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Chapter 5 Forest Soils

Robert E. Larson, Ph.D.

N.A.U. School of Forestry

Saying of the Day

 It is remarkable what a
value is still put upon
wood even in this age
and in this new
country- a value more
permanent and
universal than that of
– Henry David Thoreau

 Trees are dependent on soils for their

growth & survival
 Consists of physical, chemical, and
biological organisms in substrate
 Continually changing with time and climate
Forest Soils

 What is soil?
 How different is forest soils from other
 What is the relationship between soils and
 What is the relationship between soils and
 Soil is the naturally occurring,
unconsolidated, outer layer of the earth’s
crust. It is composed of both organic and
mineral materials and is capable of
supporting plant growth.
 Forest soils are soils which have
developed under the influence of and are
capable of supporting a forest ecosystem.
Properties of Forest Soils

 Mechanical support
 Exchange of gases, water, minerals
 Habitat for organisms-microbes to voles
Soil Morphology

 USCS (Natural Resources Conservation

Service) classification-NRCS
 Soil profile made up of horizons: range
from O, A, B, C (Fig 5.1, 5.2)
– See next slide for example
NRCS Soil profile
Soil properties

 Soil color: dependent upon mineral content,

 Soil texture: size of particles: sand, silt,
clay (Fig. 5.4)
– loam is best soil for agricultural crops
Organic Matter

– Improves soil through aeration & porosity

– Nutrient supply for tree and microbes
– Holds and exchanges nutrients
– Litter: organic matter broken down into
elements (hemicellulose, lignin, minerals)

 I wasn’t exactly the best student by a long

shot, but I had established a good
relationship with an instructor in my major,
and he recommended me for the internship.
Voila, Six months in the Virgin Islands!
– Senior, Hospitality Management, Michigan
State University
– Been There (Should’ve) Done That.
Soil Water

 Plays important role in aeration,

temperature, microbial activity, erosion
 Transpiration ratio shows efficiency of
water utilization: #g transpired water to
produce 1 g of dry matter
– TR for trees is usually 150 to 350
– Agricultural plants 400 to 800
– Which of the above is more efficient?
Soil Organisms

 Decompose soil and provide nutrients

 Improve soil structure & aeration
(earthworms, moles, voles)
Chemical properties

 Soil reaction: refers to pH: if less than 7.0

the soil is acidic, if over 7.0 soil is alkaline
 Cation exchange capacity: soil has ability
to hold and exchange ions (H, Al3, Ca2)
 Essential soil nutrients: macro and
micronutrients in Table 5.1
Nutrient Distribution and Cycling

 Summary shown in Fig. 5.6 general

diagram to show organic, inorganic,
atmospheric cycles that interact
Soil Survey and Classification

 Soil survey involves systematic

examination and mapping of forest soils
Soils and Environmental Quality

 Nutrient balance: What chemical changes

are the result of management? (burning)
 Short rotation: Plant fast growing trees and
harvest quickly, usually plantation method.
 Site preparation: clear area…burn,
chemicals, mechanical (plow under)
 Acid rain: forests dying due to industry
Timber Harvesting and Long-Term
Productivity for a healthy ecosystem
 Physical environment to support productive
 Resistance to catastrophic change
 Equilibrium between supply and demand of
essential resources
 Diversity of stages and stand structures to provide
for many native species

 Ultimate objective is forest sustainability

Forester Tools to determine
productivity of stand
– Soil site evaluation, where soil tests done
– Site Index: physical measurements of tree age
and height to evaluate stand of timber
» SI allows foresters to predict future based on past
» SI based on climate, topography, soils, & genetics
– Site characteristics can be modified by
management to improve forest
Site Index for Pine
Which has better growth at 50 years, SI of 70
or SI of 110 for eastern white pine?

 “The life of the people is dependent on the

life of the soil.” Hawaiian proverb

 It took several million years to develop the

soil, the challenge to resource managers is
to manage it wisely…

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