Situational Leadership

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 Refers to when the leader or manager

of an organization must adjust his style

to fit the development level of the
followers he is trying to influence.

 Refers to those leaders who adopt

different leadership styles according to
the situation and the development level
of their team members. It is an effective
way of leadership because it adapts to
the team’s needs and sets a beneficial
balance for the whole organization.
 Flexibility
Leadership changes according to the
requirements of the group or
organization, and successful leaders
are able to be flexible and adapt their
style of leadership to the level of
maturity of the group that they’re
trying to lead.
 Changes according to the situation
The leadership style that the
situational leader brings into play will be
dependent on the situation at hand
and the development level of the
individuals involved.
If the development level is low, the
situational leader becomes more tsk-
oriented. If the individuals are sufficiently
developed, the leader will be more
 Directing
Situational leadership will be high on
the “directive” aspect when the
subordinates are not sufficiently
developed and need constant
supervision. Here, the leader gives
specific instructions about what the
goals are, and exactly how the goals
need to be achieved.
 Coaching
If the situation demands it, the leader
will also coach their team. This is an
extension of the directive approach;
the leader still provides detailed
instructions but they also focus on
encouraging the subordinates,
soliciting inputs, and explaining why
they have made certain decisions.
 Participating
The situational leader may try to
encourage a team to become more
independent performing the tasks by
letting them take routine decisions.
 Delegating
When dealing with a highly matured and
capable team, the situational leader will
gradually reduce their supervision and
involvement in the daily activities of team
 Integrity
The situational leader does not change their
approach merely to take advantage of the
situation. They simply adapt in a way that is
most appropriate considering factors such
as the maturity level of followers, the
organizational structure and culture, and
the goals to be achieved.
 Courage
It takes a lot of courage for a leader
to try out different leadership approaches
and figure out which one is ideal. Most
leaders stick to a particular way of doing
things – whatever has worked best for
them in the past. But situational leader is
not afraid to take chances and to adopt a
radically different leadership style if the
situation demands it.
 Clear vision
The situational leader has a clear
vision of where the team is going. This
is what allows a leader to identify and
adopt the most effective behaviors
and strategies to get the goal.
 Humility
The situational leader does not claim
to know it all. With a group of highly
developed and mature followers, they
have the humility to accept limitations
and seek the higher wisdom of the
“ There is no best style of leadership, and it
all depends on the situation “

Thank You !!!

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