Marriage is defined the socially or ritually recognized union or legal
contract between spouses that establishes rights and obligations between

Cultural variation produces differing perspective of relating to marriage for

example marriage in the philippines implies being officiated into the union
by either a religious leader or a representative of the government such a
city or municipal mayor or a court judge. The tsimane of bolivia practice
an alternative perspective wherein a couple is considered married if they
sleep together under same roof in a Socially recognize way for more that
just a brief period of time (winking 2005). using a functinalist perspective
marrige serve several functions. First it regulates mating and reproduction
second it creates a system that allows for sexual division of labor third it
provides for a family dynamics that ensure the provision of needs of
children last it perpetuate economic institutions that are based on family
 There are four types of families based
on marriage system
 Patrifocal & Matrifocal
 Monogamous
 Polygamous
 Extended

 This type of family is focused on one parent a

father (Patrifocal) or a mother (Matrifocal)
this type of family is often associated with
the terms patriarchal the role of the father
and matriarchal the rule of the mother it
does not solely imply that there is only one
parent in some situations one parent is
deemed more important than the other due
to the economic or political positions he or
she holds in the family and in society

 This type of family consists of a single

couple and their child or children. This
is allows referred to as the nuclear
family. Most societies in the world have
this type of family. Serial monogamy
occurs in societies where remarriage is
allowed after a divorce or death of the
other spouse

 This type of family consists of several parent and

their children. There are two types of Polygamy
polyandry and polygyny. Polyandry is a marriage
pattern where in a woman is allowed to marry several
men in Tibet woman are allowed to marry several
husbands who are at times brothers. This practice is
called fraternal polyandry. The primary reason for
allowing this practice is the need to preserve land
ownership through generations. If brothers are to
marry different women. They will need to divide the
land which would have detrimental effects on the
entire family that is based on agriculture

 This type of family has several married couples and their children
living in one household this can consist of the married parents
and their married children in one house Filipinos and other Asian
societies are know to practice extended family arrangements as
a form of securing care for the elderly members of the family.

 In some cases ritual for the inclusion of individuals into family.

The compadraigo system that is popular in Spanish influenced
region of the world is an example of this. In this situation
individual not originally part of the family are made extended
family members by being godparent of a child of one of the
actual family members. In the Philippines this is practiced in our
concept of having ninong and ninang for occasion such as
baptism confirmation and marriage.
 Though not part of the traditional categories of families
reconstituted families are a growing percentage of household
classification in countries allowing divorce and legal separation.
Such families consist of spouses and children whom the spouse
may have had prior to their marriage or union

In this type of family the current spouse were previously married

and had children. Upon the dissolution of their previous marriages
these individual remarried and created a new family by bringing
in their children from their past marriages and often birthing their
own. Concepts such as stepmothers half brother and stepsister
are all part of the existence of reconstituted families.

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