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By :
NIM : F1021171058
TEFL Methodology
Method Content-Based Instruction
•CBI first appeared in the mid-1980s
with the publication of Bernard Mohan’s
work, Language and Content.

•An exploration into the ways in which

the “learning
of language and subject matter... [can] be
•Several “prototype” forms of CBI—
namely theme-based language
instruction, sheltered content instruction,
and adjunct instruction. These forms
differ in several important respects:
1. the type of population and setting that
they serve
2. the respective degree of focus on
language or content;
3. the selection of content;
4. the degree of coordination with
subject matter courses and instructors
Approach • Two central principle :

1. People learn a second language

more successfully when they use the
language as a means of acquiring
information, rather than as an end in

2. Content-based instruction better

reflects need for learning second
Objectives •CBI practitioners use an
integrated skill approach to
language teaching, covering
all four language skills as
well as grammar and

•The objectives relate to the

content, not to the language.
Procedure :
Type of •Language acquisition
appropriate The English teacher uses this
teaching/learnin theme as a point of departure for
g activities
instruction in reading , listening,
speaking, and writing skills

•The thematic content

Focus on vocabulary,
pronouncation, and grammar.
Theory of
Language •Language use draws or integrated
skills :
CBI sees language as combination of
several skills used together.

•Language is purposeful
Language is use for a specific purpose
as, vocational, social or recreational.
Theory of
Learning •Teaching builds on the
previous experiences of
the learners.
Teacher’s •A good language teacher
•Knowledgeable in the

•Be able to draw out that

knowledge from students
Student’s •Become autonomous
•Support each other

•Willing to tolerate uncertainty

•Willing to explore alternative

learning strategies and sources of

•And have a learn by doing

The role of Comprehensibility
material and authenticity are
both important in
Short note :
CBI is a learning approach
that integrates the contents
of subjects with language.

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