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Unit IV

Baseband Receiver

Detection of Binary Signal in Gaussian Noise

 For any binary channel, the transmitted signal over a symbol interval
(0,T) is:
 s1 (t ) 0  t  T for a binary 1
si (t )  
s2 (t ) 0  t  T for a binary 0

 The received signal r(t) degraded by noise n(t) and possibly

degraded by the impulse response of the channel hc(t), is

r (t )  si (t ) * hc (t )  n(t ) i  1,2 (3.1)

Where n(t) is assumed to be zero mean AWGN process
 For ideal distortionless channel where hc(t) is an impulse function
and convolution with hc(t) produces no degradation, r(t) can be
represented as:
r (t )  s (t )  n(t ) i  1,2
i 0t T (3.2)

Detection of Binary Signal in Gaussian Noise

 The recovery of signal at the receiver consist of two parts

 Filter
 Reduces the effect of noise (as well as Tx induced ISI)

 The output of the filter is sampled at t=T.This reduces the received

signal to a single variable z(T) called the test statistics
 Detector (or decision circuit)
 Compares the z(T) to some threshold level 0 , i.e.,

z(T ) 

0 where H1 and H2 are the two
possible binary hypothesis

Receiver Functionality
The recovery of signal at the receiver consist of two parts:
1. Waveform-to-sample transformation (Blue Block)
 Demodulator followed by a sampler
 At the end of each symbol duration T, predetection point yields a
sample z(T), called test statistic
z (T )  a (T )  n (T ) i  1, 2
i 0

Where ai(T) is the desired signal component,

and no(T) is the noise component
2. Detection of symbol
 Assume that input noise is a Gaussian random process and
receiving filter is linear

1  1  n0  

p(n0 )  exp     (3.4)

 0 2  2   0  

 Then output is another Gaussian random process

1  1  z  a1  

p( z | s1 )  exp    
 0 2  2   0  

1  1 z  a2 
 

p( z | s2 )  exp    
 0 2  2   0  
Where 0 2 is the noise variance
 The ratio of instantaneous signal power to average noise power ,
(S/N)T, at a time t=T, out of the sampler is:
 S  ai2
   2 (3.45)
 N T 0
 Need to achieve maximum (S/N)T

The Matched Filter

 Objective: To maximizes (S/N)T

 Expressing signal ai(t) at filter output in terms of filter transfer
function H(f) (Inverse Fourier transform of the product H(f)S(f)).

a (t ) 
i  H ( f ) S ( f ) e j 2ft df

where S(f) is the Fourier transform of input signal s(t)

 Output noise power can be expressed as:
N0 
  
0 | H ( f ) |2 df
2  (3.47)
 Expressing (S/N)T as:
 2

j 2fT
H ( f ) S( f ) e df
S  
  
 N T N0 
 | H ( f ) |2 df (3.48)
2 

 Now according to Schwarz’s Inequality:

 2  2  2

 
f1 ( x) f 2 ( x)dx  
f1 ( x) dx  
f 2 ( x) dx (3.49)

 Equality holds if f1(x) = k f*2(x) where k is arbitrary constant and *

indicates complex conjugate
 Associate H(f) with f1(x) and S(f) ej2 fT with f2(x) to get:

 2  2  2

H ( f ) S ( f ) e j 2fT df   H ( f ) df
 
S ( f ) df (3.50)

 Substitute in eq-3.48 to yield:

S 2  2
  
 N T N 0
S ( f ) df (3.51)

 S  2E
 Or max    and energy E of the input signal s(t):
 N T N0
 2
 Thus (S/N)T depends on input signal energy E  S ( f ) df
and power spectral density of noise and
NOT on the particular shape of the waveform

S 2E
 Equality for max    holds for optimum filter transfer
 N T N 0
function H0(f)
such that:
H ( f )  H 0 ( f )  kS * ( f ) e  j 2fT (3.54)

h(t )  1 kS * ( f )e  j 2fT  (3.55)

 For real valued s(t):  ks(T  t ) 0  t  T

h(t )   (3.56)
0 else where

 The impulse response of a filter producing maximum output signal-
to-noise ratio is the mirror image of message signal s(t), delayed by
symbol time duration T.
 The filter designed is called a MATCHED FILTER

 ks(T  t ) 0  t  T
h(t )  
0 else where
 Defined as:
a linear filter designed to provide the maximum
signal-to-noise power ratio at its output for a given
transmitted symbol waveform

Correlation realization of Matched filter
 A filter that is matched to the waveform s(t), has an impulse
 ks(T  t ) 0t T
h(t )  
0 else where
 h(t) is a delayed version of the mirror image of the original signal

Signal Waveform Mirror image of signal Impulse response of

waveform matched filter
Figure 3.7

 This is a causal system
 Recall that a system is causal if before an excitation is applied at

time t = T, the response is zero for -  < t < T

 The signal waveform at the output of the matched filter is
t (3.57)
z (t )  r (t ) * h(t )   r ( )h(t   )d

 Substituting h(t) to yield:

r ( ) sT  (t   )d
z (t )  

r ( ) sT  t   d
 0 (3.58)
 When t=T,
z (t )   0
r ( ) s( )d

 The function of the correlator and matched filter are the same

 Compare (a) and (b)

 From (a) T
z (t )  
r (t ) s(t )dt

z(t ) t T  z(T )   r ( )s( )d

 t
 From (b)
z '(t )  r (t )* h(t )   r ( )h(t  )d   r ( )h(t  )d
 0

h(t )  s(T  t )  h(t   )  s[T  (t   )]  s(T    t )
 z ' (t )   r ( )s(  T  t )d

 At the sampling instant t = T, we have

z '(t ) t T  z '(T )   r ( )s(  T  T )d   r ( )s( )d
0 0

 This is the same result obtained in (a)

z ' (T )   r ( ) s( )d

 Hence
z (T )  z ' (T )

 Matched filter reduces the received signal to a single variable z(T), after
which the detection of symbol is carried out
 The concept of maximum likelihood detector is based on Statistical
Decision Theory
 It allows us to
 formulate the decision rule that operates on the data

 optimize the detection criterion


z(T ) 


Probabilities Review

 P[s1], P[s2]  a priori probabilities

 These probabilities are known before transmission
 P[z]
 probability of the received sample
 p(z|s1), p(z|s2)
 conditional pdf of received signal z, conditioned on the class si
 P[s1|z], P[s2|z]  a posteriori probabilities
 After examining the sample, we make a refinement of our
previous knowledge
 P[s1|s2], P[s2|s1]
 wrong decision (error)
 P[s1|s1], P[s2|s2]
 correct decision

How to Choose the threshold?
 Maximum Likelihood Ratio test and Maximum a posteriori (MAP)
 If
p(s1 | z)  p(s2 | z)  H1
p(s2 | z)  p(s1 | z)  H2

 Problem is that a posteriori probabilities are not known.

 Solution: Use Bay’s theorem:
p( z | s )P(s )
p(s | z)  i i
i p( z)

H1 H1

 p( z|s1)P(s1) 

p( z|s2 )P(s2 )  p( z | s )P(s )

1 
p( z | s2 )P(s2 )
P( z) H2
P( z) H2

 MAP criterion:

L( z)  p( z|s1) 

P(s2 )  likelihood ratio test (LRT )
p( z|s2 ) H2

 When the two signals, s1(t) and s2(t), are equally likely, i.e., P(s2) =
P(s1) = 0.5, then the decision rule becomes

L( z)  p( z|s1 ) 

1  max likelihood ratio test
p( z|s2 ) H2

 This is known as maximum likelihood ratio test because we are

selecting the hypothesis that corresponds to the signal with the
maximum likelihood.

 In terms of the Bayes criterion, it implies that the cost of both types
of error is the same

 Substituting the pdfs

1  1  z  a1  

H1 : p( z | s1 )  exp     
 0 2  2   0  

1  1  z  a2  

H2 : p( z | s2 )  exp     
 0 2  2   0  

1  1  z  a1   H1
H1 exp     
p ( z | s1 )   0 2  2   0   
L( z )  1 1
p ( z | s2 )  1  1 za    2

exp   
  H
H2  0 2  2   0   2

 Hence: H1
 z (a1  a2 ) (a12  a22 )  
exp    1
 02
2 02
 
 Taking the log of both sides will give

z (a1  a2 ) (a12  a22 ) 
ln{L( z )}   0
2 02


z (a1  a2 )  (a12  a22 ) (a1  a2 )(a1  a2 )
 
 2 02
2 02

 Hence

H1 H1
  02 (a1  a2 )(a1  a2 )  (a1  a2 )
z z  0
 2 02 (a1  a2 )  2
H2 H2

where z is the minimum error criterion and  0 is optimum threshold

 For antipodal signal, s1(t) = - s2 (t)  a1 = - a2


z 0


This means that if received signal was positive, s1 (t) was sent,
else s2(t) was sent

Detection of Binary Signal in Gaussian Noise

The output of the filtered sampled at T is a Gaussian random process

Matched Filter and Correlation
 The impulse response of a filter producing maximum output
signal-to-noise ratio is the mirror image of message signal s(t),
delayed by symbol time duration T.
 The filter designed is called a MATCHED FILTER and is given

 ks(T  t ) 0  t  T
h(t )  
0 else where

Bay’s Decision Criterion and Maximum
Likelihood Detector
 Hence

 (a1  a2 )
z  0
 2
where z is the minimum error criterion and  0 is optimum threshold
 For antipodal signal, s1(t) = - s2 (t)  a1 = - a2


z 0

Probability of Error
 Error will occur if
 s1 is sent  s2 is received

P( H 2 | s1 )  P(e | s1 )
P(e | s1 )   p( z | s1 ) dz
 s2 is sent  s1 is received
P ( H 1 | s2 )  P ( e | s 2 )

P ( e | s2 )   p ( z | s2 ) dz

 The total probability of error is the sum of the errors

PB   P(e, si )  P(e | s1 ) P( s1 )  P(e | s2 ) P ( s2 )
i 1

 P ( H 2 | s1 ) P( s1 )  P( H1 | s2 ) P( s2 )

 If signals are equally probable
PB  P( H 2 | s1 ) P( s1 )  P( H1 | s2 ) P( s2 )
  P( H 2 | s1 )  P( H1 | s2 ) 
PB   P( H 2 | s1 )  P( H1 | s2 )  
by Symmetry
P ( H 1 | s2 )
 Numerically, PB is the area under the tail of either of the conditional
distributions p(z|s1) or p(z|s2) and is given by:

 
PB   0
P( H1 | s2 )dz   p( z | s2 )dz

 1  1  z  a2  

 exp      dz
0 
0 2  2   0  

 1  1  z  a2  

PB   exp      dz
 0 2  2   0  
( z  a2 )
 u
 1  u2 
 
( a1  a2 )
2 0 2
exp    du
 2
 The above equation cannot be evaluated in closed form (Q-function)
 Hence,
 a1  a2 
PB  Q    equation B.18
 2 0 
1  z2 
Q( z )  exp   
z 2  2
Table for computing of Q-Functions

A vector View of Signals and Noise

 N-dimensional orthonormal space characterized by N linearly

independent basis function {ψj(t)}, where:

T  1 if i  j
 i (t ) j (t )dt  
 0 if i  j

 From a geometric point of view, each ψj(t) is mutually

perpendicular to each of the other {ψj(t)} for j not equal to k.

 Representation of any set of M energy signals { si(t) } as a linear
combinations of N orthogonal basis functions where N  M.

0  t  T
si (t )   aij j (t ) 
j 1 i  1,2,..., M

T  i  1,2,..., M
aij   si (t ) j (t ) dt 
 j  1,2,..., N

 Therefore we can represent set of M energy signals {si(t) } as:

si  (ai1 , ai 2 , ....... aiN ) i  1,2,..., M

 Waveform energy:
Ei   s (t )dt   [ aij (t ) j (t )]   ij (t )
2 2 2
i a
0 0
j 1 j 1

Representing (M=3) signals, with (N=2) orthonormal basis functions

Question 1: Why use orthormal functions?
 In many situations N is much smaller than M. Requiring few
matched filters at the receiver.

 Easy to calculate Euclidean distances

 Compact representation for both baseband and passband


Question 2: How to calculate orthormal


 Gram-Schmidt orthogonalization procedure.

 Examples

 Examples (continued)

Generalized One Dimensional Signals

 One Dimensional Signal Constellation

 Binary Baseband Orthogonal Signals
 Binary Antipodal Signals

 Binary orthogonal Signals

Constellation Diagram
 Is a method of representing the symbol states of modulated
bandpass signals in terms of their amplitude and phase
 In other words, it is a geometric representation of signals
 There are three types of binary signals:
 Antipodal
 Two signals are said to be antipodal if one signal is the
negative of the other  s (t )   s (t )
1 0
 The signal have equal energy with signal point on the real

 Are one dimensional signals either ON or OFF with
signaling points falling
 on the real line

 With OOK, there are just 2 symbol states to map onto the
constellation space
 a(t) = 0 (no carrier amplitude, giving a point at the origin)
 a(t) = A cos wct (giving a point on the positive horizontal axis
at a distance A from the origin)

 Orthogonal
 Requires a two dimensional geometric representation since
there are two linearly independent functions s1(t) and s0(t)

 Typically, the horizontal axis is taken as a reference for symbols
that are Inphase with the carrier cos wct, and the vertical axis
represents the Quadrature carrier component, sin wct

Error Probability of Binary Signals

 Recall:

 a1  a0 
PB  Q   equation B.18
 2 0 

 Where we have replaced a2 by a0.

 To minimize PB, we need to maximize:
a1  a0
(a1  a0 ) 2
 20
 We have

(a1  a0 )2 Ed 2E
  d
 20 N0 / 2 N0

 Therefore,
a1  a0 1 (a1  a0 ) 2 1 2 Ed Ed
  
2 0 2  0
2 N0 2 N0

 The probability of bit error is given by:

 Ed 
PB  Q 
 (3.63)
 2N0 

Ed   s1 (t )  s0 (t ) dt
T 2

  s1 (t ) dt   s0 (t ) dt  2 s1 (t ) s0 (t )

T 2 T 2 T

0 0 0

 The probability of bit error for antipodal signals:

 2 Eb 
PB  Q 

 N0 
 The probability of bit error for orthogonal signals:

 Eb 
PB  Q 

 N 0 

 The probability of bit error for unipolar signals:

 Eb 
PB  Q 

 2N 0 

 Bipolar signals require a factor of 2 increase in energy compared
to orthogonal signals
 Since 10log102 = 3 dB, we say that bipolar signaling offers a 3 dB
better performance than orthogonal

Comparing BER Performance

For Eb / N 0  10dB
PB ,orthogonal  9.2 x10  2
PB ,antipodal  7.8x10  4

 For the same received signal to noise ratio, antipodal provides lower
bit error rate than orthogonal

Relation Between SNR (S/N) and Eb/N0
 In analog communication the figure of merit used is the average
signal power to average noise power ration or SNR.

 In the previous few slides we have used the term Eb/N0 in the bit
error calculations. How are the two related?

 Eb can be written as STb and N0 is N/W. So we have:

Eb STb S W 
   
N0 N / W N  Rb 
 Thus Eb/N0 can be thought of as normalized SNR..


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