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Evidence of Science and Technology

during Pre-Historic Times
– the stage of human social, cultural and
technological development that is considered
most advanced.
Ancient humans were able to discover and
invent tools and methods as science
developed and progressed.
Mankind existed long before written word,
there was no historical evidences of how
people lived then because written records of
any kind dated in about 5000 BC.
However, because of the availability of the
new scientific instruments and techniques,
archeology excavation has provided us data
and evidences.
Facts have been unearthed and revealed that
even during primitive time, people have
already developed skills and technology
which served and supplied their needs for
People then discovered, learned, and developed
science and technology as the consequence of their
search for food and other survival needs, for
practical seasons and even curiosity.
Pottery Mud Brick

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