Cause and Effect

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Cause and Effect

Kompetensi Inti dan Kompetensi

3.7 Menerapkan fungsi sosial, struktur teks, dan unsur
kebahasaan teks interaksi transaksional lisan dan tulis
yang melibatkan tindakan memberi dan meminta
informasi terkait hubungan sebab akibat, sesuai
dengan konteks penggunaannya. (Perhatikan unsur
kebahasaan because of ..., due to ..., thanks to ...)

4.7 Menyusun teks interaksi transaksional lisan dan tulis

yang melibatkan tindakan memberi dan meminta
informasi terkait hubungan sebab akibat, dengan
memperhatikan fungsi sosial, struktur teks, dan unsur
kebahasaan yang benar dan sesuai konteks

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Indikator Pencapaian Kompetensi

1. Menerapkan fungsi sosial, struktur teks, dan unsur kebahasaan teks

interaksi transaksional lisan dan tulis yang melibatkan tindakan
memberi dan meminta informasi terkait hubungan sebab
menggunkan signal word antara lain seperti :
a. because of
b. reason for
c. due to
d. thanks to
e. for this reason
2. Menerapkan fungsi sosial, struktur teks, dan unsur kebahasaan teks
interaksi transaksional lisan dan tulis yang melibatkan tindakan
memberi dan meminta informasi terkait hubungan akibat
menggunakan word antara lain seperti : a result
b.for this reason
d.Finally MAPTAP 2004 4 order to
• Rendy : Hey man, why you come to school almost late?

• Dimas : Because, my bike had a trouble with tire

• Rendy : What happen with your bike?

• Dimas : Due to puctured nails, my bike is flat tire

• Rendy : Owh, fortunately you can still go to school and follow the test

• Dimas : Yeah, thanks to Wahyu, he is helpful

• Rendy : WHY?

• Dimas : because of his ride, I am not late to school

• Rendy : Hey man, how do you think the test was?

• Dimas : Since I study hard last night, I can finish my test. What if you

• Rendy : As your friend, I think so too.

• Dimas : Man, can u come to my home to night?

• Rendy : Im sorry i cant, for my duty, i have to study.
• Answer the questions bellow
• 1. Why Dimas come to school almost late?
• 2. What caused Dimas bike has flat tire?
• 3. Why is Wahyu so helpful for Dimas?
• 4. What is the effect of studying hard that
Dimas did last night?
• 5. How did Rendy respond when Dimas asked
"can you come to my house tonight"?

Cause and Effect
• Nothing happens without
a reason or without some
kind of consequence.
• When you explain why
things happen and what
occurs when they do, the
technique you use is
called cause and effect.
RPDP Secondary
Cause and Effect
• What is a CAUSE?
– It is what makes something happen
• (Example: The floor was wet...)
• What is an EFFECT?
– It is what happens
• (Example: so, I slipped and fell.)

Two things have to happen in a
cause and effect sentence!
• A CAUSE is what makes something happen.
• An EFFECT is what happens as a result of the
• Look at the pictures below.
• What is the cause?________________
The needle
• What will be the effect?_______________
The balloon will pop

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Cause and Effect
Cause is why something happened.
Effect is the result of what happened.
Because effects always have causes and
causes always lead to effects, we rarely see
one without the other.

RPDP Secondary
• The cause is the first thing that happens.
• It makes the second thing (the effect) happen.
• The part of the sentence after the word because
is the cause.
• The cause answers the question why?

I stayed home from school
because I had the flu.
RPDP Secondary
Cause and Effect
• The effect is the second thing that happens.
• The effect answers the questions:
What happened?
What was the result?

Jaime was going too fast and fell off his bicycle.
Look at the pictures below.
Match the CAUSE with the EFFECT
• Cause • Effect

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Remember these tips…
• The CAUSE happens FIRST
– Ask yourself, what had to happen first?
• The EFFECT happens SECOND
– Ask yourself, what happened last?
• Also: C before E (In the alphabet)
– Cause before Effect!
• Look for clue words
– Because, since, so, on account of, due to the
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What other words help to join
cause and effect sentences?
• The ice cream was melting AS A RESULT
OF the hot weather.
– What is the cause?________________
– What is the effect?________________
– What is the joining clue word?___________

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Which words join the cause and
effect parts of a sentence?
• I told Ellen to come home because it was time for
dinner. _________
• The school was closed yesterday on account of
the snowy weather. ___________
• Sara could not go to the party due to the fact that
she was sick. ____________
• I saved ten dollars as the result of putting one
dollar in my bank every week.____________

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• A. Read the following sentences. Decide if the words in bold are the caus
e orthe effect. Write cause or effect on the line. Then, underline the "sign
al“ word or phrase.

• 1. Early man used weapons becauce they needed to find food.

• 2. The glaciers began to melt; therefore, the land bridge between Asia
• and North America became flooded.
• 3. Because they wanted to learn about different civilizations that
• existed, archaeologists studied artifacts.
• 4. Early man slowly started to grow food, and as a result, their lives
• became easier.
• 5. My sister was very tired because she stayed up past midnight.

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• C. Read the sentences and find the cause and effect. The first one has
been done for you.

• 1. The milk spilled all over the floor, so Jane got a mop and cleaned it
• Cause: milk spilled
• Effect: Jane mopped
• 2. Siti has planned a trip to her uncle’s house because she loves her
• Cause: ...
• Effect: ...
• 3. The green house gases trap the heat in the air, so the Earth
becomes warmer.
• Cause: ...
• Effect: ...
•Thank you …..

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