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The story of amr bin ash conqueror of Egypt
Biography of Amr bin al-Ash Its name is Amr bin Ash bin Wail
bin Hisham bin Said bin Sahm al-Qurasyi as-Sahmi. Among his
great services was when Umar bin Khattab entrusted him to
conquer Egypt, and he succeeded in fulfilling the mandate. Amr
was one of the most famous heroes of the Arab nation, as well as
a brilliant politician. Famous for intelligence and intelligence
manage tactics.
Conquest by Amr bin al-Ash
In the time of Abu Bakr al-Siddiq, Amr bin al-Ash participated in
fighting against apostates. After that Abu Bakr appointed him as
commander of one of the troops dispatched to the Syam region.
Then he joined Khalid bin Walid in the Yarmuk War. Then he
completed the conquest of the Sham region. Through this great
leader, the Gaza region, Yafa, Rafah, Nabulus, etc. successfully
controlled by the Muslims.During Umar bin Khattab, he was
trusted to lead the Palestinian territories. Then Umar ordered him
to go to Egypt to face Roman troops.
Umar greatly admired the intelligence possessed by Amr bin
al-Ash, to the extent that he praised him by saying, "It is
inappropriate, for Abu Abdullah (Amr bin al-Ash) to walk on
this earth except as a leader." (History of Ibn Asakir in Date
of Dimasyq, 46: 155).The time came when Umar bin Khattab
ordered Amr to leave for Egypt to fight the Romans.
Attacking this superpower, Amr was only given a stock of
4000 troops who left with him. Without feeling trembling and
fearful, the troops left for the Pharaoh's land.Amir al-
mu'minin, Umar bin Khattab, continued to monitor this army,
he always examined the news about the Romans in Egypt and
also always discussed with the dignitaries of friends. After
some discussion and hearing news about the Romans, Umar
was worried about Amr's army, worried that they would not
be able to deal with Roman forces that were so strong and
numerous. Finally the emir of the believers wrote to Amr,
If my letter reaches you before you enter Egypt, then come
back! But if you have entered it, continue with blessings from
God.Eventually the letter arrived at Amr's hands, which at
that time had entered the area of ​Arisy (the Egyptian suburb).
Amr asked his troops, "Have we entered Egypt or are still in
the Palestinian territories?" His troops replied, "Now we are
in Egypt." Then Amr said, "If so, we continue the journey as
ordered by the believers."This clever and courageous leader
brought his troops to conquer city after city in the territory of
Egypt. Starting from the City of Farma, then Belbis, and
Umm Danain. After that, Amr arrived in the great city of
Alexandria. In this city there were 50,000 Roman troops.
4000 troops whose energy had been poured out in a number
of previous battles, courageously surrounded the city of
Alexandria which had a large army. In the midst of the siege,
word spread that the Roman King in Constantinople died and
was replaced by his younger brother. The younger brother
who did not know much about the conflict in Egypt, saw no
gap to defeat the Muslims. He ordered his representative in
Egypt, Raja Muqauqis, to bind a peace agreement with
Muslims.In the peace agreement, the following points are
stated: (1) Everyone surrenders two dinars, except parents and
children, (2) The Romans go with their property and
belongings from the City of Alexandria, (3) Muslims respect
the Christian churches when entering the city, and other
conditions. After that, Amr sent good news to Medina that
Egypt had fallen into the hands of Muslims.
Become Governor of Egypt

Amr bin al-Ash Mosque in Cairo. This mosque is the first mosque built
on the African continent, in the year 21 H / 641 MThe Egyptians
welcomed the arrival of Muslims, because they knew the justice of
Muslims and they were free from tyranny and the rude nature of the
Romans. Amr bin al-Ash said to the people of Egypt, "O inhabitants of
Egypt, in fact our Prophet has preached that God will conquer Egypt
for Muslims, and he - sallalla‘ alaihi wa sallam - has left us to do good
to you. The Prophet sallallaahu ‘alaihi wa sallam said,If you conquer
Egypt, then I will keep you doing good to the people of Qibthi. They
have the right to protection and affection. ”(Narrated by Muslim
no.2543).During the days of leading Egypt, Amr loved and loved his
people. He treats them fairly and with wisdom. In his time Egypt also
experienced development progress, including the development plan of
the City of Fustat (now called Cairo).
The story of Caliph Ali losing armor
Many of the cases that he handled ended in a miraculous manner
without any division between many parties. The experience of the
dispute was also experienced by Amir al-mu'minin Ali bin Abi Talib.
Once, Ali lost his armor. The expensive and valuable armor was found
by a non-Muslim (dhimmi) and was about to be sold on the market.
"This is my armor that fell from my cam on this 'night', in a place like
this," Ali said.
"No, this is my armor because it is in my hands, O Amir al-mu'minin,"
answered the dhimmi.
"No doubt, the armor is mine. I don't feel like selling it and giving it to
someone else. And now suddenly the shirt is in your hands."
"There is a Muslim judge among us."
"You have asked for justice. Let's go there."
Both of them then went to Shuraih al-Qadhi. "What do you want to say,
O Amirul Mukminin?"
"I found my armor in the hands of this man because it really fell
from my camel on the night of this, in this place. Then, my armor
reached his hand, even though I did not sell or give it to him.
The judge asked the dhimmi, "What are you trying to say, O
"This armor is mine and the proof is in my hands. I also do not
accuse the Caliph."
The judge turned to Amir al-mu'minin while saying, "I have no
doubt what you say that this armor belongs to you. But, you must
have evidence to confirm the truth you say, at least two witnesses."
"Yes, I can. My slave, Qanbar, and my son, Hasan, can be
"However, the child's testimony for his father is not allowed, O
Amirul Mukminin."
"I found my armor in the hands of this man because it really
fell from my camel on the night of this, in this place. Then,
my armor reached his hand, even though I did not sell or give
it to him.
The judge asked the dhimmi, "What are you trying to say, O
"This armor is mine and the proof is in my hands. I also do
not accuse the Caliph."
The judge turned to Amir al-mu'minin while saying, "I have
no doubt what you say that this armor belongs to you. But,
you must have evidence to confirm the truth you say, at least
two witnesses.“
"However, the child's testimony for his father is not allowed,
O Amirul Mukminin."
He then followed the Caliph saying, "Amir al-mu'minin
brought a decision to the judge. And, the judge won this case
for me. Indeed, I testify that the religion that governs such
matters is true. I testify that there is no god but Allah and that
the Prophet Muhammad servant and the messenger of God!
Know O judge, this armor belongs to him. I followed his
army when they left for Shiffin. This armor fell from a camel,
then I took it. " Ali bin Abi Talib said, "Because you have
converted to Islam, I have given this shirt to you, along with
my horse." Some time later, the man died as a martyr when he
participated in fighting against the Khawarij in Nahrawan.
RightUmar's decision to appoint Shuraih as a judge in Kufa
was very appropriate. The golden ink of history records it as a
just and cautious judge. Syuraih was a Yemeni man from the
tribe of al-Kindi. When the Arabian Peninsula was
illuminated by the light of Islam and spread to the land of
Yemen, Shuraih was among the first to believe in Allah and
his Messenger. In fact, he was among those who fulfilled the
call for Islamic da'wah. Shuraih carried out the mandate and
upheld that justice for 60 years. In front of the court, he never
privileged his own officials or relatives. The appointment of
Shuraih al-Qadhi as a judge in Makkah is not complicated,
only refers to one's credibility, reputation and integrity.
Because that's the system of appointing a state official during
the Islamic Caliphate. Unlike the appointment of a state
official like now, it requires tiring administrative

Fair according to Arabic is called the word ‘adilun, which means

equal. According to the large Indonesian dictionary, it is interpreted
as impartial, impartial, in favor of the right, adhering to the truth,
rightly, and not arbitrarily. And according to morality is to put
something in its place, give or receive something according to their
rights, and punish the evil according to their rights, and punish the
evil according and errors and violators. In a Fair Language Derived
from Arabic which means proportional, not biased, honest In terms
there are several meanings, among others: put something in its place.

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