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BCG matrix is a framework created by Boston Consulting

Group to evaluate the strategic position of the business brand

3. BCG Growth-Share Matrix portfolio and its potential. It classifies business portfolio into four
categories based on industry and competitive position.


Stars Question Mark

Potentially profitable products Products with high market growth
with high market share in but low market share and
rapidly growing market. uncertain growth rate.
Market Growth Rate

Life Cycle

Cash Cows Divest Dogs

Very profitable products w/
Products that should be taken
strong market growth and Skim
off market if not profitable.
high and stable market share.
High Low
Relative Market Share
The Value Chain framework of Michael Porter is a model that
helps to analyze specific activities through which firms can create
5. Value Chain Model value and competitive advantage. Inbound Logistics. Includes
receiving, storing, inventory control, transportation scheduling.

Firm Infrastructure
Support Activities

Human Resources

Technology Development

Primary Activities

Inbound Outbound Marketing

Operations Service
Logistics Logistics and Sales

Sourcing and Customer relationship

Industry Value Chain
procurement systems management systems

Suppliers Distributor Firm Merchant Customers

Greiner's Growth Model describes phases that
organizations go through as they grow. Each growth phase
10. Growth Model is made up of a period of relatively stable growth, followed
by a "crisis" when major organizational change is needed if
the company is to carry on growing.

Stage 1 Stage 2 Stage 3 Stage 4 Stage 5 Stage 6

Growth through Growth through Growth through Growth through Growth through Growth through
creativity direction delegation organization collaboration affiliation
Company Size

Growth crisis

Bureaucracy crisis
Control crisis

Autonomy crisis

Leadership crisis

18. Opportunity Segments Mapping The size of each bubble
represents segment
revenue. To assess
strategic fit with acquirer,
consider technological
Segment 3 synergies and process
Segment 5

steps, customer
perspective, and business
models. To assess
segment attractiveness,
Strategic fit with acquirer

consider growth
potential, margin

Segment 1 potential, and

competitive intensity.
Segment 4 Segment 6

Segment 2

Low Medium High

Segment attractiveness
A lean management tool that helps visualize the steps needed
to take from product creation to delivering it to the end-
21. Value Stream Mapping customer. It helps with introspection (understanding your
Information flow business better), as well as analysis and process improvement.

Supplier Customer
Material Flow

Transport Process One Process Two Process Three Transport

Lead Time

Order 6 days 2 hours 15 min 40 min 1 day 30 min 2 days Order

Received Delivered
Process Time

3 hours 10 min 8 min 10 min 30 min 2 hours

A PESTEL analysis is a framework or tool used by marketers to
analyze and monitor the macro-environmental (external
26. PESTEL Analysis marketing environment) factors that have an impact on an
organization. The result of which is used to identify threats
and weaknesses which is used in a SWOT analysis.


Political Economic Social Technological Environmental Legal

Increasing political Increasing labor cost Company ABC was Opportunity in Adverse weather Company ABC was
focus on healthcare infamously fined for advertising through condition causes infamously fined for
pollution issues social media the temporary pollution issues
suspension of
Global governments
some factories
look for healthcare Increasing attention
Low consumer
savings in healthcare sector
Growing attention
to environmental
Political decisions
Low fuel prices and protection
causes political
interest rates helps
promote growth in
market capacity
44. Six Steps of Kaizen The Six Steps of Kaizen
articulates the six
improvement steps that
Improvement Potential are practiced by Toyota
Learn to see waste or improvement potential
during the past decades.
around the work areas. Develop mindset It focuses on the skills,
and attitude required for people to be
successful in process improvement. methods and analysis
Evaluate New Method
1 Implementing the Six
Evaluate the results of the action items in Current Methods
order to verify actual level of improvement.
Steps of Kaizen will
Standardize work practices and follow up to Analyze current methods of work-related facilitate your company
ensure that goals are sustained.
6 2 processes. Example: work analysis, motion
analysis, time study, standardized work, or organization to
machine loss analysis, material flow analysis
achieve a new standard
Implement Plan or level of performance
and enhance your
Create positive atmosphere and Original Ideas
attitude toward implementation. competitiveness.
Communicate thoroughly with 5 3 Apply techniques for stimulating original
affected parties. Follow as needed. ideas and synthesizing solutions

Develop Plan
Create effective plan for implementation, including
communication and tracking purposes. When
possible, make changes quickly and effectively.

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